Source code for

#pylint: disable=line-too-long, len-as-condition, missing-docstring, too-many-instance-attributes

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as scipy_la
from mpi4py import MPI


[docs] class Helmholtz_2dirichlet: """Helmholtz solver for 2-dimensional problems with 2 Dirichlet bases. .. math:: a_0 BUB + a_1 AUB + a_2 BUA^T = F Somewhat experimental. """ def __init__(self, matrices): self.V = np.zeros(0) self.matrices = matrices assert len(matrices) == 3 # There are three terms, BUB, AUB and BUA # Extract A and B scale = {} for tmp in matrices: mats = tmp.mats if mats[0].get_key() == 'BSDSDmat' and mats[1].get_key() == 'BSDSDmat': B = mats[0] B1 = mats[1] scale['BUB'] = tmp.scale self.BB = tmp elif mats[0].get_key() == 'ASDSDmat' and mats[1].get_key() == 'BSDSDmat': A = mats[0] scale['AUB'] = tmp.scale self.AB = tmp else: A1 = mats[1] scale['BUA'] = tmp.scale self.BA = tmp # Create transfer object to realign data in second direction self.T = T = matrices[0].space pencilA = T.forward.output_pencil pencilB = T.forward.input_pencil self.pencilB = pencilB self.transAB = pencilA.transfer(pencilB, 'd') self.u_B = np.zeros(self.transAB.subshapeB) self.rhs_A = np.zeros(self.transAB.subshapeA) self.rhs_B = np.zeros(self.transAB.subshapeB) self.A = A self.B = B self.A1 = A1 self.B1 = B1 self.scale = scale self.lmbda = None self.lmbdax = None self.lmbday = None self.Vx = None self.Vy = None
[docs] def solve_eigen_problem(self, A, B, solver): """Solve the eigen problem""" N = A.testfunction[0].N s = A.testfunction[0].slice() self.V = np.zeros((N, N)) self.lmbda = np.ones(N) if solver == 0: self.lmbda[s], self.V[s, s] = scipy_la.eigh(A.diags().toarray(), B.diags().toarray()) elif solver == 1: #self.lmbda[s], self.V[s, s] = scipy_la.eigh(B.diags().toarray()) a = np.zeros((3, N-2)) a[0, :] = B[0] a[2, :-2] = B[2] self.lmbda[s], self.V[s, s] = scipy_la.eig_banded(a, lower=True)
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u, solver=1): from shenfun import FunctionSpace, TensorProductSpace, TPMatrix, Identity, la if solver == 0: # pragma: no cover if len(self.V) == 0: self.solve_eigen_problem(self.A, self.B, solver) self.Vx = self.V self.lmbdax = self.lmbda if not self.A.testfunction[0].N == self.A1.testfunction[0].N: self.Vx = self.V.copy() self.lmbdax = self.lmbda.copy() self.solve_eigen_problem(self.A1, self.B1, solver) self.Vy = self.V self.lmbday = self.lmbda else: self.Vy = self.Vx self.lmbday = self.lmbdax # Map the right hand side to eigen space u[:] = (self.Vx.T).dot(b) self.transAB.forward(u, self.u_B) self.u_B[:] = self.transAB.backward(self.u_B, u) # Apply the inverse in eigen space ls = self.T.local_slice() u /= (self.BB.scale + self.lmbdax[:, np.newaxis] + self.lmbday[np.newaxis, :])[ls] # Map back to physical space u[:] = self.transAB.forward(u, self.u_B) self.u_B[:] = self.transAB.backward(self.u_B, u) elif solver == 1: #FIXME Should improve this after redesign of solvers if comm.Get_size() > 1: raise RuntimeError('Currently broken for MPI > 1') assert self.A.testfunction[0].is_scaled() if len(self.V) == 0: self.solve_eigen_problem(self.A, self.B, solver) ls = [slice(start, start+shape) for start, shape in zip(self.pencilB.substart, self.pencilB.subshape)] B1_scale = np.zeros((ls[0].stop-ls[0].start, 1)) B1_scale[:, 0] = self.BB.scale + 1./self.lmbda[ls[0]] A1_scale = self.scale['AUB'] # Create Helmholtz solver along axis=1 N0 = self.matrices[0].mats[0].shape[0] F = FunctionSpace(N0, 'L', dtype='d') FT = TensorProductSpace(comm, (F, self.T.bases[1].get_unplanned())) AA = TPMatrix([Identity((N0, N0)), self.A1], FT, self.T, A1_scale) BB = TPMatrix([Identity((N0, N0)), self.B1], FT, self.T, B1_scale) AA._issimplified = True BB._issimplified = True AA.naxes = [1] BB.naxes = [1] Helmy = la.SolverGeneric1ND([AA, BB]) # Map the right hand side to eigen space self.rhs_A = self.rhs_A /= self.lmbda[:, np.newaxis] self.transAB.forward(self.rhs_A, self.rhs_B) self.u_B = Helmy(self.rhs_B, self.u_B, fast=False) self.transAB.backward(self.u_B, u) u[:] = return u