Source code for shenfun.spectralbase

This module contains classes for working with global spectral Galerkin methods
in one dimension. All spectral functions have the following expansions on the
real line

   :math:`u(x) = \sum_{k\in\mathcal{I}}\hat{u}_{k} \phi_k(x)`

where :math:`\mathcal{I}` is a index set of the basis, which differs from
space to space. :math:`\phi_k` is the k't basis function and the function
space is the span of these basis functions.

See the [documentation]( for more details.

#pylint: disable=unused-argument, not-callable, no-self-use, protected-access, too-many-public-methods, missing-docstring

import importlib
import re
import copy
import importlib
from numbers import Number
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from mpi4py_fft import fftw
from shenfun import config
from shenfun.utilities import get_stencil_matrix, n
from .utilities import CachedArrayDict, split
from .coordinates import Coordinates
work = CachedArrayDict()
xp = sp.Symbol('x', real=True)

[docs] class SpectralBase: """Abstract base class for all spectral function spaces """ # pylint: disable=method-hidden, too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, N, quad='', padding_factor=1, domain=(-1., 1.), dtype=None, dealias_direct=False, coordinates=None): self.N = N self.domain = domain self.quad = quad self.axis = 0 self.bc = None self._bc_space = None self._stencil = None self._stencil_matrix = {} self.padding_factor = padding_factor if padding_factor != 1: self.padding_factor = np.floor(N*padding_factor)/N if N > 0 else 1 self.dealias_direct = dealias_direct self._mass = None # Mass matrix (if needed) self._dtype = dtype self._M = 1.0 # Normalization factor self._xfftn_fwd = None # external forward transform function self._xfftn_bck = None # external backward transform function coors = coordinates if coordinates is not None else ((sp.Symbol('x', real=True),),)*2 self.coors = Coordinates(*coors) self.hi = self.coors.hi = = islicedict() = slicedict() self._tensorproductspace = None # link if belonging to TensorProductSpace
[docs] def points_and_weights(self, N=None, map_true_domain=False, weighted=True, **kw): r"""Return points and weights of quadrature for weighted integral .. math:: \int_{\Omega} f(x) w(x) dx \approx \sum_{i} f(x_i) w_i Parameters ---------- N : int, optional Number of quadrature points map_true_domain : bool, optional Whether or not to map points to true domain weighted : bool, optional Whether to use quadrature weights for a weighted inner product (default), or a regular, non-weighted inner product. Note ---- The weight of the space is included in the returned quadrature weights. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def mesh(self, bcast=True, map_true_domain=True, kind='quadrature'): """Return the computational mesh Parameters ---------- bcast : bool Whether or not to broadcast to :meth:`.dimensions` if an instance of this basis belongs to a :class:`.TensorProductSpace`. The returned mesh then has shape one in all ndims-1 dimensions apart from self.axis. map_true_domain : bool, optional Whether or not to map points to true domain kind : str, optional - 'quadrature' - Use quadrature mesh - 'uniform' - Use uniform mesh Note ---- For curvilinear problems this function returns the computational mesh. For the corresponding Cartesian mesh, use :meth:`.cartesian_mesh` """ N = self.shape(False) if == 'fourier': kind = 'quadrature' if kind == 'quadrature': X = self.points_and_weights(N=N, map_true_domain=map_true_domain)[0] else: d = self.domain X = np.linspace(float(d[0]), float(d[1]), N) if map_true_domain is False: X = self.map_reference_domain(X) if bcast is True: X = self.broadcast_to_ndims(X) return X
[docs] def cartesian_mesh(self, kind='quadrature'): """Return Cartesian mesh Parameters ---------- kind : str, optional - 'quadrature' - Use quadrature mesh - 'uniform' - Use uniform mesh Note ---- For Cartesian problems this function returns the same mesh as :meth:`.mesh` """ x = self.mesh(kind=kind) if self.coors.is_cartesian: return x psi = self.coors.psi xx = [] for rvi in self.coors.rv: xx.append(sp.lambdify(psi, rvi)(x)) return xx
[docs] def wavenumbers(self, bcast=True, **kw): """Return the wavenumbermesh Parameters ---------- bcast : bool Whether or not to broadcast to :meth:`.dimensions` if an instance of this basis belongs to a :class:`.TensorProductSpace` """ s = self.slice() k = np.arange(s.start, s.stop) if bcast is True: k = self.broadcast_to_ndims(k) return k
[docs] def broadcast_to_ndims(self, x): """Return 1D array ``x`` as an array of shape according to the :meth:`.dimensions` of the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` class that the instance of this class belongs to. Parameters ---------- x : 1D array Note ---- The returned array has shape one in all ndims-1 dimensions apart from self.axis. Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from shenfun import FunctionSpace, TensorProductSpace, comm >>> K0 = FunctionSpace(8, 'F', dtype='D') >>> K1 = FunctionSpace(8, 'F', dtype='d') >>> T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1), modify_spaces_inplace=True) >>> x = np.arange(4) >>> y = K0.broadcast_to_ndims(x) >>> print(y.shape) (4, 1) """ s = [np.newaxis]*self.dimensions s[self.axis] = slice(None) return x[tuple(s)]
[docs] def scalar_product(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, kind=None): """Compute weighted scalar product Parameters ---------- input_array : array, optional Function values on quadrature mesh output_array : array, optional The result of the scalar product kind : str, optional - 'fast' - use fast transform if implemented - 'vandermonde' - use Vandermonde matrix - 'recursive' - Use low-memory implementation (only for polynomials) Note ---- If input_array/output_array are not given, then use predefined arrays as planned with self.plan """ kind = kind if kind is not None else config['transforms']['kind'][] if input_array is not None: self.scalar_product.input_array[...] = input_array self.scalar_product._input_array = self.get_measured_array(self.scalar_product._input_array) self._evaluate_scalar_product(kind=kind) self._truncation_forward(self.scalar_product.tmp_array, self.scalar_product.output_array) if output_array is not None: output_array[...] = self.scalar_product.output_array return output_array return self.scalar_product.output_array
[docs] def forward(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, kind=None): """Compute forward transform Parameters ---------- input_array : array, optional Function values on quadrature mesh output_array : array, optional Expansion coefficients kind : str, optional - 'fast' - use fast transform if implemented - 'vandermonde' - Use Vandermonde matrix - 'recursive' - Use low-memory implementation (only for polynomials) Note ---- If input_array/output_array are not given, then use predefined arrays as planned with self.plan """ kind = kind if kind is not None else config['transforms']['kind'][] self.scalar_product(input_array, kind=kind) if self.bc: self.bc._add_mass_rhs(self.forward.output_array) self.apply_inverse_mass(self.forward.output_array) if output_array is not None: output_array[...] = self.forward.output_array return output_array return self.forward.output_array
[docs] def backward(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, kind=None, mesh=None): """Compute backward (inverse) transform Parameters ---------- input_array : array, optional Expansion coefficients output_array : array, optional Function values on quadrature mesh kind : str, optional - 'fast' - Use fast transform on regular quadrature points - 'recursive' - Use low-memory implementation (only for polynomials) - 'vandermonde' - use Vandermonde on regular quadrature points mesh : str or functionspace, optional - 'quadrature' - use quadrature mesh of self - 'uniform' - use uniform mesh - A function space with the same mesh distribution as self Note ---- If input_array/output_array are not given, then use predefined arrays as planned with self.plan """ kind = kind if kind is not None else config['transforms']['kind'][] if input_array is not None: self.backward.input_array[...] = input_array self._padding_backward(self.backward.input_array, self.backward.tmp_array) if isinstance(mesh, str): assert mesh in ('quadrature', 'uniform') if not == 'fourier' and mesh == 'uniform': kind = 'vandermonde' if kind == 'fast' else kind mesh = self.mesh(bcast=False, map_true_domain=False, kind=mesh) elif isinstance(mesh, SpectralBase): if not == 'fourier': kind = 'vandermonde' if kind == 'fast' else kind mesh = mesh.mesh(bcast=False, map_true_domain=False) self._evaluate_expansion_all(self.backward.tmp_array, self.backward.output_array, x=mesh, kind=kind) if output_array is not None: output_array[...] = self.backward.output_array return output_array return self.backward.output_array
[docs] def vandermonde(self, x): r"""Return Vandermonde matrix based on the primary (orthogonal) basis of the family. Evaluates basis function :math:`\psi_k(x)` for all wavenumbers, and all ``x``. Returned Vandermonde matrix is an N x M matrix with N the length of ``x`` and M the number of bases. .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \psi_0(x_0) & \psi_1(x_0) & \ldots & \psi_{M-1}(x_0)\\ \psi_0(x_1) & \psi_1(x_1) & \ldots & \psi_{M-1}(x_1)\\ \vdots & \ldots \\ \psi_{0}(x_{N-1}) & \psi_1(x_{N-1}) & \ldots & \psi_{M-1}(x_{N-1}) \end{bmatrix} Parameters ---------- x : array of floats points for evaluation Note ---- This function returns a matrix of evaluated orthogonal basis functions for either family. The true Vandermonde matrix of a basis is obtained through :meth:`.SpectralBase.evaluate_basis_all`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate_basis(self, x, i=0, output_array=None): """Evaluate basis function ``i`` at points x Parameters ---------- x : float or array of floats i : int, optional Basis function number output_array : array, optional Return result in output_array if provided Returns ------- array output_array """ raise NotImplementedError
#x = np.atleast_1d(x) #if output_array is None: # output_array = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=self.dtype) #X = sp.symbols('x', real=True) #f = self.basis_function(i, X) #output_array[:] = sp.lambdify(X, f)(x) #return output_array
[docs] def evaluate_basis_all(self, x=None, argument=0): """Evaluate basis at ``x`` or all quadrature points Parameters ---------- x : float or array of floats, optional If not provided use quadrature points of self argument : int Zero for test and 1 for trialfunction Returns ------- array Vandermonde matrix """ if x is None: x = self.mesh(False, False) return self.vandermonde(x)
[docs] def evaluate_basis_derivative(self, x=None, i=0, k=0, output_array=None): """Evaluate k'th derivative of basis function ``i`` at ``x`` or all quadrature points Parameters ---------- x : float or array of floats, optional If not provided use quadrature points of self i : int, optional Basis function number k : int, optional k'th derivative output_array : array, optional return array Returns ------- array output_array """ #warnings.warn('Using slow sympy evaluate_basis_derivative') if x is None: x = self.mesh(False, False) x = np.atleast_1d(x) if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=self.dtype) X = sp.symbols('x', real=True) basis = self.basis_function(i=i, x=X).diff(X, k) output_array[:] = sp.lambdify(X, basis, 'numpy')(x) return output_array
[docs] def evaluate_basis_derivative_all(self, x=None, k=0, argument=0): """Return k'th derivative of basis evaluated at ``x`` or all quadrature points as a Vandermonde matrix. Parameters ---------- x : float or array of floats, optional If not provided use quadrature points of self k : int, optional k'th derivative argument : int Zero for test and 1 for trialfunction Returns ------- array Vandermonde matrix """ if x is None: x = self.mesh(False, False) V = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.N)) for i in range(self.dim()): V[:, i] = self.evaluate_basis_derivative(x, i, k, output_array=V[:, i]) return V
def _evaluate_expansion_all(self, input_array, output_array, x=None, kind=None): r"""Evaluate expansion on 'x' or entire mesh .. math:: u(x_j) = \sum_{k\in\mathcal{I}} \hat{u}_k T_k(x_j) \quad \text{ for all} \quad j = 0, 1, ..., N Parameters ---------- input_array : :math:`\hat{u}_k` Expansion coefficients, or instance of :class:`.Function` output_array : :math:`u(x_j)` Function values on quadrature mesh, instance of :class:`.Array` x : points for evaluation, optional If None, use entire quadrature mesh kind : str, optional - 'fast' - use fast transform if implemented - 'vandermonde' - Use Vandermonde matrix - 'recursive' - Use low-memory recursive implementation (only for polynomials) """ assert kind in ('vandermonde', 'recursive') if kind == 'vandermonde': P = self.evaluate_basis_all(x=x, argument=1) if output_array.ndim == 1: output_array =, input_array, out=output_array) else: fc = np.moveaxis(input_array, self.axis, -2) shape = [slice(None)]*input_array.ndim N = self.shape(False) shape[-2] = slice(0, N) array =, fc[tuple(shape)]) output_array[:] = np.moveaxis(array, 0, self.axis) elif kind == 'recursive': mod = config['optimization']['mode'] lib = importlib.import_module('.'.join(('shenfun.optimization', mod, 'transforms'))) if x is None: x = self.mesh(False, False) N = self.N a = self.get_recursion_matrix(int(N*self.padding_factor)+3, int(N*self.padding_factor)+3).diags('dia').data lib.evaluate_expansion_all(input_array, output_array, x, self.axis, a)
[docs] def eval(self, x, u, output_array=None): """Evaluate :class:`.Function` ``u`` at position ``x`` Parameters ---------- x : float or array of floats u : array Expansion coefficients or instance of :class:`.Function` output_array : array, optional Function values at points Returns ------- array output_array """ if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=self.dtype) x = self.map_reference_domain(x) self._evaluate_expansion_all(u, output_array, x, kind='vandermonde') return output_array
def _evaluate_scalar_product(self, kind=None): """Evaluate scalar product Parameters ---------- kind : str, optional - 'fast' - use fast transform if implemented - 'vandermonde' - Use Vandermonde matrix - 'recursive' - Use low-memory implementation (only for polynomials) Note ---- Using internal arrays: ``self.scalar_product.input_array`` and ``self.scalar_product.output_array`` """ assert kind in ('vandermonde', 'recursive') # fast must be implemented in subclass input_array = self.scalar_product.input_array output_array = self.scalar_product.tmp_array M = self.shape(False) xj, weights = self.points_and_weights(M) if self.domain_factor() != 1: weights /= float(self.domain_factor()) if kind == 'vandermonde': # Slow, memory demanding, Vandermonde type implementation P = self.evaluate_basis_all(argument=0) if input_array.ndim == 1: output_array[slice(0, M)] =*weights, np.conj(P)) else: # broadcasting bc_shape = [np.newaxis,]*input_array.ndim bc_shape[self.axis] = slice(None) fc = np.moveaxis(input_array*weights[tuple(bc_shape)], self.axis, -1) output_array[[slice(0, M)]] = np.moveaxis(, np.conj(P)), -1, self.axis) #output_array[:] = np.moveaxis(np.tensordot(input_array*weights[bc_shape], np.conj(P), (self.axis, 0)), -1, self.axis) elif kind == 'recursive': # Vandermonde type, but using less memory mod = config['optimization']['mode'] lib = importlib.import_module('.'.join(('shenfun.optimization', mod, 'transforms'))) if xj is None: xj = self.mesh(False, False) N = len(xj) a = self.get_recursion_matrix(N+3, N+3).diags('dia').data lib.scalar_product(input_array, output_array, xj, weights, self.axis, a)
[docs] def apply_inverse_mass(self, array): """Apply inverse mass matrix Parameters ---------- array : array (input/output) Expansion coefficients. Overwritten by applying the inverse mass matrix, and returned. Returns ------- array """ if self._mass is None: B = self.get_mass_matrix() self._mass = B((self, 0), (self, 0)) array = self._mass.solve(array, axis=self.axis) return array
[docs] def to_ortho(self, input_array, output_array=None): """Project to orthogonal basis Parameters ---------- input_array : array Expansion coefficients of input basis output_array : array, optional Expansion coefficients in orthogonal basis Returns ------- array output_array """ raise NotImplementedError
#from shenfun import project #T = self.get_orthogonal() #output_array = project(input_array, T, output_array=output_array, # use_to_ortho=False) #return output_array
[docs] def plan(self, shape, axis, dtype, options): """Plan transform Allocate work arrays for transforms and set up methods `forward`, `backward` and `scalar_product` with or without padding Parameters ---------- shape : array Local shape of global array axis : int This base's axis in global :class:`.TensorProductSpace` dtype : numpy.dtype Type of array options : dict Options for planning transforms """ # Note - Only needs overloading for fast transforms (Fourier, Chebyshev) if shape in (0, (0,)): return if isinstance(axis, tuple): assert len(axis) == 1 axis = axis[0] if isinstance(self.forward, Transform): if self.forward.input_array.shape == shape and self.axis == axis: # Already planned return U = fftw.aligned(shape, dtype=dtype) V = fftw.aligned(shape, dtype=dtype) U.fill(0) V.fill(0) self.axis = axis if self.padding_factor > 1.+1e-8: trunc_array = self._get_truncarray(shape, V.dtype) self.scalar_product = Transform(self.scalar_product, None, U, V, trunc_array) self.forward = Transform(self.forward, None, U, V, trunc_array) self.backward = Transform(self.backward, None, trunc_array, V, U) else: self.scalar_product = Transform(self.scalar_product, None, U, V, V) self.forward = Transform(self.forward, None, U, V, V) self.backward = Transform(self.backward, None, V, V, U) = islicedict(axis=self.axis, dimensions=self.dimensions) = slicedict(axis=self.axis, dimensions=self.dimensions)
def _get_truncarray(self, shape, dtype): shape = list(shape) if np.ndim(shape) else [shape] shape[self.axis] = int(np.round(shape[self.axis] / self.padding_factor)) return fftw.aligned(shape, dtype=dtype) def get_normalization(self): return self._M
[docs] def map_reference_domain(self, x): """Return true point `x` mapped to reference domain Parameters ---------- x : coordinate or array of points """ if not self.domain == self.reference_domain(): a = self.domain[0] c = self.reference_domain()[0] if isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, float)): x = float(c) + (x-float(a))*float(self.domain_factor()) else: x = c + (x-a)*self.domain_factor() return x
[docs] def map_true_domain(self, x): """Return reference point `x` mapped to true domain Parameters ---------- x : coordinate or array of points """ if not self.domain == self.reference_domain(): a = self.domain[0] c = self.reference_domain()[0] if isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, float)): x = float(a) + (x-float(c))/float(self.domain_factor()) else: x = a + (x-c)/self.domain_factor() return x
[docs] def map_expression_true_domain(self, f, x=None): """Return expression `f` mapped to true domain as a function of the reference coordinate Parameters ---------- f : Sympy expression x : Sympy symbol, optional coordinate """ if not self.domain == self.reference_domain(): f = sp.sympify(f) if len(f.free_symbols) == 1: if x is None: x = f.free_symbols.pop() xm = self.map_true_domain(x) f = f.replace(x, xm) return f
[docs] def basis_function(self, i=0, x=sp.Symbol('x', real=True)): """Return basis function `i` Parameters ---------- i : int, optional The degree of freedom of the basis function x : sympy Symbol, optional """ return self.orthogonal_basis_function(i=i, x=x)
[docs] def orthogonal_basis_function(self, i=0, x=sp.Symbol('x', real=True)): """Return the orthogonal basis function `i` Parameters ---------- i : int, optional The degree of freedom of the basis function x : sympy Symbol, optional """ raise NotImplementedError
def sympy_basis(self, i=0, x=sp.Symbol('x', real=True)): raise DeprecationWarning('Use basis_function instead')
[docs] def L2_norm_sq(self, i): r"""Return square of L2-norm .. math:: \| \phi_i \|^2_{\omega} = (\phi_i, \phi_i)_{\omega} = \int_{I} \phi_i \overline{\phi}_i \omega dx where :math:`\phi_i` is the i'th orthogonal basis function for the orthogonal basis in the given family. Parameters ---------- i : int The number of the orthogonal basis function """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def l2_norm_sq(self, i=None): r"""Return square of l2-norm .. math:: \| u \|^2_{N,\omega} = (u, u)_{N,\omega} = \sun_{j=0}^{N-1} u(x_j) \overline{u}(x_j) \omega_j where :math:`u=\{\phi_i\}_{i=0}^{N-1}` and :math:`\phi_i` is the i'th orthogonal basis function in the given family. Parameters ---------- i : None or int If None then return the square of the l2-norm for all i=0, 1, ..., N-1. Else, return for given i. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sympy_l2_norm_sq(self, i=sp.Symbol('i', integer=True)): r"""Return sympy function for square of l2-norm .. math:: \| \phi_i \|^2_{N,\omega} = (\phi_i, \phi_i)_{N,\omega} = \sun_{j=0}^{N-1} \phi_i(x_j) \overline{\phi}_i(x_j) \omega_j where :math:`\phi_i` is the i'th orthogonal basis function in the given family. Parameters ---------- i : Sympy Symbol, optional implicit : bool, optional Whether to use an unevaluated Sympy function instead of the actual value of the l2-norm. Returns ------- Sympy Function """ class h(sp.Function): @classmethod def eval(cls, x): if x.is_Number: return self.l2_norm_sq(x) return h(i)
[docs] def sympy_L2_norm_sq(self, i=sp.Symbol('i', integer=True)): r"""Return sympy function for square of L2-norm .. math:: \| \phi_i \|^2_{N,\omega} = (\phi_i, \phi_i)_{\omega} = \int_{I} \phi_i \overline{\phi}_i \omega dx where :math:`\phi_i` is the i'th orthogonal basis function in the given family. Parameters ---------- i : Sympy Symbol, optional Returns ------- Sympy Function """ class h(sp.Function): @classmethod def eval(cls, x): if x.is_Number: return self.L2_norm_sq(x) return h(i)
[docs] def weight(self, x=None): """Weight of inner product space Parameters ---------- x : coordinate """ return 1
def reference_domain(self): raise NotImplementedError def domain_length(self): return self.domain[1]-self.domain[0]
[docs] def slice(self): """Return index set of current space""" return slice(0, self.N)
[docs] def dim(self): """Return the dimension of ``self`` (the number of degrees of freedom)""" s = self.slice() return s.stop - s.start
[docs] def dims(self): """Return tuple (length one since a basis only has one dim) containing self.dim()""" return (self.dim(),)
[docs] def shape(self, forward_output=True): """Return the allocated shape of arrays used for ``self`` Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional If True then return allocated shape of spectral space (the result of a forward transform). If False then return allocated shape of physical space (the input to a forward transform). """ if forward_output: return self.N if self.padding_factor != 1: return int(np.floor(self.padding_factor*self.N)) return self.N
[docs] def domain_factor(self): """Return scaling factor for domain Note ---- The domain factor is the length of the reference domain over the length of the true domain. """ a, b = self.domain c, d = self.reference_domain() L = b-a R = d-c if abs(L-R) < 1e-12: return 1 return R/L
@property def dtype(self): """Return datatype function space is planned for""" if hasattr(self.forward, 'input_array'): return self.forward.input_array.dtype return self._dtype @property def dimensions(self): """Return the dimensions (the number of bases) of the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` class this space is planned for. """ if self.tensorproductspace: return self.tensorproductspace.dimensions return self.forward.input_array.ndim @property def tensorproductspace(self): """Return the last :class:`.TensorProductSpace` this space has been planned for (if planned) Note ---- A 1D function space may be part of several :class:`.TensorProductSpace`s, but they all need to be of the same global shape. """ return self._tensorproductspace @tensorproductspace.setter def tensorproductspace(self, T): self._tensorproductspace = T def __eq__(self, other): return (self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__ and self.quad == other.quad and self.N == other.N and self.axis == other.axis) @property def is_orthogonal(self): return False @property def is_padded(self): if self.padding_factor != 1: return True return False @property def is_composite_space(self): return 0 @property def has_nonhomogeneous_bcs(self): return False @property def is_boundary_basis(self): return False @property def is_jacobi(self): return False @property def rank(self): """Return rank of function space Note ---- This is 1 for :class:`.MixedFunctionSpace` and 0 otherwise """ return 0 @property def tensor_rank(self): """Return tensor rank of function space Note ---- This is the number of free indices in the tensor, 0 for scalar, 1 for vector etc. It is None for a composite space that is not a tensor. """ return 0 @property def ndim(self): return 1 def num_components(self): return 1 @staticmethod def boundary_condition(): return '' @staticmethod def family(): return '' @staticmethod def short_name(): return '' def get_mass_matrix(self): mat = self._get_mat() dx = self.coors.get_sqrt_det_g() key = ((self.__class__, 0), (self.__class__, 0)) if self.tensorproductspace: dx = self.tensorproductspace.coors.get_sqrt_det_g() msdict = split(dx) #assert len(msdict) == 1 dx = msdict[0]['xyzrs'[self.axis]] if self.axis == self.tensorproductspace.dimensions-1: dx *= msdict[0]['coeff'] if not dx == 1: if len(sp.sympify(dx).free_symbols) > 0: x0 = dx.free_symbols if len(x0) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot use forward for Curvilinear coordinates with unseparable measure - Use inner with mass matrix for tensor product space") x0 = x0.pop() x = sp.symbols('x', real=x0.is_real, positive=x0.is_positive) dx = dx.subs(x0, x) if self.domain != self.reference_domain(): xm = self.map_true_domain(x) dx = dx.replace(x, xm) key = key + (dx,) return mat[key] def _get_mat(self): mod = importlib.import_module('shenfun.' return mod.matrices.mat def compatible_base(self, space): return hash(self) == hash(space) def __len__(self): return 1 def __getitem__(self, i): assert i == 0 return self def __hash__(self): return hash((self.N, self.quad, def get_bcmass_matrix(self, dx=1): msx = 'xyzrs'[self.axis] dV = split(dx) #assert len(dV) == 1 dv = dV[0] msi = dv[msx] if self.axis == self.dimensions-1: msi *= dv['coeff'] return inner_product((self, 0), (self.get_bc_space(), 0), msi)
[docs] def get_measured_weights(self, N=None, measure=1, map_true_domain=False): """Return weights times ``measure`` Parameters ---------- N : integer, optional The number of quadrature points measure : 1 or ``sympy.Expr`` """ if N is None: N = self.shape(False) xm, wj = self.points_and_weights(N, map_true_domain=map_true_domain) if measure == 1: return wj s = sp.sympify(measure).free_symbols if isinstance(measure, Number) or len(s) == 0: wj *= float(measure) return wj assert len(s) == 1 s = s.pop() xj = sp.lambdify(s, measure)(xm) wj = wj*xj return wj
[docs] def get_measured_array(self, array): """Return `array` times Jacobian determinant Parameters ---------- array : array Note ---- If basis is part of a :class:`.TensorProductSpace`, then the array will be measured there. So in that case, just return the array unchanged. """ if self.tensorproductspace: return array measure = self.coors.get_sqrt_det_g() if measure == 1: return array if isinstance(measure, Number): array *= measure return array N = self.shape(False) xm = self.points_and_weights(N, map_true_domain=True)[0] s = measure.free_symbols if len(s) == 0: # constant array[...] = array*float(measure) elif len(s) == 1: s = s.pop() xj = sp.lambdify(s, measure)(xm) array[...] = array*xj else: raise NotImplementedError return array
[docs] def get_dealiased(self, padding_factor=1.5, dealias_direct=False, **kwargs): """Return space (otherwise as self) to be used for dealiasing Parameters ---------- padding_factor : float, optional Create output array of shape padding_factor times non-padded shape dealias_direct : bool, optional If True, set upper 2/3 of wavenumbers to zero before backward transform. Cannot be used together with padding_factor different than 1. kwargs : keyword arguments Any other keyword arguments used in the creation of the bases. Returns ------- :class:`.SpectralBase` The space to be used for dealiasing """ if padding_factor == 1 and dealias_direct == False: return self d = dict(quad=self.quad, domain=self.domain, dtype=self.dtype, padding_factor=padding_factor, dealias_direct=dealias_direct, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates) if hasattr(self, 'bcs'): d['bc'] = copy.deepcopy(self.bcs) if hasattr(self, '_scaled'): d['scaled'] = self._scaled for key in ('alpha', 'beta'): if hasattr(self, key): d[key] = object.__getattribute__(self, key) d.update(kwargs) return self.__class__(self.N, **d)
[docs] def get_testspace(self, kind='Galerkin', **kwargs): r"""Return appropriate test space Parameters ---------- kind : str, optional - 'Galerkin' - or 'G' - 'Petrov-Galerkin' - or 'PG' If kind = 'Galerkin' or 'G', then return self, corresponding to a regular Galerkin method. If kind = 'Petrov-Galerkin' or 'PG', then return a test space that makes use of the testbases `Phi1`, `Phi2`, `Phi3` or `Phi4`, where the actual choice is made based on the number of boundary conditions in self. One boundary condition uses `Phi1`, two uses `Phi2` etc. For Petrov-Galerkin the returned basis corresponds to :math:`\{\phi^{(k)}_n\}`, where .. math:: \phi_n^{(k)} = \frac{(1-x^2)^k}{h^{(k)}_{n+k}}\frac{d^k}{dx^k}Q_{n+k} kwargs : keyword arguments, optional Any other keyword arguments used in the creation of the test bases. Only used if kind='Petrov-Galerkin'. Note ---- If self is not a Jacobi polynomial basis, then return self, corresponding to a regular Galerkin method. Returns ------- Instance of :class:`.SpectralBase` """ if kind == 'Galerkin' or kind == 'G': return self assert kind == 'Petrov-Galerkin' or kind == 'PG' d = dict(domain=self.domain, dtype=self.dtype, padding_factor=self.padding_factor, dealias_direct=self.dealias_direct, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates) dim = self.N-self.dim() for key in ('alpha', 'beta', 'quad'): if hasattr(self, key): d[key] = object.__getattribute__(self, key) d.update(kwargs) mod = importlib.import_module(self.__module__) if dim == 0 or not hasattr(mod, 'Phi1') : return self.get_unplanned(**d) assert dim > 0 P = getattr(mod, 'Phi'+str(dim)) return P(self.N+dim, **d)
[docs] def get_refined(self, N, **kwargs): """Return space (otherwise as self) with N quadrature points Parameters ---------- N : int The number of quadrature points for returned space kwargs : keyword arguments Any other keyword arguments used in the creation of the bases. Returns ------- :class:`.SpectralBase` A new space with new number of quadrature points, otherwise as self. """ d = dict(quad=self.quad, domain=self.domain, dtype=self.dtype, padding_factor=self.padding_factor, dealias_direct=self.dealias_direct, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates) if hasattr(self, 'bcs'): d['bc'] = copy.deepcopy(self.bcs) if hasattr(self, '_scaled'): d['scaled'] = self._scaled for key in ('alpha', 'beta'): if hasattr(self, key): d[key] = object.__getattribute__(self, key) d.update(kwargs) return self.__class__(N, **d)
[docs] def get_unplanned(self, **kwargs): """Return unplanned space (otherwise as self) Parameters ---------- kwargs : keyword arguments, optional Any keyword argument used in the creation of the unplanned space. Could be any one of - quad - domain - dtype - padding_factor - dealias_direct - coordinates - bcs - scaled Not all will be applicable for all spaces. Returns ------- :class:`.SpectralBase` Space not planned for a :class:`.TensorProductSpace` """ d = dict(quad=self.quad, domain=self.domain, dtype=self.dtype, padding_factor=self.padding_factor, dealias_direct=self.dealias_direct, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates) if hasattr(self, 'bcs'): d['bc'] = copy.deepcopy(self.bcs) if hasattr(self, '_scaled'): d['scaled'] = self._scaled for key in ('alpha', 'beta'): if hasattr(self, key): d[key] = object.__getattribute__(self, key) d.update(kwargs) return self.__class__(self.N, **d)
[docs] def get_homogeneous(self, **kwargs): """Return space (otherwise as self) with homogeneous boundary conditions Parameters ---------- kwargs : keyword arguments Any keyword arguments used in the creation of the bases. Returns ------- :class:`.SpectralBase` A new space with homogeneous boundary conditions, otherwise as self. """ d = dict(quad=self.quad, domain=self.domain, dtype=self.dtype, padding_factor=self.padding_factor, dealias_direct=self.dealias_direct, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates) if hasattr(self, '_scaled'): d['scaled'] = self._scaled for key in ('alpha', 'beta'): if hasattr(self, key): d[key] = object.__getattribute__(self, key) d.update(kwargs) return self.__class__(self.N, **d)
[docs] def get_adaptive(self, fun=None, reltol=1e-12, abstol=1e-15): """Return space (otherwise as self) with number of quadrature points determined by fitting `fun` Returns ------- :class:`.SpectralBase` A new space with adaptively found number of quadrature points """ from shenfun import Function assert isinstance(fun, sp.Expr) assert self.N == 0 T = self.get_refined(5) converged = False count = 0 points = np.random.random(8) points = float(T.domain[0]) + points*float(T.domain[1]-T.domain[0]) sym = fun.free_symbols assert len(sym) == 1 x = sym.pop() fx = sp.lambdify(x, fun) while (not converged) and count < 12: T = T.get_refined(int(1.7*T.N)) u = Function(T, buffer=fun) res = T.eval(points, u) exact = fx(points) energy = np.linalg.norm(res-exact) converged = energy**2 < abstol count += 1 # trim trailing zeros (if any) trailing_zeros = T.count_trailing_zeros(u, reltol, abstol) T = T.get_refined(T.N - trailing_zeros) return T
[docs] def get_orthogonal(self, **kwargs): """Return orthogonal space (otherwise as self) Returns ------- :class:`.SpectralBase` The orthogonal space in the same family, and otherwise as self. """ raise NotImplementedError
def get_recursion_matrix(self, M, N): from shenfun.jacobi.recursions import a, pmat return pmat(a, 1, self.alpha, self.beta, M, N, def count_trailing_zeros(self, u, reltol=1e-12, abstol=1e-15): assert u.function_space() == self assert u.ndim == 1 a = abs(u[self.slice()]) ua = (a < reltol*a.max()) | (a < abstol) return np.argmin(ua[::-1]) def _truncation_forward(self, padded_array, trunc_array): if not id(trunc_array) == id(padded_array): trunc_array.fill(0) s =[self.slice()] trunc_array[s] = padded_array[s] def _padding_backward(self, trunc_array, padded_array): if not id(trunc_array) == id(padded_array): padded_array.fill(0) s =[self.slice()] padded_array[s] = trunc_array[s] elif self.dealias_direct: s =[slice(2*self.N//3, None)] padded_array[s] = 0 else: return # Fix boundary condition dofs if self.bc: B = self.get_bc_space() sl = B.slice() nd = sl.stop - sl.start if padded_array.ndim > 1: sl =[sl] sp =[slice(-nd, None)] padded_array[sp] = trunc_array[sl]
[docs] def getCompositeBase(Orthogonal): """Dynamic class factory for Composite base class Parameters ---------- Orthogonal : :class:`.SpectralBase` Dynamic inheritance, using base class as either one of - :class:`.chebyshev.bases.Orthogonal` - :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.Orthogonal` - :class:`.legendre.bases.Orthogonal` - :class:`.ultraspherical.bases.Orthogonal` - :class:`.jacobi.bases.Orthogonal` - :class:`.laguerre.bases.Orthogonal` Returns ------- Either one of the classes - :class:`.chebyshev.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.legendre.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.ultraspherical.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.jacobi.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.laguerre.bases.CompositeBase` """ class CompositeBase(Orthogonal): """Common class for all composite spaces""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): bc = kwargs.pop('bc', None) scaled = kwargs.pop('scaled', None) Orthogonal.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if bc is not None: from shenfun.tensorproductspace import BoundaryValues if isinstance(bc, dict) and not isinstance(bc, BoundaryConditions): bc = BoundaryConditions(bc, domain=kwargs['domain']) if isinstance(bc, (tuple, list)): bc = BoundaryConditions(bc, domain=kwargs['domain']) assert isinstance(bc, BoundaryConditions) self.bcs = bc self.bc = BoundaryValues(self, bc=bc) if scaled is not None: self._scaled = scaled def slice(self): return slice(0, self.N-self.bcs.num_bcs()) def evaluate_basis_all(self, x=None, argument=0): V = Orthogonal.evaluate_basis_all(self, x=x, argument=argument) return self._composite(V, argument=argument) def evaluate_basis_derivative_all(self, x=None, k=0, argument=0): V = Orthogonal.evaluate_basis_derivative_all(self, x=x, k=k, argument=argument) return self._composite(V, argument=argument) def _evaluate_expansion_all(self, input_array, output_array, x=None, kind=None): if kind == 'fast': assert in ('fourier', 'chebyshev', 'chebyshevu', 'legendre'),\ f'Fast method not implemented for {} family' if kind == 'vandermonde': SpectralBase._evaluate_expansion_all(self, input_array, output_array, x, kind=kind) return assert input_array is self.backward.tmp_array assert output_array is self.backward.output_array input_array[:] = self.to_ortho(input_array, output_array) Orthogonal._evaluate_expansion_all(self, input_array, output_array, x, kind) def _evaluate_scalar_product(self, kind=None): output = self.scalar_product.tmp_array if kind == 'fast': assert in ('fourier', 'chebyshev', 'chebyshevu', 'legendre'),\ f'Fast method not implemented for {} family' if kind == 'vandermonde': SpectralBase._evaluate_scalar_product(self, kind=kind) output[[slice(-(self.N-self.dim()), None)]] = 0 return Orthogonal._evaluate_scalar_product(self, kind) K = self.stencil_matrix(self.shape(False)) w0 = output.copy() output = K.matvec(w0, output, axis=self.axis) @property def is_orthogonal(self): return False def get_orthogonal(self, **kwargs): d = dict(quad=self.quad, domain=self.domain, dtype=self.dtype, padding_factor=self.padding_factor, dealias_direct=self.dealias_direct, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates) for kw in ('alpha', 'beta'): if hasattr(self, kw): d[kw] = getattr(self, kw) d.update(kwargs) return Orthogonal(self.N, **d) @property def has_nonhomogeneous_bcs(self): if self.bc is None: return False return self.bc.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs() def is_scaled(self): if not hasattr(self, '_scaled'): return False return self._scaled def stencil_matrix(self, N=None): """Return stencil matrix in :class:`.SparseMatrix` format Parameters ---------- N : int or None, optional Shape (N, N) of the stencil matrix. Using self.N if None """ from .matrixbase import SparseMatrix if self._stencil is None: self._stencil = get_stencil_matrix(self.bcs,, self.alpha, self.beta, N = self.N if N is None else N if N in self._stencil_matrix: return self._stencil_matrix[N] d = {} k = np.arange(N) for i, s in self._stencil.items(): di = sp.lambdify(n, s)(k[:N-i]) if isinstance(di, np.ndarray): di[(N-self.bcs.num_bcs()):] = 0 d[i] = di self._stencil_matrix[N] = SparseMatrix(d, (N, N)) return self._stencil_matrix[N] def sympy_stencil(self, i=sp.Symbol('i', integer=True), j=sp.Symbol('j', integer=True), implicit=False): """Return stencil matrix as a Sympy matrix Parameters ---------- i, j : Sympy symbols indices for row and column implicit : bool or str, optional Whether to use an unevaluated Sympy function instead of the actual value of the stencil. This makes the matrix prettier, and it can still be evaluated. If implicit is not False, then it must be a string of length one. This string represents the diagonals of the matrix. If implicit='a' and the stencil matrix has two diagonals in the main diagonal and the first upper diagonal, then these are called 'a0' and 'a1'. Example ------- >>> from shenfun import FunctionSpace >>> import sympy as sp >>> i, j = sp.symbols('i,j', integer=True) >>> D = FunctionSpace(8, 'L', bc=(0, 0), scaled=True) >>> D._stencil {0: 1/sqrt(4*n + 6), 2: -1/sqrt(4*n + 6)} >>> D.sympy_stencil() KroneckerDelta(i, j)/sqrt(4*i + 6) - KroneckerDelta(j, i + 2)/sqrt(4*i + 6) >>> D.sympy_stencil(implicit='a') KroneckerDelta(i, j)*a0(i) + KroneckerDelta(j, i + 2)*a2(i) Get the main diagonal >>> D.sympy_stencil(implicit=False).subs(j, i) 1/sqrt(4*i + 6) """ if self._stencil is None: self._stencil = get_stencil_matrix(self.bcs,, self.alpha, self.beta, def _named_diagonal(s, name, i): class h(sp.Function): @classmethod def eval(cls, x): if x.is_Number: return s.subs(i, x) hh = h(i) hh.__class__.__name__ = name return hh S = sp.S(0) for m, s in self._stencil.items(): if len(sp.sympify(s).free_symbols) == 1: n = sp.sympify(s).free_symbols.pop() d0 = s.subs(n, i) if implicit is not False: name = implicit if isinstance(implicit, str) else 'a' d0 = _named_diagonal(d0, name+str(m), i) else: d0 = s S += d0*sp.KroneckerDelta(i+m, j) return S def _composite(self, V, argument=0): """Return Vandermonde matrix V adjusted for basis composition Parameters ---------- V : Vandermonde type matrix argument : int Zero for test and 1 for trialfunction """ P = np.zeros_like(V) P[:] = V * self.stencil_matrix(V.shape[1]).diags().T if argument == 1: # if trial function P[:, slice(-(self.N-self.dim()), None)] = self.get_bc_space()._composite(V) return P def basis_function(self, i=0, x=sp.Symbol('x', real=True)): assert i < self.N if i < self.dim(): row = self.stencil_matrix().diags().getrow(i) f = 0 for j, val in zip(row.indices, f += sp.nsimplify(val)*self.orthogonal_basis_function(i=j, x=x) else: f = self.get_bc_space().basis_function(i=i-self.dim(), x=x) return f def to_ortho(self, input_array, output_array=None): if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros_like(input_array) else: output_array.fill(0) s = [np.newaxis]*self.dimensions for key, val in self.stencil_matrix().items(): M = self.N if key >= 0 else self.dim() s0 = slice(max(0, -key), min(self.dim(), M-max(0, key))) Q = s0.stop-s0.start s1 = slice(max(0, key), max(0, key)+Q) s[self.axis] = slice(0, Q) if isinstance(val, Number): output_array[[s1]] += val*input_array[[s0]] else: output_array[[s1]] += val[tuple(s)]*input_array[[s0]] if self.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs: self.bc._add_to_orthogonal(output_array, input_array) return output_array def evaluate_basis(self, x, i=0, output_array=None): x = np.atleast_1d(x) if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(x.shape) if i < self.dim(): row = self.stencil_matrix().diags().getrow(i) w0 = np.zeros_like(output_array) output_array.fill(0) for j, val in zip(row.indices, output_array[:] += val*Orthogonal.evaluate_basis(self, x, i=j, output_array=w0) else: assert i < self.N output_array = self.get_bc_space().evaluate_basis(x, i=i-self.dim(), output_array=output_array) return output_array def evaluate_basis_derivative(self, x, i=0, k=0, output_array=None): x = np.atleast_1d(x) if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(x.shape) if i < self.dim(): row = self.stencil_matrix().diags().getrow(i) w0 = np.zeros_like(output_array) output_array.fill(0) for j, val in zip(row.indices, output_array[:] += val*Orthogonal.evaluate_basis_derivative(self, x, i=j, k=k, output_array=w0) else: assert i < self.N output_array = self.get_bc_space().evaluate_basis_derivative(x, i=i-self.dim(), k=k, output_array=output_array) return output_array def eval(self, x, u, output_array=None): x = np.atleast_1d(x) if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=self.dtype) w = self.to_ortho(u) output_array = Orthogonal.eval(self, x, w, output_array) return output_array return CompositeBase
[docs] def getBCGeneric(CompositeBase): """Dynamic class factory for boundary spaces Parameters ---------- CompositeBase : :class:`.SpectralBase` Dynamic inheritance, using base class as either one of - :class:`.chebyshev.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.legendre.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.ultraspherical.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.jacobi.bases.CompositeBase` - :class:`.laguerre.bases.CompositeBase` Returns ------- Either one of the classes - :class:`.chebyshev.bases.BCGeneric` - :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.BCGeneric` - :class:`.legendre.bases.BCGeneric` - :class:`.ultraspherical.bases.BCGeneric` - :class:`.jacobi.bases.BCGeneric` - :class:`.laguerre.bases.BCGeneric` """ class BCGeneric(CompositeBase): """Function space for setting inhomogeneous boundary conditions Parameters ---------- N : int Number of quadrature points in the homogeneous space. bc : dict The boundary conditions in dictionary form, see :class:`.BoundaryConditions`. domain : 2-tuple of numbers, optional The domain of the homogeneous space. alpha : number, optional Parameter of the Jacobi polynomial beta : number, optional Parameter of the Jacobi polynomial """ def __init__(self, N, bc=None, domain=None, alpha=0, beta=0, **kw): CompositeBase.__init__(self, N, bc=bc, domain=domain, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) self._stencil_matrix = None def stencil_matrix(self, N=None): if self._stencil_matrix is None: from shenfun.utilities import get_bc_basis d = {'alpha': self.alpha, 'beta': self.beta, 'gn':} if self.is_jacobi else {} self._stencil_matrix = np.array(get_bc_basis(self.bcs,, **d)) return self._stencil_matrix @staticmethod def short_name(): return 'BG' @staticmethod def boundary_condition(): return 'Apply' @property def is_boundary_basis(self): return True def shape(self, forward_output=True): if forward_output: return self.stencil_matrix().shape[0] else: return self.N @property def dim_ortho(self): return self.stencil_matrix().shape[1] def slice(self): return slice(self.N-self.shape(), self.N) def vandermonde(self, x): V = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.dim_ortho)) for i in range(self.dim_ortho): func = self.orthogonal_basis_function(i=i) V[:, i] = sp.lambdify(xp, func)(x) return V def _composite(self, V, argument=1): N = self.shape() P = np.zeros(V[:, :N].shape) P[:] = np.tensordot(V[:, :self.dim_ortho], self.stencil_matrix(), (1, 1)) return P def basis_function(self, i=0, x=xp): M = self.stencil_matrix() return np.sum(M[i]*np.array([self.orthogonal_basis_function(j, x) for j in range(self.dim_ortho)])) def evaluate_basis(self, x, i=0, output_array=None): x = np.atleast_1d(x) if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(x.shape) V = self.vandermonde(x) output_array[:] =, self.stencil_matrix()[i]) return output_array def evaluate_basis_derivative(self, x=None, i=0, k=0, output_array=None): output_array = SpectralBase.evaluate_basis_derivative(self, x=x, i=i, k=k, output_array=output_array) return output_array def to_ortho(self, input_array, output_array=None): from shenfun import Function T = self.get_orthogonal() if output_array is None: output_array = Function(T) else: output_array.fill(0) M = self.stencil_matrix().T for k, row in enumerate(M): output_array[k] =, input_array) return output_array def eval(self, x, u, output_array=None): v = self.to_ortho(u) output_array = v.eval(x, output_array=output_array) return output_array def get_orthogonal(self, **kwargs): d = dict(quad=self.quad, domain=self.domain, dtype=self.dtype, padding_factor=self.padding_factor, dealias_direct=self.dealias_direct, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates) for kw in ('alpha', 'beta'): if hasattr(self, kw): d[kw] = getattr(self, kw) d.update(kwargs) base = importlib.import_module('.'.join(('shenfun', return base.Orthogonal(self.dim_ortho, **d) return BCGeneric
[docs] class BoundaryConditions(dict): """Boundary conditions for :class:`.SpectralBase`. Parameters ---------- bc : str, dict or n-tuple The dictionary must have keys 'left' and 'right', to describe boundary conditions on the left and right boundaries, and another dictionary on left or right to describe the condition. For example, specify Dirichlet on both ends with:: {'left': {'D': a}, 'right': {'D': b}} for some values `a` and `b`. Specify Neumann as:: {'left': {'N': a}, 'right': {'N': b}} A mixture of 3 conditions:: {'left': {'N': a}, 'right': {'D': b, 'N': c}} Etc. Any combination should be possible, and it should also be possible to use higher order derivatives with `N2`, `N3` etc. If `bc` is an n-tuple, then we assume the basis function is:: (None, a) - {'right': {'D': a}} (a, None) - {'left': {'D': a}} (a, b) - {'left': {'D': a}, 'right': {'D': b}} (a, b, c, d) - {'left': {'D': a, 'N': b}, 'right': {'D': c, 'N': d}} (a, b, c, d, e, f) - {'left': {'D': a, 'N': b, 'N2': c}, 'right': {'D': d, 'N': e, 'N2': f}} etc. If `bc` is a single string, then we assume the boundary conditions are described directly for generic function `u`, like:: 'u(-1)=0&&u(1)=0' - Dirichlet on boundaries x=-1 and x=1 'u'(-1)=0&&u'(1)=0' - Neumann on boundaries x=-1 and x=1 'u(-2)=a&&u(2)=b' - Dirichlet with values a and b on boundaries x=-2 and x=2. etc. domain : 2-tuple of numbers, optional The domain, if different than (-1, 1). """ def __init__(self, bc, domain=None): bcs = {'left': {}, 'right': {}} if isinstance(bc, str): # Boundary conditions given in single string with boundary conditions separated by && for bci in bc.split('&&'): # Check for Dirichlet x ="u\((.*)\)=(.*)", bci) if x: if np.abs(float([0]) < 1e-8: # left boundary bcs['left']['D'] = float( elif np.abs(float([1]) < 1e-8: # right boundary bcs['right']['D'] = float( else: raise RuntimeError('Boundary condition not matching domain') continue x ="u'\((.*)\)=(.*)", bci) if x: if np.abs(float([0]) < 1e-8: # left boundary bcs['left']['N'] = float( elif np.abs(float([1]) < 1e-8: # right boundary bcs['right']['N'] = float( else: raise RuntimeError('Boundary condition not matching domain') continue x ="u''\((.*)\)=(.*)", bci) if x: if np.abs(float([0]) < 1e-8: # left boundary bcs['left']['N2'] = float( elif np.abs(float([1]) < 1e-8: # right boundary bcs['right']['N2'] = float( else: raise RuntimeError('Boundary condition not matching domain') continue x ="u'''\((.*)\)=(.*)", bci) if x: if np.abs(float([0]) < 1e-8: # left boundary bcs['left']['N3'] = float( elif np.abs(float([1]) < 1e-8: # right boundary bcs['right']['N3'] = float( else: raise RuntimeError('Boundary condition not matching domain') continue x ="u''''\((.*)\)=(.*)", bci) if x: if np.abs(float([0]) < 1e-8: # left boundary bcs['left']['N4'] = float( elif np.abs(float([1]) < 1e-8: # right boundary bcs['right']['N4'] = float( else: raise RuntimeError('Boundary condition not matching domain') continue raise RuntimeError(f'Boundary condition {bci} not understood') if isinstance(bc, tuple): assert len(bc) in (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) assert np.all([isinstance(i, (sp.Expr, Number)) or i is None for i in bc]) if len(bc) == 1: # Laguerre bcs['left']['D'] = bc[0] elif len(bc) == 2: if bc[0] is not None: bcs['left']['D'] = bc[0] if bc[1] is not None: bcs['right']['D'] = bc[1] elif len(bc) == 4: bcs['left'].update({'D': bc[0], 'N': bc[1]}) bcs['right'].update({'D': bc[2], 'N': bc[3]}) elif len(bc) == 6: bcs['left'].update({'D': bc[0], 'N': bc[1], 'N2': bc[2]}) bcs['right'].update({'D': bc[3], 'N': bc[4], 'N2': bc[5]}) elif len(bc) == 8: bcs['left'].update({'D': bc[0], 'N': bc[1], 'N2': bc[2], 'N3': bc[3]}) bcs['right'].update({'D': bc[4], 'N': bc[5], 'N2': bc[6], 'N3': bc[7]}) elif len(bc) == 10: bcs['left'].update({'D': bc[0], 'N': bc[1], 'N2': bc[2], 'N3': bc[3], 'N4': bc[4]}) bcs['right'].update({'D': bc[5], 'N': bc[6], 'N2': bc[7], 'N3': bc[8], 'N4': bc[9]}) elif len(bc) == 12: bcs['left'].update({'D': bc[0], 'N': bc[1], 'N2': bc[2], 'N3': bc[3], 'N4': bc[4], 'N5': bc[5]}) bcs['right'].update({'D': bc[6], 'N': bc[7], 'N2': bc[8], 'N3': bc[9], 'N4': bc[10], 'N5': bc[11]}) elif isinstance(bc, dict): if isinstance(bc.get("left", {}) or bc.get("right", {}), (tuple, list)): # old form {'left': [('D', 0), ('N', 0)], 'right': [('D', 0)]} bc = {k.lower(): list(v) if isinstance(v[0], (tuple, list)) else [v] for k, v in bc.items()} for key, val in bc.items(): bcs[key] = {v[0]: copy.deepcopy(v[1]) for v in val} else: #bcs.update(copy.deepcopy(bc)) bcs.update(bc) # Take care of non-standard domain size df = 1 if domain is not None: assert isinstance(domain, (tuple, list)) if np.isfinite(float(domain[0]*domain[1])): df = 2/float(domain[1]-domain[0]) for key, val in bcs.items(): for bc, v in val.items(): if bc == 'N': val[bc] /= df elif bc == 'N2': val[bc] /= df**2 elif bc == 'N3': val[bc] /= df**3 dict.__init__(self, bcs) def orderednames(self): return ['L'+bci for bci in sorted(self['left'].keys())] + ['R'+bci for bci in sorted(self['right'].keys())] def orderedvals(self): ls = [] for lr in ('left', 'right'): for key in sorted(self[lr].keys()): val = self[lr][key] ls.append(val[1] if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)) else val) return ls #return [self['left'][bci] for bci in sorted(self['left'].keys())] + [self['right'][bci] for bci in sorted(self['right'].keys())] def num_bcs(self): return len(self.orderedvals()) def num_derivatives(self): n = {'D': 0, 'R': 0, 'N': 1, 'N2': 2, 'N3': 3, 'N4': 4} num_diff = 0 for val in self.values(): for k in val: num_diff += n[k] return num_diff
[docs] class MixedFunctionSpace: """Class for composite bases in 1D Parameters ---------- bases : list List of instances of :class:`.SpectralBase` """ def __init__(self, bases): self.bases = bases self.forward = VectorBasisTransform([basis.forward for basis in bases]) self.backward = VectorBasisTransform([basis.backward for basis in bases]) self.scalar_product = VectorBasisTransform([basis.scalar_product for basis in bases])
[docs] def dims(self): """Return dimensions (degrees of freedom) for MixedFunctionSpace""" s = [] for space in self.flatten(): s.append(space.dim()) return s
[docs] def dim(self): """Return dimension of ``self`` (degrees of freedom)""" s = 0 for space in self.flatten(): s += space.dim() return s
[docs] def shape(self, forward_output=False): """Return shape of arrays for MixedFunctionSpace Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional If True then return shape of an array that is the result of a forward transform. If False then return shape of physical space, i.e., the input to a forward transform. """ if forward_output: s = [] for space in self.flatten(): s.append(space.shape(forward_output)) else: s = self.flatten()[0].shape(forward_output) s = (self.num_components(),) + s return s
[docs] def num_components(self): """Return number of bases in mixed basis""" f = self.flatten() return len(f)
def flatten(self): s = [] def _recursiveflatten(l, s): if hasattr(l, 'bases'): for i in l.bases: _recursiveflatten(i, s) else: s.append(l) _recursiveflatten(self, s) return s def __getitem__(self, i): return self.bases[i] def __getattr__(self, name): obj = object.__getattribute__(self, 'bases') return getattr(obj[0], name) def __len__(self): return self.bases[0].dimensions @property def is_composite_space(self): return 1 @property def rank(self): return 1 @property def tensor_rank(self): return None @property def dimensions(self): return self.bases[0].dimensions def slice(self): return tuple(tuple([i]+[space.slice()]) for i, space in enumerate(self.flatten())) def get_diagonal_axes(self): return np.array([]) def _get_ndiag_cum_dofs(self): return np.array([0]+np.cumsum(self.dims()).tolist()) def _get_ndiag_slices(self, j=()): return np.array(self.slice()) def _get_ndiag_slices_and_dims(self, j=()): sl = self._get_ndiag_slices(j) dims = self._get_ndiag_cum_dofs() return sl, dims def __len__(self): return len(self.bases)
[docs] def get_dealiased(self, padding_factor=1.5, dealias_direct=False): """Return space (otherwise as self) to be used for dealiasing Parameters ---------- padding_factor : number or tuple, optional Scale the number of quadrature points in self with this number, or tuple of numbers, one for each dimension. dealias_direct : bool, optional Used only if ``padding_factor=1``. Sets the 1/3 highest frequencies to zeros. """ if padding_factor == 1 and dealias_direct is False: return self if isinstance(padding_factor, Number): padding_factor = (padding_factor,)*len(self) elif isinstance(padding_factor, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): assert len(padding_factor) == len(self) padded_bases = [base.get_dealiased(padding_factor=padding_factor[i], dealias_direct=dealias_direct) for i, base in enumerate(self.bases)] return MixedFunctionSpace(padded_bases)
class VectorBasisTransform: __slots__ = ('_transforms',) def __init__(self, transforms): self._transforms = [] for transform in transforms: if isinstance(transform, VectorBasisTransform): self._transforms += transform._transforms else: self._transforms.append(transform) def __getattr__(self, name): obj = object.__getattribute__(self, '_transforms') if name == '_transforms': return obj return getattr(obj[0], name) def __call__(self, input_array, output_array, **kw): for i, transform in enumerate(self._transforms): output_array[i] = transform(input_array[i], output_array[i], **kw) return output_array
[docs] class islicedict(dict): """Return a tuple of slices, broadcasted to ``dimensions`` number of dimensions, and with integer ``a`` along ``axis``. Parameters ---------- axis : int The axis the calling basis belongs to in a :class:`.TensorProductSpace` dimensions : int The number of bases in the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` Example ------- >>> from shenfun.spectralbase import islicedict >>> s = islicedict(axis=1, dimensions=3) >>> print(s[0]) (slice(None, None, None), 0, slice(None, None, None)) """ def __init__(self, axis=0, dimensions=1): dict.__init__(self) self.axis = axis self.dimensions = dimensions def __missing__(self, key): assert isinstance(key, int) s = [slice(None)]*self.dimensions s[self.axis] = key self[key] = s = tuple(s) return s
[docs] class slicedict(dict): """Return a tuple of slices, broadcasted to ``dimensions`` number of dimensions, and with slice ``a`` along ``axis``. Parameters ---------- axis : int The axis the calling basis belongs to in a :class:`.TensorProductSpace` dimensions : int The number of bases in the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` Example ------- >>> from shenfun.spectralbase import slicedict >>> s = slicedict(axis=1, dimensions=3) >>> print(s[slice(0, 5)]) (slice(None, None, None), slice(0, 5, None), slice(None, None, None)) """ def __init__(self, axis=0, dimensions=1): dict.__init__(self) self.axis = axis self.dimensions = dimensions def __missing__(self, key): s = [slice(None)]*self.dimensions s[self.axis] = slice(*key) self[key] = s = tuple(s) return s def __keytransform__(self, key): assert isinstance(key, slice) return key.__reduce__()[1] def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, self.__keytransform__(key))
[docs] def inner_product(test, trial, measure=1, assemble=None, kind=None, fixed_resolution=None): """Return 1D weighted inner product of bilinear form Parameters ---------- test : 2-tuple of (Basis, integer) Basis is any of the classes from - :mod:`.chebyshev.bases` - :mod:`.chebyshevu.bases` - :mod:`.legendre.bases` - :mod:`.ultraspherical.bases` - :mod:`.fourier.bases` - :mod:`.laguerre.bases` - :mod:`.hermite.bases` - :mod:`.jacobi.bases` The integer determines the number of times the basis function is differentiated. The test represents the matrix row trial : 2-tuple of (Basis, integer) Like test measure: function of coordinate, optional The measure is in physical coordinates, not in the reference domain. assemble : None or str, optional Determines how to perform the integration - 'quadrature' (default) - 'exact' - 'adaptive' kind : None or str, optional The kind of method used to do quadrature. - 'implemented' - 'stencil' - 'vandermonde' Note ---- This function only performs 1D inner products and is unaware of any :class:`.TensorProductSpace` Example ------- Compute mass matrix of Shen's Chebyshev Dirichlet basis: >>> from shenfun.spectralbase import inner_product >>> from shenfun.chebyshev.bases import ShenDirichlet >>> SD = ShenDirichlet(6) >>> B = inner_product((SD, 0), (SD, 0)) >>> d = {-2: -np.pi/2, ... 0: np.array([1.5*np.pi, np.pi, np.pi, np.pi]), ... 2: -np.pi/2} >>> [np.all(B[k] == v) for k, v in d.items()] [True, True, True] """ key = ((test[0].__class__, test[1]), (trial[0].__class__, trial[1])) mat = test[0]._get_mat() if not isinstance(measure, Number): # replace y, z with x if multidimensional x0 = measure.free_symbols assert len(x0) == 1 x0 = x0.pop() x = sp.symbols('x', real=x0.is_real, positive=x0.is_positive) measure = measure.subs(x0, x) measure = test[0].map_expression_true_domain(measure, x) if measure.is_polynomial(): measure = sp.simplify(measure) if key + (measure,) in mat: A = mat[key+(measure,)](test, trial, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution) else: # By mapping measure to true domain, the expression may be split B = [] for dv in split(measure, expand=False): sci = dv['coeff'] msi = dv['x'] newkey = key + (msi,) B.append(mat[newkey](test, trial, scale=sci, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution)) A = B[0] if len(B) == 1 else np.sum(np.array(B, dtype=object)) else: A = mat[key](test, trial, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution) if measure != 1: A *= measure return A
[docs] def get_norm_sq(v, u, method): r"""Return square of weighted norm .. math:: `(\phi_i, \phi_i)_w` where :math:`\phi_i` is the orthogonal basis for a spectral family. Parameters ---------- v : instance of :class:`.SpectralBase` Orthogonal test function N : instance of :class:`.SpectralBase` Orthogonal trial function method : str Type of integration - 'exact' - 'quadrature' """ if method == 'quadrature': return v.l2_norm_sq()[:min(v.N, u.N)] else: return np.array([v.L2_norm_sq(sp.S(i)) for i in range(min(v.N, u.N))]).astype(float)
class FuncWrap: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, missing-docstring __slots__ = ('__doc__', '_func', '_input_array', '_output_array') def __init__(self, func, input_array, output_array): object.__setattr__(self, '_func', func) object.__setattr__(self, '_input_array', input_array) object.__setattr__(self, '_output_array', output_array) object.__setattr__(self, '__doc__', func.__doc__) @property def input_array(self): return object.__getattribute__(self, '_input_array') @property def output_array(self): return object.__getattribute__(self, '_output_array') @property def func(self): return object.__getattribute__(self, '_func') def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, **kw): return self.func(input_array, output_array, **kw) class Transform(FuncWrap): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods __slots__ = ('_xfftn', '_input_array', '_output_array', '_tmp_array', '__doc__') def __init__(self, func, xfftn, input_array, tmp_array, output_array): FuncWrap.__init__(self, func, input_array, output_array) object.__setattr__(self, '_xfftn', xfftn) object.__setattr__(self, '_tmp_array', tmp_array) @property def tmp_array(self): return object.__getattribute__(self, '_tmp_array') @property def xfftn(self): return object.__getattribute__(self, '_xfftn')