Source code for shenfun.legendre.dlt

import importlib
from copy import copy
from scipy.special import gammaln
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import chebyshev as n_cheb
from mpi4py import MPI
from mpi4py_fft import fftw
from mpi4py_fft.fftw.utilities import FFTW_MEASURE, FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT
from shenfun.optimization import runtimeoptimizer
from shenfun.optimization import cython
from shenfun.spectralbase import islicedict, slicedict

__all__ = ['DLT', 'leg2cheb', 'cheb2leg', 'Leg2chebHaleTownsend',
           'Leg2Cheb', 'Cheb2Leg', 'FMMLeg2Cheb', 'FMMCheb2Leg']

Leg2Cheb = getattr(cython, 'Leg2Cheb', None)
Cheb2Leg = getattr(cython, 'Cheb2Leg', None)
Lambda = getattr(cython, 'Lambda', None)

[docs] class DLT: r"""Discrete Legendre Transform A class for performing fast FFT-based discrete Legendre transforms, both forwards and backwards. Based on:: Nicholas Hale and Alex Townsend "A fast FFT-based discrete Legendre transform", IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (2015) ( Parameters ---------- input_array : real or complex array s : sequence of ints, optional Not used - included for compatibility with Numpy axes : integer or 1-tuple of int, optional Axis over which to compute the DLT. Named axes for compatibility. threads : int, optional Number of threads used in computing DLT. kind : str, optional Either one of - 'forward' - 'backward' - 'scalar product' The scalar product is exactly like the forward transform, except that the Legendre mass matrix is not applied to the output. flags : sequence of ints, optional Flags from - FFTW_MEASURE - FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE - FFTW_PATIENT - FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT - FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT - FFTW_UNALIGNED - FFTW_CONSERVE_MEMORY - FFTW_ESTIMATE output_array : complex array, optional Array to be used as output array. Must be of correct shape, type, strides and alignment Note ---- The Legendre series expansion of :math:`f(x)` is .. math:: f(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} \hat{f}_k L_k(x) The series evaluated at quadrature points :math:`\{x_j\}_{j=0}^{N-1}` gives the vector :math:`\{f(x_j)\}_{j=0}^{N-1}`. We define a forward transform as computing :math:`\{\hat{f}_k\}_{k=0}^{N-1}` from :math:`\{f(x_j)\}_{j=0}^{N-1}`. The other way around, a backward transform, computes :math:`\{f(x_j)\}_{j=0}^{N-1}` given :math:`\{\hat{f}_k\}_{k=0}^{N-1}`. This is in agreement with shenfun's definition of forward/backward directions, but it disagrees with the definitions used by Hale and Townsend. Also note that this `fast` transform is actually slower than the default recursive version for approximately :math:`N<1000`. Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from shenfun import legendre, FunctionSpace, Function, Array >>> N = 4 >>> L = FunctionSpace(N, 'L') >>> u = Function(L) >>> u[1] = 1 >>> c = Array(L) >>> c = L.backward(u, c, kind='fast') >>> print(c) [-0.86113631 -0.33998104 0.33998104 0.86113631] >>> u[:] = 1 >>> np.alltrue(np.abs(u - u.backward().forward()) < 1e-12) True """ def __init__(self, input_array, s=None, axes=(-1,), threads=1, kind='backward', flags=(FFTW_MEASURE, FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT), output_array=None): from . import fastgl if isinstance(axes, tuple): assert len(axes) == 1 axis = axes[-1] elif isinstance(axes, int): axis = axes self.axis = axis assert kind in ('forward', 'scalar product', 'backward') self.kind = kind = slicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=input_array.ndim) = islicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=input_array.ndim) N = self.N = input_array.shape[axis] xl, wl = fastgl.leggauss(N) xc = n_cheb.chebgauss(N)[0] thetal = np.arccos(xl)[::-1] thetac = np.arccos(xc) s = [None]*input_array.ndim s[axis] = slice(None) s = tuple(s) # broadcast to ndims self.dtheta = (thetal - thetac)[s] self.n = np.arange(N, dtype=float)[s] if kind in ('forward', 'scalar product'): self.wl = wl[s] self.nsign = np.ones(N) self.nsign[1::2] = -1 if kind == 'forward': # apply inverse mass matrix as well self.nsign = self.nsign[s]*(self.n+0.5) else: self.nsign = self.nsign[s] ck = np.full(N, np.pi/2); ck[0] = np.pi = ck[s] U = input_array V = output_array if output_array is not None else U.copy() self.plan(U, V, kind, threads, flags) ##self.leg2chebclass = Leg2Cheb(U, axis=axis, maxs=100, use_direct=500) self.leg2chebclass = Leg2Cheb(U, domains=2, diagonals=16, axis=axis, maxs=100, use_direct=1000)
[docs] def plan(self, U, V, kind, threads, flags): Uc = U.copy() Vc = V.copy() # dct and dst use the same input/output arrays if kind in ('forward', 'scalar product'): self.dct = DCT(Uc, axis=self.axis, type=2, threads=threads, flags=flags, output_array=Vc) self.dst = DST(Uc, axis=self.axis, type=2, threads=threads, flags=flags, output_array=Vc) else: self.dct = DCT(Uc, axis=self.axis, type=3, threads=threads, flags=flags, output_array=Vc) self.dst = DST(Uc, axis=self.axis, type=3, threads=threads, flags=flags, output_array=Vc) self._input_array = U self._output_array = V
@property def input_array(self): return self._input_array @property def output_array(self): return self._output_array
[docs] def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, **kw): if input_array is not None: self._input_array[:] = input_array # Set up x, which is input array to dct/dst # Some dcts apparently destroys the input_array, so need copy x = np.zeros_like(self.input_array) x[:] = self._input_array if self.kind in ('forward', 'scalar product'): x *= self.wl else: x = self.leg2chebclass(x.copy(), x) fk = self.dct(x).copy() nfac = 1 y = 1 n = 1 converged = False while not converged: even = n % 2 == 0 deven = (n+1)//2 % 2 == 0 nfac *= n if self.kind == 'backward': x *= self.n y *= self.dtheta else: x *= self.dtheta y *= self.n sign = 1 if deven else -1 fft = self.dct if even else self.dst h = fft(x) df = sign/nfac*y*h fk += df error = np.linalg.norm(df) #print(f"{n:4d} {error:2.4e}") converged = error < 1e-16 n += 1 if self.kind in ('forward', 'scalar product'): fk = self.leg2chebclass(fk.copy(), fk, transpose=True) fk *= self.nsign else: fk[:] = fk[[slice(-1, None, -1)]] # reverse if output_array is not None: output_array[:] = fk return output_array self._output_array[:] = fk return self._output_array
class DCT: """Discrete cosine transform with appropriate scaling input_array : array s : sequence of ints, optional Not used - included for compatibility with Numpy axes : sequence of ints, optional Axes over which to compute the real-to-real dct. type : int, optional Type of `dct <>`_ - 1 - FFTW_REDFT00 - 2 - FFTW_REDFT10, - 3 - FFTW_REDFT01, - 4 - FFTW_REDFT11 threads : int, optional Number of threads used in computing dct. flags : sequence of ints, optional Flags from - FFTW_MEASURE - FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE - FFTW_PATIENT - FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT - FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT - FFTW_UNALIGNED - FFTW_CONSERVE_MEMORY - FFTW_ESTIMATE output_array : array, optional Array to be used as output array. Must be of correct shape, type, strides and alignment """ def __init__(self, input_array, type=3, s=None, axis=-1, threads=1, flags=(FFTW_MEASURE,), output_array=None): self.axis = axis self.type = type self.dct = fftw.dctn(input_array, axes=(axis,), type=type, threads=threads, flags=flags, output_array=output_array) s = [slice(None)]*input_array.ndim s[self.axis] = slice(0, 1) self.s = tuple(s) @property def input_array(self): return self.dct.input_array @property def output_array(self): return self.dct.output_array def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None): if input_array is not None: self.input_array[:] = input_array out = self.dct() if self.type == 3: out += self.dct.input_array[self.s] out /= 2 if output_array is not None: output_array[:] = out return output_array return out class DST: """Discrete sine transform with appropriate scaling Parameters ---------- input_array : array s : sequence of ints, optional Not used - included for compatibility with Numpy axes : sequence of ints, optional Axes over which to compute the real-to-real dst. type : int, optional Type of `dst <>`_ - 1 - FFTW_RODFT00 - 2 - FFTW_RODFT10 - 3 - FFTW_RODFT01 - 4 - FFTW_RODFT11 threads : int, optional Number of threads used in computing dst. flags : sequence of ints, optional Flags from - FFTW_MEASURE - FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE - FFTW_PATIENT - FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT - FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT - FFTW_UNALIGNED - FFTW_CONSERVE_MEMORY - FFTW_ESTIMATE output_array : array, optional Array to be used as output array. Must be of correct shape, type, strides and alignment """ def __init__(self, input_array, type=3, s=None, axis=-1, threads=1, flags=None, output_array=None): self.axis = axis self.type = type self.dst = fftw.dstn(input_array, axes=(axis,), type=type, threads=threads, flags=flags, output_array=output_array) = slicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=input_array.ndim) = islicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=input_array.ndim) @property def input_array(self): return self.dst.input_array @property def output_array(self): return self.dst.output_array def destroy(self): self.dst.destroy() def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None): if input_array is not None: self.input_array[:] = input_array x = self.input_array if self.type == 3: x[[slice(0, -1)]] = x[[slice(1, None)]] x[[-1]] = 0 out = self.dst() elif self.type == 2: out = self.dst() out[[slice(1, None)]] = out[[slice(0, -1)]] out[[0]] = 0 out /= 2 if output_array is not None: output_array[:] = out return output_array return out #Lambda = lambda z: np.exp(gammaln(z+0.5) - gammaln(z+1)) LxyE = lambda x, y: -0.5/(2*x+2*y+1)/(y-x)*Lambda(y-x-1)*Lambda(y+x-0.5) MxyE = lambda x, y: Lambda(y-x)*Lambda(y+x) Mxy = lambda x, y: Lambda((y-x)/2)*Lambda((y+x)/2) Lxy = lambda x, y: -1/(x+y+1)/(y-x)*Lambda((y-x-2)/2)*Lambda((y+x-1)/2) Hxy = lambda x, y: Lambda((y-x)/2)*Lambda((y+x)/2)/np.sqrt((x+y)*(y-x)) @runtimeoptimizer def leg2cheb(cl, cc=None, axis=0, transpose=False): r"""Compute Chebyshev coefficients from Legendre coefficients .. math:: \hat{c}^{cheb} = M \hat{c}^{leg} where :math:`\hat{c}^{cheb} \in \mathbb{R}^N` are the Chebyshev coefficients, :math:`\hat{c}^{leg} \in \mathbb{R}^N` the Legendre coefficients and :math:`M\in\mathbb{R}^{N \times N}` the matrix for the conversion. Note that if keyword transpose is true, then we compute .. math:: \hat{a} = M^T \hat{b} for some vectors :math:`\hat{a}` and :math:`\hat{b}`. Paramters --------- cl : array The Legendre coefficients (if transpose is False) cc : array (return array), optional The Chebyshev coefficients (if transpose is False) axis : int, optional The axis over which to take the transform transpose : bool Whether to perform the transpose operation Note ---- This is a low-memory implementation of the direct matrix vector product. The matrix :math:`M` is given by Alpert and Rokhlin 'A Fast Algorithm for the Evaluation of Legendre Expansions', SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 12, 1, 158-179, (1991), 10.1137/0912009. The matrix is not explicitely created. """ if cc is None: cc = np.zeros_like(cl) else: cc.fill(0) if axis > 0: cl = np.moveaxis(cl, axis, 0) cc = np.moveaxis(cc, axis, 0) N = cl.shape[0] k = np.arange(N) a = Lambda(k) sl = [None]*cc.ndim ck = np.full(N, np.pi/2); ck[0] = np.pi sl[0] = slice(None) ck = ck[tuple(sl)] if transpose is False: for n in range(0, N, 2): sl[0] = slice(n//2, N-n//2) cc[:(N-n)] += a[n//2]*a[tuple(sl)]*cl[n:] cc /= ck else: cx = cl/ck for n in range(0, N, 2): sl[0] = slice(n//2, N-n//2) cc[n:] += a[n//2]*a[tuple(sl)]*cx[:(N-n)] if axis > 0: cl = np.moveaxis(cl, 0, axis) cc = np.moveaxis(cc, 0, axis) return cc @runtimeoptimizer def cheb2leg(cc, cl=None, axis=0): r"""Compute Legendre coefficients from Chebyshev coefficients .. math:: \hat{c}^{leg} = L \hat{c}^{cheb} where :math:`\hat{c}^{cheb} \in \mathbb{R}^N` are the Chebyshev coefficients, :math:`\hat{c}^{leg} \in \mathbb{R}^N` the Legendre coefficients and :math:`L\in\mathbb{R}^{N \times N}` the matrix for the conversion. Paramters --------- cc : array The Chebyshev coefficients cl : array The Legendre coefficients (return array) axis : int, optional The axis over which to take the transform Note ---- This is a low-memory implementation of the direct matrix vector product. The matrix :math:`L` is given by Alpert and Rokhlin 'A Fast Algorithm for the Evaluation of Legendre Expansions', SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 12, 1, 158-179, (1991), 10.1137/0912009. The matrix is not explicitely created. """ if cl is None: cl = np.zeros_like(cc) else: cl.fill(0) if axis > 0: cl = np.moveaxis(cl, axis, 0) cc = np.moveaxis(cc, axis, 0) N = cc.shape[0] k = np.arange(N, dtype=float) k[0] = 1 vn = cc*k a = 1/(2*Lambda(k)*k*(k+0.5)) k[0] = 0 a[0] = 2/np.sqrt(np.pi) cl[:] = np.sqrt(np.pi)*a*vn for n in range(2, N, 2): dn = Lambda(np.array([(n-2)/2]))/n cl[:(N-n)] -= dn*a[n//2:(N-n//2)]*vn[n:] cl *= (k+0.5) if axis > 0: cl = np.moveaxis(cl, 0, axis) cc = np.moveaxis(cc, 0, axis) return cl
[docs] class Leg2chebHaleTownsend: """Class for computing Chebyshev coefficients from Legendre coefficients Algorithm from:: Nicholas Hale and Alex Townsend "A fast, simple and stable Chebyshev- Legendre transform using an asymptotic formula", SIAM J Sci Comput (2014) ( Parameters ---------- input_array : array Legendre coefficients output_array : array The returned array axis : int The axis over which to perform the computation in case the input_array is multidimensional. nM : int Parameter, see Hale and Townsend (2014). Note that one must have N >> nM. Nmin : int Parameter. Choose direct matvec approach for N < Nmin """ def __init__(self, input_array, output_array=None, axis=0, nM=50, Nmin=40000): self.axis = axis self.N = input_array.shape[axis] self.L = None self.T = None self.U = None self.a = None self.Nmin = Nmin self._input_array = input_array self._output_array = output_array if output_array is not None else input_array.copy() = slicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=input_array.ndim) if self.N > Nmin: from shenfun import config mod = config['optimization']['mode'] self.lib = importlib.import_module('.'.join(('shenfun.optimization', mod, 'transforms'))) N = self.N self.thetak = (np.arange(N)+0.5)*np.pi/N self.sintk = np.sin(self.thetak) alpha = self.alpha = min(1/np.log(N/nM), 0.5) if N < 1000: K = 1 elif N < 10000: K = 2 elif N < 1000000: K = 3 else: K = 4 self.K = K self.ix = {0: 0} for k in range(1, K+1): self.ix[k] = int((N + 1) / np.pi * np.arcsin(nM / N / alpha**k)) @property def input_array(self): return self._input_array @property def output_array(self): return self._output_array def _Um(self, m): return np.sin((m+0.5)*(np.pi/2-self.thetak))/(2**(m+0.5)*self.sintk**(m-0.5)) def _Vm(self, m): return np.cos((m+0.5)*(np.pi/2-self.thetak))/(2*self.sintk)**(m+0.5) @staticmethod def _Cn(n): return np.sqrt(4/np.pi)*np.exp(gammaln(n+1) - gammaln(n+3/2))
[docs] def plan(self, input_array): from shenfun import FunctionSpace assert input_array.shape[self.axis] == self.N if self.T is not None: assert self.T.N == self.N return self.L = FunctionSpace(self.N, 'L') self.U = FunctionSpace(self.N, 'U', quad='GC') self.T = FunctionSpace(self.N, 'C', quad='GC') self.a = self.L.get_recursion_matrix(self.N+3, self.N+3).diags('dia').data if input_array.ndim > 1: self.T.plan(input_array.shape, self.axis, input_array.dtype, {}) self.U.plan(input_array.shape, self.axis, input_array.dtype, {})
[docs] def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, transpose=False): r"""Compute Chebyshev coefficients from Legendre. That is, compute .. math:: \hat{c}^{cheb} = M \hat{c}^{leg} where :math:`\hat{c}^{cheb} \in \mathbb{R}^N` are the Chebyshev coefficients, :math:`\hat{c}^{leg} \in \mathbb{R}^N` the Legendre coefficients and :math:`M\in\mathbb{R}^{N \times N}` the matrix for the conversion. Note that if keyword 'transpose' is true, then we compute .. math:: \hat{a} = M^T \hat{b} for some vectors :math:`\hat{a}` and :math:`\hat{b}`. The Chebyshev and Legendre coefficients are the regular coefficients to the series .. math:: p_l(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{N} \hat{c}_k^{leg}L_k(x) \\ p_c(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{N} \hat{c}_k^{cheb}T_k(x) and we get :math:`\{\hat{c}_k^{cheb}\}_{k=0}^N` by setting :math:`p_l(x)=p_c(x)` for :math:`x=\{x_i\}_{i=0}^N`, where :math:`x_i=\cos(i+0.5)\pi/N`. Parameters ---------- input_array : array output_array : array transpose : bool Whether to compute the transpose of the regular transform Note ---- For small N we use a direct method that costs approximately :math:`0.25 N^2` operations. For larger N (see 'Nmin' parameter) we use the fast routine of Hale and Townsend 'A fast, simple and stable Chebyshev-Legendre transform using an asymptotic formula', SIAM J Sci Comput (2014) """ if input_array is not None: self._input_array[:] = input_array axis = self.axis N = self.N if N <= self.Nmin: out = leg2cheb(self.input_array, self.output_array, axis=axis, transpose=transpose) if output_array is not None: output_array[:] = out return output_array return out self.plan(self.input_array) sn = [None]*self.input_array.ndim sn[axis] = slice(None); sn = tuple(sn) hmn = np.ones(self.N) Tc = np.zeros_like(self.input_array) Uc = np.zeros_like(self.input_array) z = np.zeros_like(self.input_array) cn = self._Cn(np.arange(N))[sn] xi, wi = self.T.points_and_weights() if transpose is False: cn = self.input_array*cn na = np.arange(N) for m in range(10): if m > 0: hmn *= (m-0.5)**2/(m*(na+m+0.5)) cm = cn*hmn[sn] um = self._Um(m)[sn] vm = self._Vm(m)[sn] for k in range(1, self.K+1): Tc[:] = 0 Uc[:] = 0 si =[slice(self.ix[k], N-self.ix[k])] sk =[slice(int(self.alpha**k*N), int(self.alpha**(k-1)*N))] Tc[sk] = cm[sk] Uc[[slice(0, -1)]] = Tc[[slice(1, None)]] z[si] += (vm*self.T.backward(Tc) + um*self.U.backward(Uc))[si] si =[slice(0, self.ix[1])] zx = np.zeros_like(z[si]) self.lib.evaluate_expansion_all(self.input_array, zx, xi[si[axis]], self.axis, self.a) # recursive eval z[si] += zx si =[slice(N-self.ix[1], None)] self.lib.evaluate_expansion_all(self.input_array, zx, xi[si[axis]], self.axis, self.a) z[si] += zx for k in range(1, self.K): si =[slice(self.ix[k], self.ix[k+1])] sk =[slice(0, int(self.alpha**k*self.N))] zx = np.zeros_like(z[si]) self.lib.evaluate_expansion_all(self.input_array[sk], zx, xi[si[axis]], axis, self.a) z[si] += zx si =[slice(self.N-self.ix[k+1], self.N-self.ix[k])] self.lib.evaluate_expansion_all(self.input_array[sk], zx, xi[si[axis]], axis, self.a) z[si] += zx si =[slice(self.ix[self.K], self.N-self.ix[self.K])] sk =[slice(0, int(self.alpha**(self.K)*self.N))] zx = np.zeros_like(z[si]) self.lib.evaluate_expansion_all(self.input_array[sk], zx, xi[si[axis]], axis, self.a) z[si] += zx self._output_array = self.T.forward(z, self._output_array) else: # transpose ck = np.full(N, np.pi/2); ck[0] = np.pi ctilde = self.T.backward(self.input_array/ck[sn]).copy() # TN^{-T} * cl wu = self.U.points_and_weights()[1] U1 = np.zeros_like(self.input_array) for m in range(10): if m > 0: hmn *= (m-0.5)**2/(m*(np.arange(N)+m+0.5)) um = self._Um(m)[sn] vm = self._Vm(m)[sn] for k in range(1, self.K+1): Tc[:] = 0 Uc[:] = 0 si =[slice(self.ix[k], self.N-self.ix[k])] sk =[slice(int(self.alpha**k*self.N), int(self.alpha**(k-1)*self.N))] Tc[si] = ctilde[si] T0 = self.T.scalar_product(Tc*vm) U0 = self.U.scalar_product(Tc/wu[sn]*wi[sn]*um) U1[[slice(1, None)]] = U0[[slice(0, -1)]] z[sk] += (cn*hmn[sn]*(T0+U1))[sk] sk =[slice(0, int(self.alpha**self.K*self.N))] zx = np.zeros_like(z[sk]) z[sk] += restricted_product(self.L, wi[sn]*ctilde, zx, xi, 0, self.N, 0, axis, self.a) for k in range(self.K): sk =[slice(int(self.alpha**(k+1)*self.N), int(self.alpha**k*self.N))] zx = np.zeros_like(z[sk]) z[sk] += restricted_product(self.L, wi[sn]*ctilde, zx, xi, 0, self.ix[k+1], sk[axis].start, axis, self.a) z[sk] += restricted_product(self.L, wi[sn]*ctilde, zx, xi, N-self.ix[k+1], N, sk[axis].start, axis, self.a) self._output_array[:] = z if output_array is not None: output_array[:] = self._output_array return output_array return self._output_array
@runtimeoptimizer def restricted_product(L, input_array, output_array, xi, i0, i1, a0, axis, a): r"""Returns the restricted matrix vector product .. math:: \sum_{i=i_0}^{i_1} \sum_{k=k_0}^{k_1} \hat{u}_k P_k(x_i) where the matrix :math:`P_k(x_i)` is the :math:`k`'th basis function of a family of orthogonal polynomials, at points :math:`\{x_i\}_{i_0}^{i_1}`. The array :math:`\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}` can be multidimensional, in which case the product is applied along the indicated axis. Parameters ---------- L : instance of :class:`.SpectralBase` input_array : array output_array : array xi : Quadrature points for space L i0, i1 : integers Start and stop indices for xi a0 : int Start index for basis functions :math:`P_k` axis : int The axis of :math:`\hat{u}_k` to take the restricted product over in case :math:`\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}` is multidimensional a : array Recurrence coefficients for the orthogonal polynomials """ N = xi.shape[0] Lnm = L.evaluate_basis(xi[i0:i1], i=a0) Ln = L.evaluate_basis(xi[i0:i1], i=a0+1) if a.shape[0] == 3: anm = a[0] # a_{n-1, n} ann = a[1] # a_{n, n} anp = a[2] # a_{n+1, n} else: anm = a[0] anp = a[1] ann = np.zeros(N+2) Lnp = (xi[i0:i1]-ann[1+a0])/anm[1+a0]*Ln - anp[1+a0]/anm[1+a0]*Lnm for k in range(len(output_array)): kp = k+a0 s1 = 1/anm[kp+2] s2 = anp[kp+2]/anm[kp+2] a00 = ann[kp+2] s = 0.0 for i in range(len(Ln)): s += Lnm[i]*input_array[i0+i] Lnm[i] = Ln[i] Ln[i] = Lnp[i] Lnp[i] = s1*(xi[i0+i]-a00)*Ln[i] - s2*Lnm[i] output_array[k] = s return output_array def getChebyshev(level, D, s, diags, A, N, l2c=True): """Low-rank computation of Chebyshev coefficients Computes Chebyshev coefficients for all submatrices on a given level of a hierarchical decomposition. Parameters ---------- level : int The level in the hierarchical decomposition D : int Domains size on level s : int Size of the smallest submatrices diags : int The number of neglected diagonals, that are treated using a direct approach A : list Each item is a flattened low-rank matrix of coefficients N : list Each item is the shape of the corresponding matrix item in A l2c : bool If True, the transform goes from Legendre to Chebyshev, and vice versa if False """ from shenfun import FunctionSpace, TensorProductSpace h = s*get_h(level, D) i0, j0 = get_ij(level, 0, s, D, diags) Nb = get_number_of_blocks(level, D) T0 = FunctionSpace(100, 'C', domain=[j0+2*h, j0+4*h]) fun = Mxy if l2c == True else Lxy w0 = fun(2*h-1, T0.mesh()) m0 = T0.forward(w0) z = np.where(np.diff(abs(m0)) > 0)[0] Nx = 100 if len(z) < 2 else z[1] T0.domain = [j0+4*h, j0+6*h] w0 = fun(2*h-1, T0.mesh()) m0 = T0.forward(w0) z = np.where(np.diff(abs(m0)) > 0)[0] Nx2 = 100 if len(z) < 2 else z[1] Nx2 = min(Nx2, Nx) #Nx, Nx2 = 50, 50 T1 = FunctionSpace(Nx, 'C') S = TensorProductSpace(MPI.COMM_SELF, (T1, T1)) f = np.zeros((Nx, Nx)) dctn = fftw.dctn(np.zeros((Nx, Nx)), axes=(0, 1)) xj = np.cos((np.arange(Nx)+0.5)*np.pi/Nx) xj2 = np.cos((np.arange(Nx2)+0.5)*np.pi/(Nx2)) dctn2 = fftw.dctn(np.zeros((Nx2, Nx2)), axes=(0, 1)) X = np.zeros((Nx, 1)) Y = np.zeros((1, Nx)) X2 = np.zeros((Nx2, 1)) Y2 = np.zeros((1, Nx2)) Mmax = 0 for k in range(Nb): i0, j0 = get_ij(level, k, s, D, diags) for j in range(D[level]): S.bases[1].domain = 2*(j0+(j+1)*h), 2*(j0+(j+2)*h) for i in range(j+1): S.bases[0].domain = 2*(i0+i*h), 2*(i0+(i+1)*h) f[:] = 0 if j > i: Y2[0, :] = S.bases[1].map_true_domain(xj2) X2[:, 0] = S.bases[0].map_true_domain(xj2) f[:Nx2, :Nx2] = dctn2(fun(X2, Y2))/Nx2**2 else: Y[0, :] = S.bases[1].map_true_domain(xj) X[:, 0] = S.bases[0].map_true_domain(xj) f[:] = dctn(fun(X, Y))/Nx**2 f[0] /= 2 f[:, 0] /= 2 z = np.where(np.diff(abs(f[0, 2:])) >= 0)[0] #z = np.where(abs(f[0]) < 1e-15)[0] Mmin = z[0]+2 if len(z) > 1 else Nx #Mmin = Nx A.append(f[:Mmin, :Mmin].ravel().copy()) N.append(Mmin) Mmax = max(Mmax, Mmin) S.destroy() return Mmax class FMMLevel: """Abstract base class for hierarchical matrix """ def __init__(self, N, domains=None, levels=None, l2c=True, maxs=100, use_direct=-1): self.N = N self.use_direct = use_direct self._output_array = np.array([0]) if N <= use_direct: self.Nn = N return if domains is not None: if isinstance(domains, int): if levels is None: doms = np.cumsum(domains**np.arange(16)) levels = np.where(N/(2*(1+doms)) <= maxs)[0][0] levels = max(1, levels) self.D = np.full(levels, domains, dtype=int) else: domains = np.atleast_1d(domains) levels = len(domains) self.D = domains else: if levels is None: domains = 2 doms = np.cumsum(domains**np.arange(20)) levels = np.where(N/(2*(1+doms)) <= maxs)[0][0] levels = max(1, levels) else: for domains in range(2, 100): Nb = np.cumsum(domains**np.arange(levels+1))[levels] s = N//(2*(1+Nb)) if s <= maxs: break self.D = np.full(levels, domains, dtype=int) self.L = max(1, levels) Nb = get_number_of_blocks(self.L, self.D) #self.diags = diagonals self.axis = 0 # Create new (even) N with minimal size according to diags and N # Pad input array with zeros #s, rest = divmod(N//2-diagonals, Nb) s = np.ceil(N/(2*(1+Nb))).astype(int) Nn = 2*s*(1+Nb) #Nn = N #if rest > 0 or Nn%2 == 1: # s += 1 # Nn = 2*(diagonals+s*Nb) self.Nn = Nn self.s = s self.diags = s fk = [] Nk = [] self.Mmin = np.zeros(self.L, dtype=int) for level in range(self.L-1, -1, -1): Nx = getChebyshev(level, self.D, s, s, fk, Nk, l2c) self.Mmin[level] = Nx = np.hstack(fk) self.Nk = np.array(Nk, dtype=int) Mmax = self.Mmin.max() TT = {} for level in range(self.L-1, -1, -1): if self.D[level] not in TT: TT[self.D[level]] = conversionmatrix(self.D[level], Mmax) self.Th = np.concatenate([TT[d] for d in np.unique(self.D)]) self.ThT = np.array([copy(self.Th[i].transpose()) for i in range(self.Th.shape[0])]) self.T = np.zeros((2, s, self.Mmin[-1])) Ti = n_cheb.chebvander(np.linspace(-1, 1, 2*s+1)[:-1], self.Mmin[-1]-1) self.T[0] = Ti[::2] self.T[1] = Ti[1::2] def get_M_shapes(self): M = [] for level in range(self.L): Nb = get_number_of_blocks(level, self.D) M.append([np.sum((self.Nk[level][1:])**2), Nb*self.D[level]*(self.D[level]+1)//2]) return M def plan(self, shape, dtype, axis, output_array=None, use_direct=-1): if self._output_array.shape == shape and axis == self.axis and self._output_array.dtype == dtype: return self.axis = axis = slicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=len(shape)) = islicedict(axis=axis, dimensions=len(shape)) if shape[axis] > use_direct: oddevenshape = list(shape) oddevenshape[axis] = self.Nn//2 self.cont_input_array = np.zeros(oddevenshape, dtype=dtype) self.cont_output_array = np.zeros(oddevenshape, dtype=dtype) self._output_array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) if output_array is None else output_array def plotrank(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt z = np.zeros((self.Nn, self.Nn)) ik = 0 for level in range(self.L-1, -1, -1): for block in range(get_number_of_blocks(level, self.D)): h = 2 * self.s * get_h(level, self.D) i0, j0 = get_ij(level, block, self.s, self.D, self.diags) for j in range(self.D[level]): for i in range(j + 1): z[2*i0+i*h:2*i0+(i+1)*h, 2*j0+(j+1)*h:2*j0+(j+2)*h] = self.Nk[ik] ik += 1 plt.figure() plt.imshow(z, cmap='gray') plt.title('Submatrix rank') plt.colorbar() def get_ij(level, block, s, D, diagonals): i0 = block*D[level]*s*get_h(level, D) j0 = diagonals+i0 for i in range(level+1, len(D)): j0 += s*get_h(i, D) return (i0, j0) def get_h(level, D): #return (**(self.L-1-level) # const D return[level+1:]) def get_number_of_blocks(level, D): #return np.sum(D[0]**np.arange(level+1)) # const D return 1+np.sum(np.cumprod(np.flip(D[:level]))) def get_number_of_submatrices(D): Ns = 0 for level in range(len(D)): Ns += get_number_of_blocks(level, D)*D[level]*(D[level]+1)//2 return Ns
[docs] class FMMLeg2Cheb(FMMLevel): """Transform Legendre coefficients to Chebyshev coefficients Parameters ---------- input : int or input array The length of the array to transform or the array itself diagonals : int The number of neglected diagonals, that are treated using a direct approach domains : None, int or sequence of ints The domain sizes for all levels If domains=None then an appropriate domain size is computed according to the given number of levels and maxs. If the number of levels is also None, then domains is set to 2 and the number of levels is computed from maxs. If domains is an integer, then this integer is used for each level, and the number of levels is either given or computed according to maxs If domains is a sequence of integers, then these are the domain sizes for all the levels and the length of this sequence is the number of levels. levels : None or int The number of levels in the hierarchical matrix If levels is None, then it is computed according to domains and maxs l2c : bool If True, the transform goes from Legendre to Chebyshev, and vice versa if False maxs : int The maximum size of the smallest submatrices (on the highest level). This number is used if the number of levels or domain sizes need to be computed. axis : int The axis over which to apply the transform if the input array is a multidimensional array. use_direct : int Use direct method if N is smaller than this number """ def __init__(self, input, output_array=None, domains=None, levels=None, maxs=100, axis=0, use_direct=-1): if isinstance(input, int): N = input shape = (N,) dtype = float elif isinstance(input, np.ndarray): N = input.shape[axis] shape = input.shape dtype = input.dtype FMMLevel.__init__(self, N, domains=domains, levels=levels, maxs=maxs, use_direct=use_direct) self.a = Lambda(np.arange(self.Nn, dtype=float)) self.plan(shape, dtype, axis, output_array, use_direct)
[docs] def __call__(self, input_array, output_array=None, transpose=False): """Execute transform Parameters ---------- input_array : array The array to be transformed output_array : None or array The return array. Will be created if None. transpose : bool If True, then apply the transpose operation :math:`A^Tu` instead of the default :math:`Au`, where :math:`A` is the matrix and :math:`u` is the array of Legendre coefficients. """ self.plan(input_array.shape, input_array.dtype, self.axis, output_array, self.use_direct) if input_array.shape[self.axis] <= self.use_direct and input_array.ndim == 1: self._output_array[...] = 0 _leg2cheb(input_array, self._output_array, self.a, transpose) if output_array is not None: output_array[...] = self._output_array return output_array return self._output_array if transpose is True: input_array = input_array*2/np.pi # makes copy (preserve input) input_array[[0]] *= 0.5 if input_array.shape[self.axis] <= self.use_direct: self._output_array.fill(0) FMMdirect1(input_array, self._output_array, self.axis, self.a, self.N//2, transpose) else: self.apply(input_array, self._output_array, transpose) if transpose is False: self._output_array *= (2/np.pi) self._output_array[[0]] *= 0.5 return self._output_array
[docs] def apply(self, input_array, output_array, transpose): FMMcheb(input_array, output_array, self.axis, self.Nn,, self.Nk, self.T, self.Th, self.ThT, self.D, self.Mmin, self.s, self.diags, transpose) FMMdirect1(input_array, output_array, self.axis, self.a, self.diags, transpose) FMMdirect2(input_array, output_array, self.axis, self.a, 2*self.s, get_number_of_blocks(self.L, self.D), 2*self.diags, transpose)
[docs] class FMMCheb2Leg(FMMLevel): """Transform Chebyshev coefficients to Legendre coefficients Parameters ---------- input : int or input array The length of the array to transform or the array itself diagonals : int The number of neglected diagonals, that are treated using a direct approach domains : None, int or sequence of ints The domain sizes for all levels If domains=None then an appropriate domain size is computed according to the given number of levels and maxs. If the number of levels is also None, then domains is set to 2 and the number of levels is computed from maxs. If domains is an integer, then this integer is used for each level, and the number of levels is either given or computed according to maxs If domains is a sequence of integers, then these are the domain sizes for all the levels and the length of this sequence is the number of levels. levels : None or int The number of levels in the hierarchical matrix If levels is None, then it is computed according to domains and maxs l2c : bool If True, the transform goes from Legendre to Chebyshev, and vice versa if False maxs : int The maximum size of the smallest submatrices (on the highest level). This number is used if the number of levels or domain sizes need to be computed. axis : int The axis over which to apply the transform if the input array is a multidimensional array. use_direct : int Use direct method if N is smaller than this number """ def __init__(self, input, output_array=None, diagonals=16, domains=None, levels=None, maxs=100, axis=0, use_direct=-1): if isinstance(input, int): N = input shape = (N,) dtype = float elif isinstance(input, np.ndarray): N = input.shape[axis] shape = input.shape dtype = input.dtype FMMLevel.__init__(self, N, domains=domains, diagonals=diagonals, levels=levels, maxs=maxs, l2c=False, use_direct=use_direct) k = np.arange(self.Nn, dtype='d') k[0] = 1 self.dn = Lambda((k[::2]-2)/2)/k[::2] self.a = 1/(2*Lambda(k)*k*(k+0.5)) self.a[0] = 2/np.sqrt(np.pi) self.plan(shape, dtype, axis, output_array, use_direct)
[docs] def __call__(self, input_array, output_array=None): """Execute transform Parameters ---------- input_array : array The array to be transformed output_array : None or array The return array. Will be created if None. """ assert isinstance(input_array, np.ndarray) self.plan(input_array.shape, input_array.dtype, self.axis, output_array, self.use_direct) if input_array.shape[self.axis] <= self.use_direct and input_array.ndim == 1: self._output_array[...] = 0 _cheb2leg(input_array, self._output_array, self.dn, self.a) if output_array is not None: output_array[...] = self._output_array return output_array return self._output_array = sl = slicedict(axis=self.axis, dimensions=input_array.ndim) si = [None]*input_array.ndim si[self.axis] = slice(None) w0 = input_array.copy() w0[sl[slice(1, self.N)]] *= np.arange(1, self.N)[tuple(si)] if input_array.shape[self.axis] <= self.use_direct: self._output_array.fill(0) FMMdirect4(w0, self._output_array, self.axis, self.dn[:self.N//2], self.a[:self.N], self.N//2) else: self.apply(w0, self._output_array) self._output_array *= (np.arange(self.N)+0.5)[tuple(si)] if output_array is not None: output_array[...] = self._output_array return output_array return self._output_array
[docs] def apply(self, input_array, output_array): FMMcheb(input_array, output_array, self.axis, self.Nn,, self.Nk, self.T, self.Th, self.ThT, self.D, self.Mmin, self.s, self.diags, False) FMMdirect4(input_array, output_array, self.axis, self.dn[:self.N//2], self.a[:self.N], self.diags) FMMdirect3(input_array, output_array, self.axis, self.dn, self.a, 2*self.s, get_number_of_blocks(self.L, self.D), 2*self.diags)
@runtimeoptimizer def _cheb2leg(u, v, dn, a): pass @runtimeoptimizer def _leg2cheb(u, v, a, trans): pass @runtimeoptimizer def FMMdirect1(u, v, axis, a, n0, trans): N = u.shape[0] if trans is False: for n in range(0, n0): v[:(N-2*n)] += a[n]*a[n:(N-n)]*u[2*n:] else: for n in range(0, n0): v[2*n:] += a[n]*a[n:(N-n)]*u[:(N-2*n)] @runtimeoptimizer def FMMdirect2(u, v, axis, a, h, Nb, n0, trans): N = v.shape[0] for k in range(Nb): i0 = k*h j0 = n0+i0 for n in range(0, h, 2): a0 = i0+(n0+n)//2 Nm = min(N-(j0+n), h-n) if trans is True: v[j0+n:(j0+Nm)] += a[(n+n0)//2]*a[a0:a0+Nm]*u[i0:i0+Nm] else: v[i0:(i0+Nm)] += a[(n+n0)//2]*a[a0:a0+Nm]*u[j0+n:j0+n+Nm] #from shenfun import optimization #FMMdirect2 = optimization.numba.transforms.FMMdirect2 #FMMdirect3 = optimization.numba.transforms.FMMdirect3 @runtimeoptimizer def FMMdirect3(u, v, axis, dn, a, h, Nb, n0): N = v.shape[0] for k in range(Nb): i0 = k*h j0 = n0+i0 for n in range(0, h, 2): a0 = i0+(n0+n)//2 Nm = min(N-(j0+n), h-n) v[i0:(i0+Nm)] -= dn[(n+n0)//2]*a[a0:a0+Nm]*u[j0+n:j0+n+Nm] @runtimeoptimizer def FMMdirect4(u, v, axis, dn, a, n0): N = u.shape[0] v[:] += np.sqrt(np.pi)*a*u for n in range(1, n0): v[:(N-2*n)] -= dn[n]*a[n:(N-n)]*u[2*n:] @runtimeoptimizer def FMMcheb(input_array, output_array, axis, Nn, fk, Nk, T, Th, ThT, D, Mmin, s, diags, transpose): assert input_array.ndim == 1, 'Use Cython for multidimensional' L = len(D) Mmax = max(Mmin) N = input_array.shape[0] cia = np.zeros(Nn//2, dtype=input_array.dtype) coa = np.zeros(Nn//2, dtype=input_array.dtype) uD = np.hstack((0, np.unique(D))) output_array[:] = 0 wk = [None]*L ck = [None]*L for level in range(L): wk[level] = np.zeros((get_number_of_blocks(level, D), D[level], Mmax)) ck[level] = np.zeros((get_number_of_blocks(level, D), D[level], Mmax)) for sigma in (0, 1): cia[:] = 0 coa[:] = 0 cia[:N//2+(N%2)*(1-sigma)] = input_array[sigma::2] if sigma == 1: for level in range(L): wk[level][:] = 0 ck[level][:] = 0 ik = 0 Nc = 0 if transpose is False: for level in range(L-1, -1, -1): h = s*get_h(level, D) M0 = Mmin[level] s0 = np.searchsorted(uD, D[level])-1 s1 = np.cumsum(uD)[s0] TT = Th[s1:s1+D[level]] #if level == L-1: # wk[level][...] =[diags+s:].reshape((D[L-1]*get_number_of_blocks(L-1, D), s)), T[sigma]).reshape((get_number_of_blocks(L-1, D), D[L-1], Mmax)) for block in range(get_number_of_blocks(level, D)): i0, j0 = get_ij(level, block, s, D, diags) b0, q0 = divmod(block-1, D[level-1]) for q in range(D[level]): if level == L-1: wk[level][block, q, :M0] =[j0+(q+1)*h:j0+(q+2)*h], T[sigma, :, :M0]) if level > 0 and block > 0: wk[level-1][b0, q0, :M0] +=[q, :M0, :M0], wk[level][block, q, :M0]) for p in range(q+1): M = Nk[ik] ck[level][block, p, :M] +=[Nc:(Nc+M*M)].reshape(M, M), wk[level][block, q, :M]) Nc += M*M ik += 1 for level in range(L): M0 = Mmin[level] if level < L-1: s0 = np.searchsorted(uD, D[level+1])-1 s1 = np.cumsum(uD)[s0] TT = ThT[s1:s1+D[level+1]] for block in range(get_number_of_blocks(level+1, D)-1): b0, p0 = divmod(block, D[level]) for p in range(D[level+1]): ck[level+1][block, p, :M0] +=[p, :M0, :M0], ck[level][b0, p0, :M0]) else: for block in range(get_number_of_blocks(level, D)): i0, j0 = get_ij(level, block, s, D, diags) for p in range(D[level]): coa[i0+p*s:i0+(p+1)*s] =[sigma], ck[level][block, p]) else: for level in range(L-1, -1, -1): h = s*get_h(level, D) M0 = Mmin[level] s0 = np.searchsorted(uD, D[level])-1 s1 = np.cumsum(uD)[s0] for block in range(get_number_of_blocks(level, D)): j0, i0 = get_ij(level, block, s, D, diags) b0, q0 = divmod(block, D[level-1]) TT = Th[s1:s1+D[level]] for p in range(D[level]): for q in range(p+1): if q == p: if level == L-1: wk[level][block, q, :M0] =[j0+q*h:j0+(q+1)*h], T[sigma, :, :M0]) if level > 0 and block < get_number_of_blocks(level, D)-1: wk[level-1][b0, q0, :M0] +=[q, :M0, :M0], wk[level][block, q, :M0]) M = Nk[ik] ck[level][block, p, :M] +=[level][block, q, :M], fk[Nc:(Nc+M*M)].reshape(M, M)) Nc += M*M ik += 1 for level in range(L): M0 = Mmin[level] if level < L-1: s0 = np.searchsorted(uD, D[level+1])-1 s1 = np.cumsum(uD)[s0] TT = Th[s1:s1+D[level+1]] for block in range(1, get_number_of_blocks(level+1, D)): for p in range(D[level+1]): b0, p0 = divmod(block-1, D[level]) ck[level+1][block, p, :M0] +=[level][b0, p0, :M0], TT[p, :M0, :M0]) else: for block in range(get_number_of_blocks(level, D)): j0, i0 = get_ij(level, block, s, D, diags) for p in range(D[level]): coa[i0+(p+1)*s:i0+(p+2)*s] =[sigma], ck[level][block, p]) output_array[sigma::2] = coa[:N//2+(N%2)*(1-sigma)] def conversionmatrix(D : int, M : int) -> np.ndarray: from mpi4py_fft.fftw import dctn T = np.zeros((D, M, M)) k = np.arange(M) X = np.cos((k+0.5)*np.pi/M)[None, :] dct = dctn(np.zeros((M, M)), axes=(1,)) for q in range(D): T[q] = dct(np.cos(k[:, None]*np.arccos((X+1+2*q-D)/D)))/M T[q, :, 0] /= 2 return T