Source code for shenfun.tensorproductspace

Module for implementation of the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` class and
related methods.
import copy
from numbers import Number
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from mpi4py_fft.mpifft import Transform, PFFT
from mpi4py_fft.pencil import Subcomm, Pencil
from mpi4py import MPI
from shenfun import config
from shenfun.fourier.bases import R2C, C2C
from shenfun.utilities import apply_mask
from shenfun.forms.arguments import Function, Array
from shenfun.optimization import cython
from shenfun.spectralbase import slicedict, islicedict, SpectralBase
from shenfun.coordinates import Coordinates


__all__ = ('TensorProductSpace', 'VectorSpace', 'TensorSpace',
           'CompositeSpace', 'Convolve')

def _get_kind(xfftn, kind):
        family =
        kind = {} if kind is None else kind
        return kind.get(family, config['transforms']['kind'][family])
        return None

def _get_mesh(xfftn, mesh):
    axis = xfftn.func.func.__self__.axis
    if isinstance(mesh, TensorProductSpace):
        return mesh.bases[axis]
    return mesh

# Monkey-patch
Transform._get_kind = _get_kind
Transform._get_mesh = _get_mesh

class BackwardTransform(Transform):
    def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, kind=None, mesh=None, **kw):
        """Compute backward transform

        input_array : array, optional
        output_array : array, optional
        kind : dict, optional
            Alternatives for implementation. Can be used to overload
            config['transforms']['kind'], with a dictionary with family as key
            and values either one of the strings
            - 'fast'
            - 'recursive'
            - 'vandermonde'
            For example kind={'chebyshev': 'vandermonde'}

        mesh : str or functionspace, optional
            - 'quadrature' - use quadrature mesh
            - 'uniform' - use uniform mesh
            - instance of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` or :class:`.CompositeSpace`
              Use Vandermonde and the quadrature mesh of this space.
              The space must have the same underlying mesh distribution as self

        kw : dict
            parameters to serial transforms
            Note in particular that the keyword ``'normalize'=True/False`` can be
            used to turn normalization on or off. Default is to enable
            normalization for forward transforms and disable it for backward.

        If input_array/output_array are not given, then use predefined arrays
        as planned with serial transform object ``_xfftn``.


        if input_array is not None:
            self.input_array[...] = input_array

        for i in range(len(self._transfer)):
            self._xfftn[i](kind=self._get_kind(self._xfftn[i], kind), mesh=self._get_mesh(self._xfftn[i], mesh), **kw)
            arrayA = self._xfftn[i].output_array
            arrayB = self._xfftn[i+1].input_array
            self._transfer[i](arrayA, arrayB)
        self._xfftn[-1](kind=self._get_kind(self._xfftn[-1], kind), mesh=self._get_mesh(self._xfftn[-1], mesh), **kw)

        if output_array is not None:
            output_array[...] = self.output_array
            return output_array
            return self.output_array

class ScalarTransform(Transform):
    """Class for performing the scalar product in parallel

    xfftn : list of serial transform objects
    transfer : list of global redistribution objects
    pencil : list of two pencil objects
        The two pencils represent the input and final output configuration of
        the distributed global arrays
    T : :class:`.TensorProductSpace`
    def __init__(self, xfftn, transfer, pencil, T=None):
        assert len(xfftn) == len(transfer) + 1 and len(pencil) == 2
        assert T is not None
        self._xfftn = tuple(xfftn)
        self._transfer = tuple(transfer)
        self._pencil = tuple(pencil)
        self._T = T

    def sg(self):
        """Return scaling factors of Transform"""
        return self._T.coors.get_sqrt_det_g()

    def local_mesh(self):
        return self._T.local_mesh(True)

    def get_measured_input_array(self):
        dx =
        mesh = self.local_mesh
        if dx == 1:

        if isinstance(dx, Number):
            self.input_array[:] = self.input_array*dx

        sym0 = dx.free_symbols
        m = []
        for sym in sym0:
            j = 'xyzrs'.index(str(sym))
        xj = sp.lambdify(tuple(sym0), dx)(*m)
        self.input_array[...] = self.input_array*xj

    def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, kind=None, **kw):
        """Compute scalar product

        input_array : array, optional
        output_array : array, optional
        kind : dict, optional
            Alternatives for implementation. Can be used to overload
            config['transforms']['kind'], with a dictionary with family as key
            and values either one of the strings
            - 'fast'
            - 'recursive'
            - 'vandermonde'
            For example kind={'chebyshev': 'vandermonde'}
        kw : dict
            parameters to serial transforms
            Note in particular that the keyword ``'normalize'=True/False`` can be
            used to turn normalization on or off. Default is to enable
            normalization for forward transforms and disable it for backward.

        If input_array/output_array are not given, then use predefined arrays
        as planned with serial transform object ``_xfftn``.

        if input_array is not None:
            self.input_array[...] = input_array

        if not self._T.coors.is_cartesian:

        for i in range(len(self._transfer)):
            self._xfftn[i](kind=self._get_kind(self._xfftn[i], kind), **kw)
            arrayA = self._xfftn[i].output_array
            arrayB = self._xfftn[i+1].input_array
            self._transfer[i](arrayA, arrayB)
        self._xfftn[-1](kind=self._get_kind(self._xfftn[-1], kind), **kw)

        if output_array is not None:
            output_array[...] = self.output_array
            return output_array
            return self.output_array

class ForwardTransform(ScalarTransform):
    """Class for performing the forward transform in parallel

    xfftn : list of serial transform objects
    transfer : list of global redistribution objects
    pencil : list of two pencil objects
        The two pencils represent the input and final output configuration of
        the distributed global arrays
    T : :class:`.TensorProductSpace`
    def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, kind=None, **kw):
        """Compute forward transform

        input_array : array, optional
        output_array : array, optional
        kind : dict, optional
            Alternatives for implementation. Can be used to overload
            config['transforms']['kind'], with a dictionary with family as key
            and values either one of the strings
            - 'fast'
            - 'recursive'
            - 'vandermonde'
            For example kind={'chebyshev': 'vandermonde'}
        kw : dict
            parameters to serial transforms
            Note in particular that the keyword ``'normalize'=True/False`` can be
            used to turn normalization on or off. Default is to enable
            normalization for forward transforms and disable it for backward.

        If input_array/output_array are not given, then use predefined arrays
        as planned with serial transform object ``_xfftn``.

        if input_array is not None:
            self.input_array[...] = input_array

        if not self._T.coors.is_cartesian:

        if len(self._T.get_nonhomogeneous_axes()) > 1:
            from shenfun import la, TestFunction, TrialFunction, inner
            assert self._T.dimensions == 2, 'Two inhomogeneous boundary directions only implemented for 2D'
            u = TrialFunction(self._T)
            v = TestFunction(self._T)
            B = inner(u, v, kind=kind)
            b = inner(v, input_array, kind=kind)
            sol = la.Solver2D(B)
            self.output_array[:] = sol(b)
            for i in range(len(self._transfer)):
                self._xfftn[i](kind=self._get_kind(self._xfftn[i], kind), **kw)
                arrayA = self._xfftn[i].output_array
                arrayB = self._xfftn[i+1].input_array
                self._transfer[i](arrayA, arrayB)
            self._xfftn[-1](kind=self._get_kind(self._xfftn[-1], kind), **kw)

        if output_array is not None:
            output_array[...] = self.output_array
            return output_array
            return self.output_array

[docs] class TensorProductSpace(PFFT): """Class for multidimensional tensorproductspaces. The tensorproductspaces are created as Cartesian products from a set of 1D bases. The 1D bases are subclassed instances of the :class:`.SpectralBase` class. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI communicator bases : list List of 1D bases (:class:`.SpectralBase`) axes : tuple of ints, optional A tuple containing the order of which to perform transforms. Last item is transformed first. Defaults to range(len(bases)) dtype : data-type, optional Type of input data in real physical space. If not provided it will be inferred from the bases. slab : bool, optional Use 1D slab decomposition. collapse_fourier : bool, optional Collapse axes for Fourier bases if possible backward_from_pencil : False or Pencil In case of Pencil configure the transform by starting from the Pencil distribution in spectral space. This is primarily intended for a padded space, where the spectral distribution must be equal to the non-padded space. coordinates : 2- or 3-tuple, optional Map for curvilinear coordinatesystem. First tuple are the coordinate variables in the new coordinate system Second tuple are the Cartesian coordinates as functions of the variables in the first tuple. Example:: psi = (theta, r) = sp.symbols('x,y', real=True, positive=True) rv = (r*sp.cos(theta), r*sp.sin(theta)) where psi and rv are the first and second tuples, respectively. If a third item is provided with the tuple, then this third item is used as an additional assumption. For example, it is necessary to provide the assumption ``sympy.Q.positive(sympy.sin(theta))``, such that sympy can evaluate ``sqrt(sympy.sin(theta)**2)`` to ``sympy.sin(theta)`` and not ``Abs(sympy.sin(theta))``. Different coordinates may require different assumptions to help sympy when computing basis functions etc. See :class:`~shenfun.coordinates.Coordinates`. modify_spaces_inplace : bool, optional Whether or not a copy should be made of the input functionspaces. If True, then the input spaces will be modified inplace. kw : dict, optional Dictionary that can be used to plan transforms. Input to method ``plan`` for the bases. """ def __init__(self, comm, bases, axes=None, dtype=None, slab=False, collapse_fourier=False, backward_from_pencil=False, coordinates=None, modify_spaces_inplace=False, **kw): # Note do not call __init__ of super self.comm = comm self.bases = bases if not modify_spaces_inplace: self.bases = tuple([base.get_unplanned() for base in bases]) coors = coordinates if coors is None: psi = sp.symbols('x,y,z,r,s', real=True) coors = (psi[:len(bases)],)*2 self.coors = Coordinates(*coors) self.hi = self.coors.hi = shape = list(self.global_shape()) self.axes = axes assert shape #assert min(shape) > 0 if min(shape) == 0: self.subcomm = comm self._dtype = dtype return if axes is not None: axes = list(axes) if not isinstance(axes, int) else [axes] else: axes = list(range(len(shape))) for i, ax in enumerate(axes): if isinstance(ax, (int, np.integer)): if ax < 0: ax += len(shape) axes[i] = (ax,) else: assert isinstance(ax, (tuple, list)) ax = list(ax) for j, a in enumerate(ax): assert isinstance(a, int) if a < 0: a += len(shape) ax[j] = a axes[i] = ax assert min(axes[i]) >= 0 assert max(axes[i]) < len(shape) assert 0 < len(axes[i]) <= len(shape) assert sorted(axes[i]) == sorted(set(axes[i])) if dtype is None: dtype = complex if isinstance(self.bases[axes[-1][-1]], C2C) else float dtype = np.dtype(dtype) assert dtype.char in 'fdgFDG' self.xfftn = [] self.transfer = [] self.pencil = [None, None] for axis, base in enumerate(self.bases): base.tensorproductspace = self base.axis = axis = slicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=len(self.bases)) = islicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=len(self.bases)) self.axes = axes if not backward_from_pencil: if isinstance(self.bases[axes[-1][-1]], C2C): assert np.dtype(dtype).char in 'FDG' elif isinstance(self.bases[axes[-1][-1]], R2C): assert np.dtype(dtype).char in 'fdg' if isinstance(comm, tuple): assert slab is False assert len(comm) == len(shape) assert comm[axes[-1][-1]].Get_size() == 1 self.subcomm = comm else: if slab: axis = (axes[-1][-1] + 1) % len(shape) dims = [1] * len(shape) dims[axis] = comm.Get_size() else: dims = [0] * len(shape) for ax in axes[-1]: dims[ax] = 1 self.subcomm = Subcomm(comm, dims) # At this points axes is a tuple of tuples of length one. # Try to collapse some Fourier transforms into one. if np.any([abs(base.padding_factor - 1.0) > 1e-6 for base in self.bases]): collapse_fourier = False if collapse_fourier: F = lambda ax: self.bases[ax].family() == 'fourier' and self.subcomm[ax].Get_size() == 1 axis = self.axes[-1][-1] groups = [list(self.axes[-1])] F0 = F(axis) for ax in reversed(self.axes[:-1]): axis = ax[-1] if F0 and F(axis): groups[0].insert(0, axis) else: groups.insert(0, list(ax)) F0 = F(axis) self.axes = groups self.axes = tuple(map(tuple, self.axes)) # Configure all transforms axes = self.axes[-1] pencil = Pencil(self.subcomm, shape, axes[-1]) self.xfftn.append(self.bases[axes[-1]]) self.xfftn[-1].plan(pencil.subshape, axes, dtype, kw) self.pencil[0] = pencilA = pencil if not (shape[axes[-1]] == self.xfftn[-1].forward.output_array.shape[axes[-1]] and self.xfftn[-1].forward.input_array.dtype == self.xfftn[-1].forward.output_array.dtype): dtype = self.xfftn[-1].forward.output_array.dtype shape[axes[-1]] = self.xfftn[-1].forward.output_array.shape[axes[-1]] pencilA = Pencil(self.subcomm, shape, axes[-1]) for i, axes in enumerate(reversed(self.axes[:-1])): pencilB = pencilA.pencil(axes[-1]) transAB = pencilA.transfer(pencilB, dtype) xfftn = self.bases[axes[-1]] xfftn.plan(pencilB.subshape, axes, dtype, kw) self.xfftn.append(xfftn) self.transfer.append(transAB) pencilA = pencilB if not (shape[axes[-1]] == xfftn.forward.output_array.shape[axes[-1]] and xfftn.forward.input_array.dtype == xfftn.forward.output_array.dtype): dtype = xfftn.forward.output_array.dtype shape[axes[-1]] = xfftn.forward.output_array.shape[axes[-1]] pencilA = Pencil(pencilB.subcomm, shape, axes[-1]) self.pencil[1] = pencilA self.forward = ForwardTransform( [o.forward for o in self.xfftn], [o.forward for o in self.transfer], self.pencil, self) self.backward = BackwardTransform( [o.backward for o in self.xfftn[::-1]], [o.backward for o in self.transfer[::-1]], self.pencil[::-1]) self.scalar_product = ScalarTransform( [o.scalar_product for o in self.xfftn], [o.forward for o in self.transfer], self.pencil, self) else: self.configure_backwards(backward_from_pencil, dtype, kw) for i, base in enumerate(self.bases): base.axis = i if isinstance(base.bc, BoundaryValues): base.bc.set_tensor_bcs(base, self)
[docs] def configure_backwards(self, pencil, dtype, kw): """Configure transforms starting from spectral space Parameters ---------- pencil : :class:`.Pencil` The distribution in spectral space dtype : Numpy dtype The type of data in spectral space kw : dict Any parameters for planning transforms Note ---- To ensure the same distribution in spectral space, the padded space must be configured by moving from the spectral space towards the physical space. The distribution does not have to agree in physical space, because the padding is done only in the spectral. """ shape = list(self.global_shape(True)) axes = self.axes[0] xfftn = self.bases[axes[-1]] self.xfftn.append(xfftn) self.subcomm = pencil.subcomm subshape = list(pencil.subshape) if isinstance(xfftn, R2C): subshape[axes[-1]] = int(np.floor(xfftn.N*xfftn.padding_factor)) dtype = np.dtype(dtype.char.lower()) else: subshape[axes[-1]] = int(np.floor(subshape[axes[-1]]*xfftn.padding_factor)) self.xfftn[-1].plan(subshape, axes, dtype, kw) if not (shape[axes[-1]] == self.xfftn[-1].forward.input_array.shape[axes[-1]] and self.xfftn[-1].forward.input_array.dtype == self.xfftn[-1].forward.output_array.dtype): dtype = self.xfftn[-1].forward.input_array.dtype shape[axes[-1]] = self.xfftn[-1].forward.input_array.shape[axes[-1]] pencilA = Pencil(pencil.subcomm, shape, axes[0]) self.pencil[0] = pencilA for axes in self.axes[1:]: pencilB = pencilA.pencil(axes[-1]) transBA = pencilA.transfer(pencilB, dtype) xfftn = self.bases[axes[-1]] subshape = list(pencilB.subshape) if isinstance(xfftn, R2C): subshape[axes[-1]] = int(np.floor(xfftn.N*xfftn.padding_factor)) dtype = np.dtype(dtype.char.lower()) else: subshape[axes[-1]] = int(np.floor(subshape[axes[-1]]*xfftn.padding_factor)) xfftn.plan(subshape, axes, dtype, kw) self.xfftn.append(xfftn) self.transfer.append(transBA) pencilA = pencilB if not (shape[axes[-1]] == xfftn.forward.input_array.shape[axes[-1]] and xfftn.forward.input_array.dtype == xfftn.forward.output_array.dtype): dtype = xfftn.forward.input_array.dtype shape[axes[-1]] = xfftn.forward.input_array.shape[axes[-1]] pencilA = Pencil(pencilB.subcomm, shape, axes[-1]) self.pencil[1] = pencilA self.backward = BackwardTransform( [o.backward for o in self.xfftn], [o.forward for o in self.transfer], self.pencil) self.forward = ForwardTransform( [o.forward for o in self.xfftn[::-1]], [o.backward for o in self.transfer[::-1]], self.pencil[::-1], self) self.scalar_product = ScalarTransform( [o.scalar_product for o in self.xfftn[::-1]], [o.forward for o in self.transfer[::-1]], self.pencil[::-1], self)
[docs] def get_dealiased(self, padding_factor=1.5, dealias_direct=False): """Return space (otherwise as self) to be used for dealiasing Parameters ---------- padding_factor : number or tuple, optional Scale the number of quadrature points in self with this number, or tuple of numbers, one for each dimension. dealias_direct : bool, optional Used only if ``padding_factor=1``. Sets the 1/3 highest frequencies to zeros. """ if padding_factor == 1 and dealias_direct is False: return self if isinstance(padding_factor, Number): padding_factor = (padding_factor,)*len(self) elif isinstance(padding_factor, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): assert len(padding_factor) == len(self) padded_bases = [base.get_dealiased(padding_factor=padding_factor[axis], dealias_direct=dealias_direct) for axis, base in enumerate(self.bases)] # Need the correct order of the transforms in case reversed somehow axes = [] for ax in self.axes: for ai in ax: axes.append(ai) return TensorProductSpace(self.comm, padded_bases, axes=tuple(axes), dtype=self.forward.output_array.dtype, backward_from_pencil=self.forward.output_pencil, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates)
[docs] def get_refined(self, N): """Return space (otherwise as self) refined to new shape Parameters ---------- N : Number or sequence of integers The global shape of the new space. If N is a number, then refine the global shape by multiplying self's global shape by N. If N is an array, then N is treated as the new global shape of the returned space. """ if isinstance(N, Number): N = N*np.array(self.global_shape()) elif isinstance(N, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): assert len(N) == len(self) refined_bases = [base.get_refined(N[axis]) for axis, base in enumerate(self.bases)] return TensorProductSpace(self.subcomm, refined_bases, axes=self.axes, dtype=self.dtype(), coordinates=self.coors.coordinates)
[docs] def get_unplanned(self, tensorproductspace=False, **kwargs): """Return unplanned bases otherwise as self. Or return a new TensorProductSpace from the unplanned bases. Parameters ---------- tensorproductspace : boolean if True, then return a new TensorProductSpace if False, return only the bases kwargs : keyword arguments Any arguments used in the creation of the different bases. """ bases = tuple([base.get_unplanned(**kwargs) for base in self.bases]) if tensorproductspace: return TensorProductSpace(comm, bases) return bases
[docs] def get_homogeneous(self, **kwargs): """Return space with homogeneous boundary conditions, and otherwise as self. Parameters ---------- kwargs : keyword arguments Any arguments used in the creation of the different bases. """ bases = tuple([base.get_homogeneous(**kwargs) for base in self.bases]) return TensorProductSpace(comm, bases)
[docs] def dtype(self, forward_output=False): if hasattr(self, 'forward'): return PFFT.dtype(self, forward_output) return self._dtype
[docs] def convolve(self, a_hat, b_hat, ab_hat): """Convolution of a_hat and b_hat Parameters ---------- a_hat : array Input array of shape and type as output array from self.forward, or instance of :class:`.Function` b_hat : array Input array of shape and type as output array from self.forward, or instance of :class:`.Function` ab_hat : array Return array of same type and shape as a_hat and b_hat Note ---- The return array ab_hat is truncated to the shape of a_hat and b_hat. Also note that self should have bases with padding for this method to give a convolution without aliasing. The padding is specified when creating instances of bases for the :class:`.TensorProductSpace`. FIXME Efficiency due to allocation """ a = self.backward.output_array.copy() b = self.backward.output_array.copy() a = self.backward(a_hat, a) b = self.backward(b_hat, b) ab_hat = self.forward(a*b, ab_hat) return ab_hat
[docs] def eval(self, points, coefficients, output_array=None, method=1): """Evaluate Function at points, given expansion coefficients Parameters ---------- points : float or array of floats Array must be of shape (D, N), for N points in D dimensions coefficients : array Expansion coefficients, or instance of :class:`.Function` output_array : array, optional Return array, function values at points method : int, optional Chooses implementation. The method 0 is a low-memory cython version. Using method = 1 (default) leads to a faster cython implementation that, on the downside, uses more memory. The final, method = 2, is a python implementation. """ if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(points.shape[1], dtype=self.forward.input_array.dtype) else: output_array[:] = 0 if len(self.get_nonperiodic_axes()) > 1: method = 1 assert self.dimensions < 4, 'eval not implemented (yet) for higher dimensions' if method == 0: return self._eval_lm_cython(points, coefficients, output_array) elif method == 1: return self._eval_cython(points, coefficients, output_array) else: return self._eval_python(points, coefficients, output_array)
def _eval_python(self, points, coefficients, output_array): """Evaluate Function at points, given expansion coefficients Parameters ---------- points : float or array of floats coefficients : array Expansion coefficients output_array : array Return array, function values at points """ P = [] last_conj_index = -1 sl = -1 out = [] previous_axes = [] flataxes = [] for ax in self.axes: for a in ax: flataxes.append(a) for axis in flataxes: base = self.bases[axis] x = base.map_reference_domain(points[axis]) D = base.evaluate_basis_all(x=x, argument=1) P = D[..., self.local_slice()[axis]] if isinstance(base, R2C): M = base.N//2+1 if base.N % 2 == 0: last_conj_index = M-1 else: last_conj_index = M offset = self.local_slice()[axis].start sl = offset st = self.local_slice()[axis].stop if sl == 0: sl = 1 st = min(last_conj_index, st) - offset sl -= offset sp = [slice(None), slice(sl, st)] if len(out) == 0: out = np.tensordot(P, coefficients, (1, axis)) if isinstance(base, R2C): ss = [slice(None)]*len(self) ss[axis] = slice(sl, st) out += np.conj(np.tensordot(P[tuple(sp)], coefficients[tuple(ss)], (1, axis))) out = out.real else: k = np.count_nonzero([m < axis for m in previous_axes]) if len(self) == 2: if not isinstance(base, R2C): out2 = np.sum(P*out, axis=-1) else: sp = tuple(sp) out2 = np.sum(P.real*out.real - P.imag*out.imag, axis=-1) out2 += np.sum(np.conj(P[sp].real*out[sp].real - P[sp].imag*out[sp].imag), axis=-1) elif len(self) == 3: sx = [slice(None)]*out.ndim sd = [slice(None)]*out.ndim if len(out.shape) == 3: kk = 1 if axis-k == 1 else 2 sx[kk] = np.newaxis if not isinstance(base, R2C): out2 = np.sum(P[tuple(sx)]*out, axis=1+axis-k) else: out2 = np.sum(P[tuple(sx)].real*out.real - P[tuple(sx)].imag*out.imag, axis=1+axis-k) sx[1+axis-k] = slice(sl, st) sd[1+axis-k] = slice(sl, st) sx = tuple(sx) sd = tuple(sd) out2 += np.sum(np.conj(P[sx].real*out[sd].real - P[sx].imag*out[sd].imag), axis=1+axis-k) out = out2 previous_axes.append(axis) output_array[:] = out output_array = comm.allreduce(output_array) return output_array def _eval_lm_cython(self, points, coefficients, output_array): """Evaluate Function at points, given expansion coefficients Parameters ---------- points : float or array of floats coefficients : array Expansion coefficients output_array : array Return array, function values at points """ r2c = -1 last_conj_index = -1 sl = -1 x = [] w = [] for base in self: axis = base.axis if isinstance(base, R2C): r2c = axis M = base.N//2+1 if base.N % 2 == 0: last_conj_index = M-1 else: last_conj_index = M sl = self.local_slice()[axis].start x.append(base.map_reference_domain(points[axis])) w.append(base.wavenumbers(bcast=False)[self.local_slice()[axis]].astype(float)) if len(self) == 2: output_array = cython.evaluate.evaluate_lm_2D(list(self.bases), output_array, coefficients, x[0], x[1], w[0], w[1], r2c, last_conj_index, sl) elif len(self) == 3: output_array = cython.evaluate.evaluate_lm_3D(list(self.bases), output_array, coefficients, x[0], x[1], x[2], w[0], w[1], w[2], r2c, last_conj_index, sl) output_array = np.atleast_1d(output_array) output_array = comm.allreduce(output_array) return output_array def _eval_cython(self, points, coefficients, output_array): """Evaluate Function at points, given expansion coefficients Parameters ---------- points : float or array of floats coefficients : array Expansion coefficients output_array : array Return array, function values at points """ P = [] r2c = -1 last_conj_index = -1 sl = -1 for base in self: axis = base.axis x = base.map_reference_domain(points[axis]) D = base.evaluate_basis_all(x=x, argument=1) P.append(D[..., self.local_slice()[axis]]) if isinstance(base, R2C): r2c = axis M = base.N//2+1 if base.N % 2 == 0: last_conj_index = M-1 else: last_conj_index = M sl = self.local_slice()[axis].start if len(self) == 2: output_array = cython.evaluate.evaluate_2D(output_array, coefficients, P, r2c, last_conj_index, sl) elif len(self) == 3: output_array = cython.evaluate.evaluate_3D(output_array, coefficients, P, r2c, last_conj_index, sl) output_array = np.atleast_1d(output_array) output_array = comm.allreduce(output_array) return output_array
[docs] def wavenumbers(self, scaled=False, eliminate_highest_freq=False): """Return list of wavenumbers Parameters ---------- scaled : bool, optional Scale wavenumbers with size of box eliminate_highest_freq : bool, optional Set Nyquist frequency to zero for evenly shaped axes of Fourier bases. """ K = [] for base in self: K.append(base.wavenumbers(scaled=scaled, eliminate_highest_freq=eliminate_highest_freq)) return K
[docs] def local_wavenumbers(self, broadcast=False, scaled=False, eliminate_highest_freq=False): """Return list of local wavenumbers Parameters ---------- broadcast : bool, optional Broadcast returned wavenumber arrays to actual dimensions of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` scaled : bool, optional Scale wavenumbers with size of box eliminate_highest_freq : bool, optional Set Nyquist frequency to zero for evenly shaped axes of Fourier bases """ k = self.wavenumbers(scaled=scaled, eliminate_highest_freq=eliminate_highest_freq) lk = [] for axis, (n, s) in enumerate(zip(k, self.local_slice(True))): ss = [slice(None)]*len(k) ss[axis] = s lk.append(n[tuple(ss)]) if broadcast is True: return [np.broadcast_to(m, self.shape()) for m in lk] return lk
[docs] def mesh(self, map_true_domain=True, kind='quadrature'): """Return list of 1D physical meshes for each dimension of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` Parameters ---------- map_true_domain : bool, optional Whether or not to map points to true domain kind : str, optional - 'quadrature' - Use quadrature mesh - 'uniform' - Use uniform mesh """ X = [] for base in self: X.append(base.mesh(bcast=True, map_true_domain=map_true_domain, kind=kind)) return X
[docs] def local_mesh(self, bcast=False, map_true_domain=True, kind='quadrature'): """Return list of local 1D physical meshes for each dimension of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` Parameters ---------- bcast : bool, optional Broadcast each 1D mesh to real shape of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` map_true_domain : bool, optional Whether or not to map points to true domain kind : str, optional - 'quadrature' - Use quadrature mesh - 'uniform' - Use uniform mesh """ mesh = self.mesh(map_true_domain=map_true_domain, kind=kind) lm = [] for axis, (n, s) in enumerate(zip(mesh, self.local_slice(False))): ss = [slice(None)]*len(mesh) ss[axis] = s lm.append(n[tuple(ss)]) if bcast is True: return [np.broadcast_to(m, self.shape(False)) for m in lm] return lm
[docs] def local_cartesian_mesh(self, map_true_domain=True, kind='quadrature'): """Return local Cartesian mesh Parameters ---------- map_true_domain : bool, optional Whether or not to map points to true domain kind : str, optional - 'quadrature' - Use quadrature mesh - 'uniform' - Use uniform mesh """ X = self.local_mesh(bcast=True, map_true_domain=map_true_domain, kind=kind) xx = [] psi = self.coors.coordinates[0] for rv in self.coors.coordinates[1]: xx.append(sp.lambdify(psi, rv)(*X)) return xx
[docs] def cartesian_mesh(self, map_true_domain=True, kind='quadrature'): """Return Cartesian mesh Parameters ---------- map_true_domain : bool, optional Whether or not to map points to true domain kind : str, optional - 'quadrature' - Use quadrature mesh - 'uniform' - Use uniform mesh """ X = self.mesh(map_true_domain=map_true_domain, kind=kind) xx = [] psi = self.coors.coordinates[0] for rv in self.coors.coordinates[1]: xx.append(sp.lambdify(psi, rv)(*X)) return xx
[docs] def dim(self): """Return dimension of ``self`` (degrees of freedom)""" return
[docs] def dims(self): """Return dimensions (degrees of freedom) of all bases in ``self``""" return tuple([base.dim() for base in self])
[docs] def size(self, forward_output=False): """Return number of elements in :class:`.TensorProductSpace`""" return
[docs] def slice(self): """The slices of dofs for each dimension""" return tuple(base.slice() for base in self.bases)
@property def use_fixed_gauge(self): """Return True if :class:`.TensorProductSpace` contains only spaces with Neumann boundary conditions. """ for base in self.bases: if base.boundary_condition() != 'Neumann': # Any other boundary condition triggers False # It is only Neumann bases that requires a gauge return False return True
[docs] def global_shape(self, forward_output=False): """Return global shape of arrays for :class:`.TensorProductSpace` Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional If True then return shape of an array that is the result of a forward transform. If False then return shape of physical space, i.e., the input to a forward transform. """ return tuple([base.shape(forward_output) for base in self])
@property def domains(self): """Return domains for all directions """ return tuple([base.domain for base in self]) @property def volume(self): """Return computational volume """ vol = 1 for d in vol *= (d[1]-d[0]) return vol
[docs] def mask_nyquist(self, u_hat, mask=None): """Return :class:`.Function` ``u_hat`` with zero Nyquist coefficients Parameters ---------- u_hat : array :class:`.Function` to be masked mask : array or None, optional mask array, if not provided then get the mask by calling :func:`get_mask_nyquist` """ if mask is None: mask = self.get_mask_nyquist() u_hat = apply_mask(u_hat, mask) return u_hat
[docs] def get_mask_nyquist(self): """Return an array with zeros for Nyquist coefficients and one otherwise""" k = [] do_mask = False for base in self: if == 'fourier': k.append(base.get_mask_nyquist(bcast=True)) if base.N % 2 == 0: do_mask = True else: k.append(None) if not do_mask: return None lk = [] for axis, (n, s) in enumerate(zip(k, self.local_slice(True))): if n is None: lk.append(1) else: ss = [slice(None)]*len(k) ss[axis] = s lk.append(n[tuple(ss)]) mask = 1 for ll in lk: mask = mask * ll return mask
[docs] def get_measured_array(self, u): """Weigh Array ``u`` with integral measure Parameters ---------- u : Array """ dx = self.coors.get_sqrt_det_g() mesh = self.local_mesh(True) if dx == 1: return u if isinstance(dx, Number): u *= dx return u sym0 = dx.free_symbols m = [] for sym in sym0: j = 'xyzrs'.index(str(sym)) m.append(mesh[j]) xj = sp.lambdify(tuple(sym0), dx)(*m) u *= xj return u
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.bases) @property def rank(self): """Return tensor rank of :class:`.TensorProductSpace`""" return 0 @property def tensor_rank(self): return 0 def __len__(self): """Return dimension of :class:`.TensorProductSpace`""" return len(self.bases)
[docs] def num_components(self): """Return number of scalar spaces in :class:`.TensorProductSpace`""" return 1
@property def dimensions(self): """Return dimension of :class:`.TensorProductSpace`""" return self.__len__() def get_nonperiodic_axes(self): axes = [] for axis, base in enumerate(self): if not == 'fourier': axes.append(axis) return np.array(axes) def get_nondiagonal_axes(self): # Return list of axes that **may** contain non-diagonal matrices axes = [] if isinstance(, sp.Expr): x = 'xyzrs' sym = msaxes = set() for s in sym: if str(s) in x: msaxes.add(x.index(str(s))) for axis, base in enumerate(self): if not == 'fourier': axes.append(axis) if == 'fourier' and (axis in msaxes) and base.N > 1: axes.append(axis) return np.array(axes) def get_diagonal_axes(self): return np.setxor1d(self.get_nondiagonal_axes(), range(self.dimensions)).astype(int) def get_nonhomogeneous_axes(self): axes = [] for axis, base in enumerate(self): if base.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs: axes.append(axis) return np.array(axes) @property def is_orthogonal(self): ortho = True for base in self.bases: ortho *= base.is_orthogonal return ortho @property def is_padded(self): padded = True for base in self.bases: padded *= base.is_padded return padded
[docs] def get_orthogonal(self): """Return tensor product space using the orthogonal basis for all directions""" ortho = [] for base in self.bases: ortho.append(base.get_orthogonal()) return TensorProductSpace(self.subcomm, ortho, axes=self.axes, dtype=self.forward.input_array.dtype, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates)
[docs] def get_testspace(self, kind='Galerkin', **kwargs): r"""Return appropriate test space Parameters ---------- kind : str, optional - 'Galerkin' - or 'G' - 'Petrov-Galerkin' - or 'PG' If kind = 'Galerkin', then return self, corresponding to a regular Galerkin method. If kind = 'Petrov-Galerkin' or 'PG', then return a test space that makes use of the testbases `Phi1`, `Phi2`, `Phi3` or `Phi4`, where the choice is made based on the number of boundary conditions in self. One boundary condition uses `Phi1`, two uses `Phi2` etc. kwargs : keyword arguments, optional Any other keyword arguments used in the creation of the test bases. Note ---- Petrov-Galerkin is only possible for Jacobi polynomials. If mixed with, e.g., Fourier spaces, then regular Galerkin is used for the non-polynomial bases. Returns ------- Instance of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` """ test = [] for base in self.bases: test.append(base.get_testspace(kind=kind, **kwargs)) return TensorProductSpace(self.subcomm, test, axes=self.axes, dtype=self.forward.input_array.dtype, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates)
[docs] def get_adaptive(self, fun=None, reltol=1e-12, abstol=1e-15): """Return space (otherwise as self) with number of quadrature points determined by fitting `fun` Returns ------- :class:`.TensorProductSpace` A new space with adaptively found number of quadrature points Note ---- Only spaces defined with N=0 quadrature points are adapted, the others are kept as is Example ------- >>> from shenfun import FunctionSpace, Function, TensorProductSpace, comm >>> import sympy as sp >>> r, theta = psi = sp.symbols('x,y', real=True, positive=True) >>> rv = (r*sp.cos(theta), r*sp.sin(theta)) >>> B0 = FunctionSpace(0, 'C', domain=(0, 1)) >>> F0 = FunctionSpace(0, 'F', dtype='d') >>> T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (B0, F0), coordinates=(psi, rv)) >>> u = Function(T, buffer=((1-r)*r)**4*(sp.cos(10*theta))) >>> print(u.global_shape) (9, 11) """ domains = [base.domain for base in self.bases] sym0 = fun.free_symbols sd = {str(sym): sym for sym in sym0} Tj = [] for axis, base in enumerate(self.bases): # First remove all other axes from the function otheraxes = list(range(len(self.bases))) otheraxes.remove(axis) fj = fun.copy() bcc = None if base.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs: bcc = base.bc.bcs.copy() for ax in otheraxes: fj = fj.subs(sd['xyzrs'[ax]], 0.5*(domains[ax][1]-domains[ax][0])) if base.N == 0: par = dict(fun=fj, reltol=reltol, abstol=abstol) if base.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs: for l, bc in enumerate(bcc): bc = bc.subs(sd['xyzrs'[ax]], 0.5*(domains[ax][1]-domains[ax][0])) bcc[l] = bc par['bc'] = bcc Tj.append(base.get_adaptive(**par)) if base.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs: Tj[-1].bc = BoundaryValues(Tj[-1], bc=base.bc) else: Tj.append(base) return TensorProductSpace(self.subcomm, Tj, axes=self.axes, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates)
@property def is_composite_space(self): return 0 def __getitem__(self, i): """Return instance of base i Parameters ---------- i : int """ return self.bases[i]
[docs] def compatible_base(self, space): """Return whether space is compatible with self. Parameters ---------- space : :class:`.TensorProductSpace` The space compared to Note ---- Two spaces are deemed compatible if the underlying bases, along each direction, belong to the same family, has the same number of quadrature points, and the same quadrature scheme. """ compatible = True for base0, base1 in zip(self.bases, space.bases): if not hash(base0) == hash(base1): compatible = False break return compatible
[docs] def shape(self, forward_output=True): """The local (to each processor) shape of data Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional Return shape of output array (spectral space) if True, else return shape of input array (physical space) """ if forward_output is not True: return self.forward.input_pencil.subshape return self.forward.output_array.shape
def _get_ndiag_cum_dofs(self): """Return the cumulative sum of degrees of freedom along nondiagonal axes""" dims = np.array(self.dims()) daxes = self.get_diagonal_axes() if len(daxes) > 0: dims[daxes] = 1 return np.array([0,], dtype=int) def _get_ndiag_slices(self, j=()): """Return a sequence of slices for non-diagonal axes and integers for diagonal""" assert self.num_components() == 1 sl = (0,)+self.slice() daxes = self.get_diagonal_axes() if len(daxes) > 0: daxes += 1 j = np.atleast_1d((0,)*len(daxes) if j == () else j) assert len(j) == len(daxes) sa = np.array(sl) if len(daxes) > 0: sa.T[daxes] = j if isinstance(j, int) else np.array(j)[:, None] return np.atleast_2d(sa) def _get_ndiag_slices_and_dims(self, j=()): """Return nondiagonal slices and their accumulated dimensions""" sl = self._get_ndiag_slices(j) dims = self._get_ndiag_cum_dofs() return sl, dims
[docs] class CompositeSpace: """Class for composite tensorproductspaces. The mixed spaces are Cartesian products of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` or other instances of :class:`.CompositeSpace`. Parameters ---------- spaces : list List of spaces """ def __init__(self, spaces): self.spaces = spaces self.forward = VectorTransform([space.forward for space in spaces]) self.backward = VectorTransform([space.backward for space in spaces]) self.scalar_product = VectorTransform([space.scalar_product for space in spaces]) @property def is_composite_space(self): return 1
[docs] def eval(self, points, coefficients, output_array=None, method=1): """Evaluate Function at points, given expansion coefficients Parameters ---------- points : float or array of floats coefficients : array Expansion coefficients output_array : array, optional Return array, function values at points method : int, optional Chooses implementation. Method 0 is a low-memory cython version. Using method = 1 (default) leads to a faster cython implementation that, on the downside, uses more memory. The final, method = 2, is a python implementation used mainly for verification. """ if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros((len(self.flatten()), points.shape[-1]), dtype=self.forward.input_array.dtype) for i, space in enumerate(self.flatten()): output_array.__array__()[i] = space.eval(points, coefficients.__array__()[i], output_array.__array__()[i], method) return output_array
[docs] def convolve(self, a_hat, b_hat, ab_hat): """Convolution of a_hat and b_hat Parameters ---------- a_hat : array Input array of shape and type as output array from self.forward, or instance of :class:`.Function` b_hat : array Input array of shape and type as output array from self.forward, or instance of :class:`.Function` ab_hat : array Return array of same type and shape as a_hat and b_hat Note ---- Note that self should have bases with padding for this method to give a convolution without aliasing. The padding is specified when creating instances of bases for the TensorProductSpace. FIXME Efficiency due to allocation """ N = list(self.backward.output_array.shape) a = np.zeros([self.dimensions]+N, dtype=self.backward.output_array.dtype) b = np.zeros([self.dimensions]+N, dtype=self.backward.output_array.dtype) a = self.backward(a_hat, a) b = self.backward(b_hat, b) ab_hat = self.forward(a*b, ab_hat) return ab_hat
@property def dimensions(self): return self.flatten()[0].dimensions @property def rank(self): """Return rank of space Note ---- This is 1 for all composite spaces, since we use a flat storage of all composite arrays. """ return 1 @property def tensor_rank(self): """Return rank of tensor Note ---- This is the number of free indices in the tensor, 0 for scalar, 1 for vector etc. It is None for a composite space that is not a tensor. """ return None
[docs] def dim(self): """Return dimension of ``self`` (degrees of freedom)""" return sum(self.dims())
[docs] def dims(self): """Return dimensions (degrees of freedom) of all spaces in ``self``""" s = [] for space in self.flatten(): s.append(space.dim()) return s
[docs] def dims_composite(self): """Return dimensions per axis (degrees of freedom) of all spaces in ``self``""" s = [] for space in self.flatten(): s.append(space.dims()) return np.array(s)
[docs] def get_offsets(self): """Return offsets for spaces""" return np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, self.dimensions), dtype=int), np.cumsum(self.dims_composite(), axis=0)))
def _get_ndiag_cum_dofs(self): """Return the cumulative sum of degrees of freedom along nondiagonal axes""" dc = self.dims_composite() daxes = self.get_diagonal_axes() dc.T[daxes] = 1 dci =, axis=1) dims = np.array([0]+np.cumsum(dci).tolist()) return dims def _get_ndiag_slices(self, j=()): sl = self.slice() daxes = self.get_diagonal_axes() if len(daxes) > 0: daxes += 1 j = np.atleast_1d((0,)*len(daxes) if j == () else j) assert len(j) == len(daxes) sa = np.array(sl) if len(daxes) > 0: sa.T[daxes] = np.array(j)[:, None] return sa def _get_ndiag_slices_and_dims(self, j=()): sl = self._get_ndiag_slices(j) dims = [0] for s in sl: d =[1 if isinstance(i, int) else i.stop-i.start for i in s]) dims.append(dims[-1]+d) return sl, np.array(dims)
[docs] def slice(self): """The slices of dofs for each dimension""" return tuple(tuple([i]+list(space.slice())) for i, space in enumerate(self.flatten()))
[docs] def size(self, forward_output=False): """Return number of elements in :class:`.CompositeSpace`""" N = self.shape(forward_output) if forward_output: return np.sum([ for s in N]) else: return
[docs] def shape(self, forward_output=False): """Return shape of arrays for :class:`.CompositeSpace` Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional If True then return shape of an array that is the result of a forward transform. If False then return shape of physical space, i.e., the input to a forward transform. Note ---- A :class:`.CompositeSpace` may contain tensor product spaces of different shape in spectral space. Hence this function returns a list of shapes and not one single tuple. """ if forward_output: s = [] for space in self.flatten(): s.append(space.shape(forward_output)) else: s = self.flatten()[0].shape(forward_output) s = (self.num_components(),) + s return s
[docs] def global_shape(self, forward_output=False): """Return global shape for :class:`.CompositeSpace` Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional If True then return shape of an array that is the result of a forward transform. If False then return shape of physical space, i.e., the input to a forward transform. """ s = self.flatten()[0].global_shape(forward_output) return (self.num_components(),) + s
[docs] def local_slice(self, forward_output=False): """The local view into the global data Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional Return local slices of output array (spectral space) if True, else return local slices of input array (physical space) """ s = self.flatten()[0].local_slice(forward_output) return (slice(None),) + s
def num_components(self): f = self.flatten() return len(f) def flatten(self): s = [] def _recursiveflatten(l, s): if hasattr(l, 'spaces'): for i in l.spaces: _recursiveflatten(i, s) else: s.append(l) _recursiveflatten(self, s) return s def compatible_base(self, space): assert self.rank == space.rank compatible = True for space0, space1 in zip(self.flatten(), space.flatten()): if space0.compatible_base(space1) is False: compatible = False break return compatible def get_refined(self, N): raise NotImplementedError def get_orthogonal(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_dealiased(self, padding_factor=1.5, dealias_direct=False): raise NotImplementedError def __getitem__(self, i): return self.spaces[i] def __getattr__(self, name): obj = object.__getattribute__(self, 'spaces') assert name not in ('bases',) return getattr(obj[0], name) def __len__(self): return len(self.spaces)
[docs] class VectorSpace(CompositeSpace): """Vector of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` instances. This is simply a special :class:`.CompositeSpace` where the number of instances of the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` class equals the geometrical dimension of the problem. For example, a TensorProductSpace created by a tensorproduct of 2 1D spaces, will have vectors of length 2. A TensorProductSpace created from 3 1D spaces will have vectors of length 3. Parameters ---------- space : :class:`.TensorProductSpace` or list of ndim instances of the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` class to create vector from. """ def __init__(self, space): if isinstance(space, list): assert len(space) == space[0].dimensions spaces = space else: spaces = [space]*space.dimensions CompositeSpace.__init__(self, spaces)
[docs] def num_components(self): """Return number of spaces in mixed space""" assert len(self.spaces) == self.dimensions return self.dimensions
@property def tensor_rank(self): return 1
[docs] def shape(self, forward_output=False): """Return shape of arrays for :class:`.VectorSpace` Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional If True then return shape of an array that is the result of a forward transform. If False then return shape of physical space, i.e., the input to a forward transform. """ s = self.flatten()[0].shape(forward_output) s = (self.num_components(),) + s return s
def get_refined(self, N): if np.all([s == self.spaces[0] for s in self.spaces[1:]]): return VectorSpace(self.spaces[0].get_refined(N)) return VectorSpace([s.get_refined(N) for s in self.spaces]) def get_dealiased(self, padding_factor=1.5, dealias_direct=False): if padding_factor == 1 and dealias_direct == False: return self if np.all([s == self.spaces[0] for s in self.spaces[1:]]): return VectorSpace(self.spaces[0].get_dealiased(padding_factor, dealias_direct)) return VectorSpace([s.get_dealiased(padding_factor, dealias_direct) for s in self.spaces]) def get_orthogonal(self): if np.all([s == self.spaces[0] for s in self.spaces[1:]]): return VectorSpace(self.spaces[0].get_orthogonal()) return VectorSpace([s.get_orthogonal() for s in self.spaces])
[docs] class TensorSpace(VectorSpace): """A special :class:`.CompositeSpace` for second rank tensors. A TensorProductSpace created by a tensorproduct of 2 1D bases, will have tensors of length 4. A TensorProductSpace created from 3 1D bases will have tensors of length 9. Parameters ---------- space : :class:`.TensorProductSpace` or list of ndim :class:`.VectorSpace`s Spaces to create vector from """ def __init__(self, space): if isinstance(space, list): assert isinstance(space[0], VectorSpace) assert len(space) == space[0].dimensions spaces = space elif isinstance(space, VectorSpace): spaces = [space]*space.dimensions else: assert isinstance(space, TensorProductSpace) spaces = [VectorSpace(space)]*space.dimensions CompositeSpace.__init__(self, spaces)
[docs] def num_components(self): return self.dimensions**2
@property def tensor_rank(self): return 2 def get_refined(self, N): if np.all([s == self.spaces[0] for s in self.spaces[1:]]): return TensorSpace(self.spaces[0].get_refined(N)) return TensorSpace([s.get_refined(N) for s in self.spaces]) def get_dealiased(self, padding_factor=1.5, dealias_direct=False): if padding_factor == 1 and dealias_direct == False: return self if np.all([s == self.spaces[0] for s in self.spaces[1:]]): return TensorSpace(self.spaces[0].get_dealiased(padding_factor, dealias_direct)) return TensorSpace([s.get_dealiased(padding_factor, dealias_direct) for s in self.spaces]) def get_orthogonal(self): if np.all([s == self.spaces[0] for s in self.spaces[1:]]): return TensorSpace(self.spaces[0].get_orthogonal()) return TensorSpace([s.get_orthogonal() for s in self.spaces])
class VectorTransform: __slots__ = ('_transforms',) def __init__(self, transforms): self._transforms = [] for transform in transforms: if isinstance(transform, VectorTransform): self._transforms += transform._transforms else: self._transforms.append(transform) def __getattr__(self, name): obj = object.__getattribute__(self, '_transforms') if name == '_transforms': return obj return getattr(obj[0], name) def __call__(self, input_array, output_array, kind=None, **kw): mesh = kw.get('mesh', None) # only backward transform for i, transform in enumerate(self._transforms): if mesh is not None: mi = mesh[i] if isinstance(mesh, CompositeSpace) else mesh kw['mesh'] = mi output_array.__array__()[i] = transform(input_array.__array__()[i], output_array.__array__()[i], kind=kind, **kw) return output_array
[docs] class Convolve: r"""Class for convolving without truncation. The convolution of :math:`\hat{a}` and :math:`\hat{b}` is computed by first transforming backwards with padding:: a = Tp.backward(a_hat) b = Tp.backward(b_hat) and then transforming the product ``a*b`` forward without truncation:: ab_hat = T.forward(a*b) where Tp is a :class:`.TensorProductSpace` for regular padding, and T is a TensorProductSpace with no padding, but using the shape of the padded a and b arrays. For convolve with truncation forward, use just the convolve method of the Tp space instead. Parameters ---------- padding_space : :class:`.TensorProductSpace` Space with regular padding backward and truncation forward. """ def __init__(self, padding_space): self.padding_space = padding_space shape = padding_space.shape() bases = [] for i, base in enumerate(padding_space.bases): newbase = base.__class__(shape[i], padding_factor=1.0) bases.append(newbase) axes = [] for axis in padding_space.axes: axes.append(axis[0]) newspace = TensorProductSpace(padding_space.comm, bases, axes=axes) self.newspace = newspace
[docs] def __call__(self, a_hat, b_hat, ab_hat=None): """Compute convolution of a_hat and b_hat without truncation Parameters ---------- a_hat : :class:`.Function` b_hat : :class:`.Function` ab_hat : :class:`.Function` """ Tp = self.padding_space T = self.newspace if ab_hat is None: ab_hat = Function(T) a = Array(Tp) b = Array(Tp) a = Tp.backward(a_hat, a) b = Tp.backward(b_hat, b) ab_hat = T.forward(a*b, ab_hat) return ab_hat
class BoundaryValues: """Class for setting nonhomogeneous boundary conditions inside a multi- dimensional :class:`.TensorProductSpace`. Parameters ---------- T : :class:`.SpectralBase` bc : :class:`.BoundaryConditions` """ # pylint: disable=protected-access, redefined-outer-name, dangerous-default-value, unsubscriptable-object def __init__(self, T, bc): self.base = T self.tensorproductspace = None self.bc = bc self.bcs = bc.orderedvals() # Processed bc self.bcs_final = bc.orderedvals() # Data. May differ from bcs only for TensorProductSpaces self.axis = 0 self.bc_time = 0 def update(self, time=None, update_tensor=False): """Update boundary values Parameters ---------- time : number For boundary condition depending on time. Update with new time. update_tensor : bool Whether or not to update tensor if inhomogeneous 1D space is part of a tensorproductspace """ from shenfun.forms.project import Project bcs = self.bc.orderedvals() if self.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs: tt = sp.symbols('t', real=True) for i, bci in enumerate(bcs): if isinstance(bci, Project): bci() update_tensor = True elif isinstance(bci, sp.Expr) and time is not None: if tt in bci.free_symbols: self.bc_time = time bcs[i] = bci.subs(tt, time) update_tensor = True if update_tensor: self.bcs = bcs self.bcs_final[:] = self.bcs if self.tensorproductspace is not None: self.set_tensor_bcs(self.base, self.tensorproductspace) def set_tensor_bcs(self, this_base, T): """Set correct boundary values for tensor, using values in self.bc Parameters ---------- this_base : instance of :class:`.SpectralBase` T : instance of :class:`.TensorProductSpace` Note ---- To modify boundary conditions on the fly, modify first self.bc and then call this function. The boundary condition can then be applied as before. """ from shenfun import project from shenfun.utilities import split self.axis = this_base.axis self.base = this_base self.tensorproductspace = T if isinstance(T, SpectralBase): pass elif this_base.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs: # Setting an inhomogeneous boundary condition in a TensorProductSpace # is more involved than for a single dimension, and the routine will # depend on the order of the bases. Basically, the inhomogeneous value # needs to be projected to a space consisting of all the other function # spaces, except the inhomogeneous one. This would be very easy if it was # not for MPI. axis = None number_of_bases_after_this = 0 for axes in reversed(T.axes): base = T.bases[axes[-1]] if base == this_base: axis = base.axis else: if axis is None: number_of_bases_after_this += 1 if self.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs() is False: for i in range(len(self.bcs)): self.bcs[i] = self.bcs_final[i] = 0 return # Set boundary values # These are values set at the end of a transform in an # inhomogeneous space, but before any other transforms b = Array(T) s = T.local_slice(False)[self.axis] num_bcs = self.bc.num_bcs() for j, bci in enumerate(self.bc.orderedvals()): if isinstance(bci, sp.Expr): X = T.local_mesh(True) for sym in bci.free_symbols: tt = sp.symbols('t', real=True) if sym == tt: bci = bci.subs(tt, self.bc_time) sym0 = bci.free_symbols lbci = sp.lambdify(tuple(sym0), bci, 'numpy') Yi = [] for sym in sym0: k = 'xyzrs'.index(str(sym)) Yi.append(X[k][[j]]) f_bci = lbci(*Yi) # Put the value in the position of the bc dofs if s.stop == int(this_base.N*this_base.padding_factor): b[[-num_bcs+j]] = f_bci elif isinstance(bci, Function): # if bci is some Function that needs to be evaluated at the boundary sl = list(T.local_slice(False)) sl.pop(self.axis) sl = tuple(sl) gs = list(T.global_shape()) gs.pop(self.axis) gs = tuple(gs) mesh = [] sj =[0] for axis, mj in enumerate(T.mesh(True)): mj = np.broadcast_to(mj[sj], gs) if axis != self.axis: mesh.append(mj.flatten()) name = self.bc.orderednames()[j] dm = this_base.domain[0] if 'L' in name else this_base.domain[1] mesh.insert(self.axis, np.ones(len(mesh[0]))*dm) xj = np.vstack(mesh) newb = bci.function_space().eval(xj, bci).reshape(gs) if s.stop == int(this_base.N*this_base.padding_factor): b[[-num_bcs+j]] = newb[sl] elif isinstance(bci, (Number, np.ndarray)): if s.stop == int(this_base.N*this_base.padding_factor): b[[-num_bcs+j]] = bci else: raise NotImplementedError if len(T.get_nonhomogeneous_axes()) == 1: for j, bci in enumerate(self.bc.orderedvals()): from .spectralbase import FuncWrap if number_of_bases_after_this == 0: # Inhomogeneous base is the first to be transformed b_hat = b else: i = number_of_bases_after_this u_hat = T.forward._xfftn[i].input_array dx = T.coors.get_sqrt_det_g() msdict = split(dx) c = msdict[0]['coeff'] fun = FuncWrap(lambda x, y, **kw: x, u_hat, u_hat) # Do-nothing fwd = Transform(list(T.forward._xfftn[:i])+[fun], T.forward._transfer[:i], [[], []]) b_hat = fwd(c*b).copy() # Now b_hat contains the correct slices in slm1 and slm2 # These are the values to use on intermediate steps. # If for example a Dirichlet space is squeezed between two Fourier spaces self.bcs[j] = b_hat[[-num_bcs+j]].copy() b_hat = T.forward(b).copy() for j in range(self.bc.num_bcs()): self.bcs_final[j] = b_hat[[-num_bcs+j]].copy() elif len(T.get_nonhomogeneous_axes()) == 2: assert len(T.bases) == 2, 'Only implemented for 2D' bases = [] for axis, base in enumerate(T.bases): if not base is this_base: bases.append(base.get_unplanned()) other_base = bases[0] ua = Array(other_base) lr = {'left': 0, 'right': 1} num_bcs = this_base.bcs.num_bcs() df = 2./(other_base.domain[1]-other_base.domain[0]) for i, bcj in enumerate(this_base.bcs.orderedvals()): sym = sp.sympify(bcj).free_symbols xx = sym.pop() if len(sym) == 1 else None for lr_other, bco in other_base.bcs.items(): xj = other_base.domain[lr[lr_other]] for key in bco.keys(): if xx is not None: if key == 'D': bco[key] = bcj.subs(xx, xj) elif key == 'N': bco[key] = bcj.diff(xx, 1).subs(xx, xj)/df elif key == 'N2': bco[key] = bcj.diff(xx, 2).subs(xx, xj)/df**2 elif key == 'N3': bco[key] = bcj.diff(xx, 3).subs(xx, xj)/df**3 elif key == 'N4': bco[key] = bcj.diff(xx, 4).subs(xx, xj)/df**4 else: bco[key] = bcj other_base.bc.bcs[:] = other_base.bcs.orderedvals() other_base.bc.bcs_final[:] = other_base.bcs.orderedvals() ua[:] = b[[-num_bcs+i]] self.bcs_final[i] = project(ua, other_base) def _add_to_orthogonal(self, u, uh): """Add contribution from boundary functions to ``u`` Parameters ---------- u : Function Apply boundary values to this Function uh : Function Containing correct boundary values of Function """ B = self.base.get_bc_space() M = (B.stencil_matrix().T).astype(float) sl = B.slice() ds = uh.shape[self.base.axis] - B.N if ds > 0: # uh is padded, but B is not. Boundary dofs are in padded locations. sl = slice(sl.start + ds, sl.stop + ds) if u.ndim > 1: sl =[sl] for i, row in enumerate(M): u[[i]] += np.sum(self.base.broadcast_to_ndims(row)*uh[sl], axis=self.base.axis) def _add_mass_rhs(self, u): """Add contribution of boundary functions to rhs before solving in forward transforms Parameters ---------- u : Function Add boundary values to this Function """ self.set_boundary_dofs(u) if not self.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs(): # there's no contribution for homogeneous bcs return coors = self.tensorproductspace.coors if self.tensorproductspace else self.base.coors M = self.base.get_bcmass_matrix(coors.get_sqrt_det_g()) w0 = np.zeros_like(u) u -= M.matvec(u, w0, axis=self.base.axis) def set_boundary_dofs(self, u, final=False): """Apply boundary condition after solving, fixing boundary dofs Parameters ---------- u : Function Apply boundary values to this Function final : bool Whether the function is fully transformed or not. Not is used in forward transforms, where the transform of this base may be in between the transforms of other bases. If final is True, then u must be a fully transformed Function. """ M = self.bc.num_bcs() if final is True: for i in range(M): u[[-(M)+i]] = self.bcs_final[i] else: for i in range(M): u[[-(M)+i]] = self.bcs[i] def has_nonhomogeneous_bcs(self): from shenfun.forms.project import Project for bc in self.bc.orderedvals(): if isinstance(bc, Number): if not bc == 0: return True elif isinstance(bc, Project): return True elif isinstance(bc, np.ndarray): if not np.all(bc == 0): return True elif isinstance(bc, sp.Expr): return True return False