Source code for shenfun.legendre.lobatto

Module contains some useful methods for Legendre quadrature.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import legendre as leg

[docs] def legendre_lobatto_nodes_and_weights(N, tol=1e-16): """Return points and weights for Legendre-Lobatto quadrature Parameters ---------- N : int Number of quadrature points """ M = N//2 j = np.arange(1, M) x = np.zeros(N) x[0] = -1. x[-1] = 1. x[1:M] = -np.cos((j+0.25)*np.pi/N - 3./(8.*N*np.pi*(j+0.25))) Ln = leg.Legendre.basis(N-1) Ld = Ln.deriv(1) Ld2 = Ln.deriv(2) converged = False dx = np.zeros_like(x[1:M]) y = x[1:M] count = 0 prev = 1 while not converged and count < 10: dx[:] = Ld(y)/Ld2(y) y -= dx error = np.linalg.norm(dx) converged = (error < tol) or (abs(error - prev) < tol) count += 1 prev = error #print(count, error) MM = M if N % 2 == 0 else M+1 x[MM:-1] = -x[1:M][::-1] w = 2./(N*(N-1)*Ln(x)**2) return x, w