Source code for

This module contains linear algebra solvers for SparseMatrices,
TPMatrices and BlockMatrices.
from numbers import Number, Integral
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import spmatrix, kron
from scipy.sparse.linalg import splu
from shenfun.config import config
from shenfun.optimization import optimizer, runtimeoptimizer
from shenfun.matrixbase import SparseMatrix, extract_bc_matrices, \
    BlockMatrix, get_simplified_tpmatrices
from shenfun.forms.arguments import Function
from mpi4py import MPI

[docs] def Solver(mats): """Return appropriate solver for `mats` Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances Returns ------- Matrix solver (:class:`.SparseMatrixSolver`) Note ---- The list of matrices may include boundary matrices. The returned solver will incorporate these boundary matrices automatically on the right hand side of the equation system. """ assert isinstance(mats, (SparseMatrix, list)) bc_mats = [] mat = mats if isinstance(mats, list): bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([mats]) mat = sum(mats[1:], mats[0]) return mat.get_solver()([mat]+bc_mats)
[docs] class SparseMatrixSolver: """Solver for :class:`.SparseMatrix` matrices. Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances Note ---- The list of matrices may include boundary matrices. The returned solver will incorporate these boundary matrices automatically on the right hand side of the equation system. """ def __init__(self, mats): assert isinstance(mats, (SparseMatrix, list)) self.bc_mats = [] if isinstance(mats, list): bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([mats]) mats = sum(mats[1:], mats[0]) self.bc_mats = bc_mats self.mat = mats self._lu = None self._inner_arg = None # argument to inner_solve self.dtype = None assert self.mat.shape[0] == self.mat.shape[1]
[docs] def apply_bcs(self, b, u, axis=0): if len(self.bc_mats) > 0: u.set_boundary_dofs() w0 = np.zeros_like(b) for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: b -= bc_mat.matvec(u, w0, axis=axis) return b
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints, axis=0): """Apply constraints to matrix `self.mat` and rhs vector `b` Parameters ---------- b : array constraints : tuple of 2-tuples The 2-tuples represent (row, val) The constraint indents the matrix row and sets b[row] = val axis : int The axis we are solving over """ # Only apply constraint to matrix first time around if len(constraints) > 0: if b.ndim > 1: T = b.function_space().bases[axis] A = self.mat if isinstance(A, spmatrix): for (row, val) in constraints: if self._lu is None: A = A.tolil() _, zerorow = A[row].nonzero() A[(row, zerorow)] = 0 A[row, row] = 1 self.mat = A.tocsc() if b.ndim > 1: b[[row]] = val else: b[row] = val elif isinstance(A, SparseMatrix): for (row, val) in constraints: if self._lu is None: for key, vals in A.items(): if key >= 0: M = A.shape[0]-key v = np.broadcast_to(np.atleast_1d(vals), M).copy() if row < M: v[row] = int(key == 0)/A.scale elif key < 0: M = A.shape[0]+key v = np.broadcast_to(np.atleast_1d(vals), M).copy() if row+key < M and row+key > 0: v[row+key] = 0 A[key] = v if b.ndim > 1: b[[row]] = val else: b[row] = val return b
[docs] def perform_lu(self): if self._lu is None: if isinstance(self.mat, SparseMatrix): self.mat = self.mat.diags('csc') self._lu = splu(self.mat, permc_spec=config['matrix']['sparse']['permc_spec']) self.dtype = self.mat.dtype.char self._inner_arg = (self._lu, self.dtype) return self._lu
[docs] def solve(self, b, u, axis, lu): """Solve Au=b Solve along axis if b and u are multidimensional arrays. Parameters ---------- b, u : arrays of rhs and output Both can be multidimensional axis : int The axis we are solving over lu : LU-decomposition Can be either the output from splu, or a dia-matrix containing the L and U matrices. The latter is used in subclasses. """ if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) if u is not b: b = np.moveaxis(b, axis, 0) s = slice(0, self.mat.shape[0]) if b.ndim == 1: if b.dtype.char in 'fdg' or self.dtype in 'FDG': u[s] = lu.solve(b[s]) else: u.real[s] = lu.solve(b[s].real) u.imag[s] = lu.solve(b[s].imag) else: N = b[s].shape[0] P =[s].shape[1:]) br = b[s].reshape((N, P)) if b.dtype.char in 'fdg' or self.dtype in 'FDG': u[s] = lu.solve(br).reshape(u[s].shape) else: u.real[s] = lu.solve(br.real).reshape(u[s].shape) u.imag[s] = lu.solve(br.imag).reshape(u[s].shape) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis) if u is not b: b = np.moveaxis(b, 0, axis) return u
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, lu): """Solve Au=b for one-dimensional u On entry u is the rhs b, on exit it contains the solution. Parameters ---------- u : array 1D rhs on entry and solution on exit lu : LU-decomposition Can be either a 2-tuple with (output from splu, dtype), or a scipy dia-matrix containing the L and U matrices. The latter is used in subclasses. """ lu, dtype = lu s = slice(0, lu.shape[0]) if u.dtype.char in 'fdg' or dtype in 'FDG': u[s] = lu.solve(u[s]) else: u.real[s] = lu.solve(u.real[s]) u.imag[s] = lu.solve(u.imag[s])
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, axis=0, constraints=()): """Solve matrix problem Au = b along axis This routine also applies boundary conditions and constraints, and performes LU-decomposition on the fully assembled matrix. Parameters ---------- b : array Array of right hand side on entry and solution on exit unless u is provided. u : array, optional Output array axis : int, optional The axis over which to solve for if b and u are multidimensional constraints : tuple of 2-tuples The 2-tuples represent (row, val) The constraint indents the matrix row and sets b[row] = val Note ---- If u is not provided, then b is overwritten with the solution and returned """ if u is None: u = b b = self.apply_bcs(b, u, axis=axis) b = self.apply_constraints(b, constraints, axis=axis) lu = self.perform_lu() # LU must be performed after constraints, because constraints modify the matrix u = self.solve(b, u, axis, lu) if hasattr(u, 'set_boundary_dofs'): u.set_boundary_dofs() return u
[docs] class BandedMatrixSolver(SparseMatrixSolver): def __init__(self, mats): SparseMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) self._lu = self.mat.diags('dia')
[docs] def solve(self, b, u, axis, lu): if u is not b: sl = u.function_space().slice() if hasattr(u, 'function_space') else slice(None) u[sl] = b[sl] self.Solve(u,, axis) return u
[docs] @staticmethod def LU(data): """LU-decomposition using either Cython or Numba Parameters ---------- data : 2D-array Storage for dia-matrix on entry and L and U matrices on exit. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def Solve(u, data, axis): """Fast solve using either Cython or Numba Parameters ---------- u : array rhs on entry, solution on exit data : 2D-array Storage for dia-matrix containing L and U matrices axis : int The axis we are solving over """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class DiagMA(BandedMatrixSolver): """Diagonal matrix solver Parameters ---------- mats : Diagonal :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of diagonal :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances """ def __init__(self, mats): BandedMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) self.issymmetric = True self._inner_arg =
[docs] def perform_lu(self): return self._lu
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints, axis=0): if len(constraints) > 0: assert len(constraints) == 1 assert constraints[0][0] == 0, 'Can only fix first row' self._lu.diagonal(0)[0] = 1 s = [slice(None)]*len(b.shape) s[axis] = 0 b[tuple(s)] = constraints[0][1] return b
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, lu): d = lu[0] u[:d.shape[0]] /= d
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve(u, data, axis): if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) DiagMA.inner_solve(u, data) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
[docs] class TDMA(BandedMatrixSolver): """Tridiagonal matrix solver Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances Tridiagonal matrix with diagonals in offsets -2, 0, 2 """ def __init__(self, mats): BandedMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) self.issymmetric = self.mat.issymmetric @staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def LU(data): ld = data[0, :-2] d = data[1, :] ud = data[2, 2:] n = d.shape[0] for i in range(2, n): ld[i-2] = ld[i-2]/d[i-2] d[i] = d[i] - ld[i-2]*ud[i-2]
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints, axis=0): if len(constraints) > 0: assert len(constraints) == 1 assert constraints[0][0] == 0, 'Can only fix first row of TDMA' self._lu.diagonal(0)[0] = 1 self._lu.diagonal(2)[0] = 0 s = [slice(None)]*len(b.shape) s[axis] = 0 b[tuple(s)] = constraints[0][1] return b
[docs] def perform_lu(self): if self._inner_arg is None: self.LU( self._inner_arg = return self._lu
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, data): ld = data[0, :-2] d = data[1, :] ud = data[2, 2:] n = d.shape[0] for i in range(2, n): u[i] -= ld[i-2]*u[i-2] u[n-1] = u[n-1]/d[n-1] u[n-2] = u[n-2]/d[n-2] for i in range(n - 3, -1, -1): u[i] = (u[i] - ud[i]*u[i+2])/d[i]
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve(u, data, axis): if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) TDMA.inner_solve(u, data) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
[docs] class TDMA_O(BandedMatrixSolver): """Tridiagonal matrix solver Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances Symmetric tridiagonal matrix with diagonals in offsets -1, 0, 1 """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, mats): BandedMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats)
[docs] def perform_lu(self): if self._inner_arg is None: self.LU( self._inner_arg = return self._lu
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def LU(data): ld = data[0, :-1] d = data[1, :] ud = data[2, 1:] n = d.shape[0] for i in range(1, n): ld[i-1] = ld[i-1]/d[i-1] d[i] -= ld[i-1]*ud[i-1]
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, data): ld = data[0, :-1] d = data[1, :] ud = data[2, 1:] n = d.shape[0] for i in range(1, n): u[i] -= ld[i-1]*u[i-1] u[n-1] = u[n-1]/d[n-1] for i in range(n-2, -1, -1): u[i] = (u[i] - ud[i]*u[i+1])/d[i]
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve(u, data, axis): if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) TDMA_O.inner_solve(u, data) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
[docs] class PDMA(BandedMatrixSolver): """Pentadiagonal matrix solver Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances Pentadiagonal matrix with diagonals in offsets -4, -2, 0, 2, 4 """ def __init__(self, mats): BandedMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) assert len(self.mat) == 5
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints, axis=0): if len(constraints) > 0: assert len(constraints) == 1 assert constraints[0][0] == 0, 'Can only fix first row of PDMA' self._lu.diagonal(0)[0] = 1 self._lu.diagonal(2)[0] = 0 self._lu.diagonal(4)[0] = 0 if b.ndim > 1: s = [slice(None)]*len(b.shape) s[axis] = 0 b[tuple(s)] = constraints[0][1] else: b[0] = constraints[0][1] self._inner_arg = return b
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def LU(data): # pragma: no cover a = data[0, :-4] b = data[1, :-2] d = data[2, :] e = data[3, 2:] f = data[4, 4:] n = d.shape[0] m = e.shape[0] k = n - m for i in range(n-2*k): lam = b[i]/d[i] d[i+k] -= lam*e[i] e[i+k] -= lam*f[i] b[i] = lam lam = a[i]/d[i] b[i+k] -= lam*e[i] d[i+2*k] -= lam*f[i] a[i] = lam i = n-4 lam = b[i]/d[i] d[i+k] -= lam*e[i] b[i] = lam i = n-3 lam = b[i]/d[i] d[i+k] -= lam*e[i] b[i] = lam
[docs] def perform_lu(self): if self._inner_arg is None: self.LU( self._inner_arg = return self._lu
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, data): a = data[0, :-4] b = data[1, :-2] d = data[2, :] e = data[3, 2:] f = data[4, 4:] n = d.shape[0] u[2] -= b[0]*u[0] u[3] -= b[1]*u[1] for k in range(4, n): u[k] -= (b[k-2]*u[k-2] + a[k-4]*u[k-4]) u[n-1] /= d[n-1] u[n-2] /= d[n-2] u[n-3] = (u[n-3]-e[n-3]*u[n-1])/d[n-3] u[n-4] = (u[n-4]-e[n-4]*u[n-2])/d[n-4] for k in range(n-5, -1, -1): u[k] = (u[k]-e[k]*u[k+2]-f[k]*u[k+4])/d[k]
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve(u, data, axis): if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) PDMA.inner_solve(u, data) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
[docs] class FDMA(BandedMatrixSolver): """4-diagonal matrix solver Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances 4-diagonal matrix with diagonals in offsets -2, 0, 2, 4 """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, mats): BandedMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats)
[docs] def perform_lu(self): if self._inner_arg is None: self.LU( self._inner_arg = return self._lu
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def LU(data): ld = data[0, :-2] d = data[1, :] u1 = data[2, 2:] u2 = data[3, 4:] n = d.shape[0] for i in range(2, n): ld[i-2] = ld[i-2]/d[i-2] d[i] = d[i] - ld[i-2]*u1[i-2] if i < n-2: u1[i] = u1[i] - ld[i-2]*u2[i-2]
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints, axis=0): if len(constraints) > 0: assert len(constraints) == 1 assert constraints[0][0] == 0, 'Can only fix first row of FDMA' self._lu.diagonal(0)[0] = 1 self._lu.diagonal(2)[0] = 0 self._lu.diagonal(4)[0] = 0 s = [slice(None)]*len(b.shape) s[axis] = 0 b[tuple(s)] = constraints[0][1] return b
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, data): ld = data[0, :-2] d = data[1, :] u1 = data[2, 2:] u2 = data[3, 4:] n = d.shape[0] for i in range(2, n): u[i] -= ld[i-2]*u[i-2] u[n-1] = u[n-1]/d[n-1] u[n-2] = u[n-2]/d[n-2] u[n-3] = (u[n-3] - u1[n-3]*u[n-1])/d[n-3] u[n-4] = (u[n-4] - u1[n-4]*u[n-2])/d[n-4] for i in range(n - 5, -1, -1): u[i] = (u[i] - u1[i]*u[i+2] - u2[i]*u[i+4])/d[i]
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve(u, data, axis): if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) FDMA.inner_solve(u, data) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
[docs] class TwoDMA(BandedMatrixSolver): """2-diagonal matrix solver Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances 2-diagonal matrix with diagonals in offsets 0, 2 """ def __init__(self, mats): BandedMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) self._inner_arg =
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints, axis=0): if len(constraints) > 0: assert len(constraints) == 1 assert constraints[0][0] == 0, 'Can only fix first row of TwoDMA' self._lu.diagonal(0)[0] = 1 self._lu.diagonal(2)[0] = 0 s = [slice(None)]*len(b.shape) s[axis] = 0 b[tuple(s)] = constraints[0][1] return b
[docs] def perform_lu(self): return self._lu
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, data): d = data[0, :] u1 = data[1, 2:] n = d.shape[0] u[n-1] = u[n-1]/d[n-1] u[n-2] = u[n-2]/d[n-2] for i in range(n - 3, -1, -1): u[i] = (u[i] - u1[i]*u[i+2])/d[i]
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve(u, data, axis): if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) TwoDMA.inner_solve(u, data) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
[docs] class ThreeDMA(BandedMatrixSolver): """3-diagonal matrix solver - all diagonals upper Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances 3-diagonal matrix with diagonals in offsets 0, 2, 4 """ def __init__(self, mats): BandedMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) self._inner_arg =
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints, axis=0): if len(constraints) > 0: assert len(constraints) == 1 assert constraints[0][0] == 0, 'Can only fix first row of TwoDMA' self._lu.diagonal(0)[0] = 1 self._lu.diagonal(2)[0] = 0 self._lu.diagonal(4)[0] = 0 s = [slice(None)]*len(b.shape) s[axis] = 0 b[tuple(s)] = constraints[0][1] return b
[docs] def perform_lu(self): return self._lu
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, data): d = data[0, :] u1 = data[1, 2:] u2 = data[1, 4:] n = d.shape[0] u[n-1] = u[n-1]/d[n-1] u[n-2] = u[n-2]/d[n-2] u[n-3] = (u[n-3]-u1[n-3]*u[n-1])/d[n-3] u[n-4] = (u[n-4]-u1[n-4]*u[n-2])/d[n-4] for i in range(n - 5, -1, -1): u[i] = (u[i] - u1[i]*u[i+2] - u2[i]*u[i+4])/d[i]
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve(u, data, axis): if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) ThreeDMA.inner_solve(u, data) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
[docs] class HeptaDMA(BandedMatrixSolver): """Heptadiagonal matrix solver Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances Heptadiagonal matrix with diagonals in offsets -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 """ def __init__(self, mats): BandedMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) assert len(self.mat) == 7
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints, axis=0): if len(constraints) > 0: assert len(constraints) == 1 assert constraints[0][0] == 0, 'Can only fix first row of HeptaDMA' self._lu.diagonal(0)[0] = 1 self._lu.diagonal(2)[0] = 0 self._lu.diagonal(4)[0] = 0 self._lu.diagonal(6)[0] = 0 self._lu.diagonal(8)[0] = 0 if b.ndim > 1: s = [slice(None)]*len(b.shape) s[axis] = 0 b[tuple(s)] = constraints[0][1] else: b[0] = constraints[0][1] self._inner_arg = return b
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def LU(data): # pragma: no cover a = data[0, :-4] b = data[1, :-2] d = data[2, :] e = data[3, 2:] f = data[4, 4:] g = data[5, 6:] h = data[6, 8:] n = d.shape[0] m = e.shape[0] k = n - m for i in range(n-2*k): lam = b[i]/d[i] d[i+k] -= lam*e[i] e[i+k] -= lam*f[i] if i < n-6: f[i+k] -= lam*g[i] if i < n-8: g[i+k] -= lam*h[i] b[i] = lam lam = a[i]/d[i] b[i+k] -= lam*e[i] d[i+2*k] -= lam*f[i] if i < n-6: e[i+2*k] -= lam*g[i] if i < n-8: f[i+2*k] -= lam*h[i] a[i] = lam i = n-4 lam = b[i]/d[i] d[i+k] -= lam*e[i] b[i] = lam i = n-3 lam = b[i]/d[i] d[i+k] -= lam*e[i] b[i] = lam
[docs] def perform_lu(self): if self._inner_arg is None: self.LU( self._inner_arg = return self._lu
[docs] @staticmethod def inner_solve(u, data): a = data[0, :-4] b = data[1, :-2] d = data[2, :] e = data[3, 2:] f = data[4, 4:] g = data[5, 6:] h = data[6, 8:] n = d.shape[0] u[2] -= b[0]*u[0] u[3] -= b[1]*u[1] for k in range(4, n): u[k] -= (b[k-2]*u[k-2] + a[k-4]*u[k-4]) u[n-1] /= d[n-1] u[n-2] /= d[n-2] u[n-3] = (u[n-3]-e[n-3]*u[n-1])/d[n-3] u[n-4] = (u[n-4]-e[n-4]*u[n-2])/d[n-4] u[n-5] = (u[n-5]-e[n-5]*u[n-3]-f[n-5]*u[n-1])/d[n-5] u[n-6] = (u[n-6]-e[n-6]*u[n-4]-f[n-6]*u[n-2])/d[n-6] u[n-7] = (u[n-7]-e[n-7]*u[n-5]-f[n-7]*u[n-3]-g[n-7]*u[n-1])/d[n-7] u[n-8] = (u[n-8]-e[n-8]*u[n-6]-f[n-8]*u[n-4]-g[n-8]*u[n-2])/d[n-8] for k in range(n-9, -1, -1): u[k] = (u[k]-e[k]*u[k+2]-f[k]*u[k+4]-g[k]*u[k+6]-h[k]*u[k+8])/d[k]
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve(u, data, axis): if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) HeptaDMA.inner_solve(u, data) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
[docs] class Solve(SparseMatrixSolver): """Generic solver class for ::class:`.SparseMatrix` Possibly with inhomogeneous boundary values Parameters ---------- mats : :class:`.SparseMatrix` or list of :class:`.SparseMatrix` instances format : str, optional The format of the scipy.sparse.spmatrix to convert into before solving. Default is Compressed Sparse Column `csc`. Note ---- This solver converts the matrix to a Scipy sparse matrix of choice and uses `scipy.sparse` methods `splu` and `spsolve`. """ def __init__(self, mats, format=None): format = config['matrix']['sparse']['solve'] if format is None else format SparseMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) self.mat = self.mat.diags(format)
[docs] class SolverGeneric2ND: """Generic solver for problems consisting of tensorproduct matrices containing two non-diagonal submatrices. Parameters ---------- mats : sequence sequence of instances of :class:`.TPMatrix` Note ---- In addition to two non-diagonal matrices, the solver can also handle one additional diagonal matrix (one Fourier matrix). """ def __init__(self, tpmats): tpmats = get_simplified_tpmatrices(tpmats) bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([tpmats]) self.tpmats = tpmats self.bc_mats = bc_mats self.T = tpmats[0].space self.mats2D = {} self._lu = None
[docs] def matvec(self, u, c): c.fill(0) if u.ndim == 2: s0 = tuple(base.slice() for base in self.T) c[s0] =[s0].flatten()).reshape(self.T.dims()) else: raise NotImplementedError return c
[docs] def get_diagonal_axis(self): naxes = self.T.get_nondiagonal_axes() diagonal_axis = np.setxor1d([0, 1, 2], naxes) assert len(diagonal_axis) == 1 return diagonal_axis[0]
[docs] def diags(self, i): """Return matrix for given index `i` in diagonal direction Parameters ---------- i : int Fourier wavenumber """ if i in self.mats2D: return self.mats2D[i] if self.T.dimensions == 2: # In 2D there's just 1 matrix, store and reuse m = self.tpmats[0] M0 = m.diags('csc') for m in self.tpmats[1:]: M0 = M0 + m.diags('csc') else: # 1 matrix per Fourier coefficient naxes = self.T.get_nondiagonal_axes() m = self.tpmats[0] diagonal_axis = self.get_diagonal_axis() sc = [0, 0, 0] sc[diagonal_axis] = i if m.scale.shape[diagonal_axis] > 1 else 0 A0 = m.mats[naxes[0]].diags('csc') A1 = m.mats[naxes[1]].diags('csc') M0 = kron(A0, A1, 'csc') M0 *= m.scale[tuple(sc)] for m in self.tpmats[1:]: A0 = m.mats[naxes[0]].diags('csc') A1 = m.mats[naxes[1]].diags('csc') M1 = kron(A0, A1, 'csc') sc[diagonal_axis] = i if m.scale.shape[diagonal_axis] > 1 else 0 M1 *= m.scale[tuple(sc)] M0 = M0 + M1 self.mats2D[i] = M0 return M0
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints): if len(constraints) > 0: if self._lu is None: A = self.mats2D[0] A = A.tolil() for (row, val) in constraints: _, zerorow = A[row].nonzero() A[(row, zerorow)] = 0 A[row, row] = 1 b[row] = val self.mats2D[0] = A.tocsc() else: for (row, val) in constraints: b[row] = val return b
[docs] def assemble(self): if len(self.mats2D) == 0: ndim = self.tpmats[0].dimensions if ndim == 2: mat = self.diags(0) self.mats2D[0] = mat elif ndim == 3: diagonal_axis = self.get_diagonal_axis() for i in range(self.T.shape(True)[diagonal_axis]): M0 = self.diags(i) self.mats2D[i] = M0 return self.mats2D
[docs] def perform_lu(self): if self._lu is not None: return self._lu ndim = self.tpmats[0].dimensions self._lu = {} if ndim == 2: self._lu[0] = splu(self.mats2D[0], permc_spec=config['matrix']['sparse']['permc_spec']) else: diagonal_axis = self.get_diagonal_axis() for i in range(self.T.shape(True)[diagonal_axis]): self._lu[i] = splu(self.mats2D[i], permc_spec=config['matrix']['sparse']['permc_spec']) return self._lu
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, constraints=()): """Solve generic problem Parameters ---------- b : array, right hand side u : array, solution constraints : tuple of 2-tuples Each 2-tuple (row, value) is a constraint set for the non-periodic direction, for Fourier index 0 in 2D and (0, 0) in 3D """ if u is None: u = b else: assert u.shape == b.shape if len(self.bc_mats) > 0: u.set_boundary_dofs() w0 = Function(self.T).v for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: b -= bc_mat.matvec(u, w0) mats = self.assemble() b = self.apply_constraints(b, constraints) lu = self.perform_lu() if u.ndim == 2: s0 = self.T.slice() bs = b[s0].flatten() if b.dtype.char in 'fdg' or self.mats2D[0].dtype.char in 'FDG': u[s0] = lu[0].solve(bs).reshape(self.T.dims()) else: u.real[s0] = lu[0].solve(bs.real).reshape(self.T.dims()) u.imag[s0] = lu[0].solve(bs.imag).reshape(self.T.dims()) elif u.ndim == 3: naxes = self.T.get_nondiagonal_axes() diagonal_axis = self.get_diagonal_axis() s0 = list(self.T.slice()) for i in range(self.T.shape(True)[diagonal_axis]): s0[diagonal_axis] = i bs = b[tuple(s0)].flatten() shape = np.take(self.T.dims(), naxes) if b.dtype.char in 'fdg' or self.mats2D[0].dtype.char in 'FDG': u[tuple(s0)] = lu[i].solve(bs).reshape(shape) else: u.real[tuple(s0)] = lu[i].solve(bs.real).reshape(shape) u.imag[tuple(s0)] = lu[i].solve(bs.imag).reshape(shape) if hasattr(u, 'set_boundary_dofs'): u.set_boundary_dofs() return u
[docs] class SolverDiagonal: """Solver for purely diagonal matrices, like Fourier in Cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- tpmats : sequence sequence of instances of :class:`.TPMatrix` """ def __init__(self, tpmats): tpmats = get_simplified_tpmatrices(tpmats) assert len(tpmats) == 1 self.mat = tpmats[0]
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, constraints=()): """Solve problem with :class:`.TPMatrix` consisting only of diagonal matrices Parameters ---------- b : array, right hand side u : array, solution constraints : tuple of 2-tuples Each 2-tuple (row, value) is a constraint set for the non-periodic direction, for Fourier index 0 in 2D and (0, 0) in 3D """ return self.mat.solve(b, u=u, constraints=constraints)
[docs] class Solver2D: """Generic solver for tensorproductspaces in 2D Parameters ---------- mats : sequence sequence of instances of :class:`.TPMatrix` Note ---- If there are boundary matrices in the list of mats, then these matrices are used to modify the right hand side before solving. If this is not the desired behaviour, then use :func:`.extract_bc_matrices` on tpmats before using this class. """ def __init__(self, tpmats): bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([tpmats]) self.tpmats = tpmats self.bc_mats = bc_mats self._lu = None m = tpmats[0] self.T = assert m._issimplified is False, "Cannot use simplified matrices with this solver" mat = m.diags(format='csc') for m in tpmats[1:]: mat = mat + m.diags('csc') self.mat = mat
[docs] def matvec(self, u, c): c.fill(0) s0 = tuple(base.slice() for base in self.T) c[s0] =[s0].flatten()).reshape(self.T.dims()) return c
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_constraints(A, b, constraints): if len(constraints) > 0: A = A.tolil() for (row, val) in constraints: _, zerorow = A[row].nonzero() A[(row, zerorow)] = 0 A[row, row] = 1 b[row] = val A = A.tocsc() return A, b
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, constraints=()): """Solve generic problem for sum of :class:`TPMatrix` instances Parameters ---------- b : array, right hand side u : array, solution constraints : tuple of 2-tuples Each 2-tuple (row, value) is a constraint set for the non-periodic direction, for Fourier index 0 in 2D and (0, 0) in 3D """ if u is None: u = b else: pass #assert u.shape == b.shape if len(self.bc_mats) > 0: u.set_boundary_dofs() w0 = Function(self.T).v for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: b -= bc_mat.matvec(u, w0) s0 = tuple(base.slice() for base in self.T) assert b.dtype.char == u.dtype.char bs = b[s0].flatten() self.mat, bs = self.apply_constraints(self.mat, bs, constraints) if self._lu is None: self._lu = splu(self.mat, permc_spec=config['matrix']['sparse']['permc_spec']) if b.dtype.char in 'fdg' or self.mat.dtype.char in 'FDG': u[s0] = self._lu.solve(bs).reshape(self.T.dims()) else: u.imag[s0] = self._lu.solve(bs.imag).reshape(self.T.dims()) u.real[s0] = self._lu.solve(bs.real).reshape(self.T.dims()) if hasattr(u, 'set_boundary_dofs'): u.set_boundary_dofs() return u
[docs] class Solver3D(Solver2D): """Generic solver for tensorproductspaces in 3D Parameters ---------- mats : sequence sequence of instances of :class:`.TPMatrix` Note ---- If there are boundary matrices in the list of mats, then these matrices are used to modify the right hand side before solving. If this is not the desired behaviour, then use :func:`.extract_bc_matrices` on mats before using this class. """ def __init__(self, tpmats): Solver2D.__init__(self, tpmats)
[docs] class SolverND(Solver2D): """Generic solver for tensorproductspaces in N dimensions Parameters ---------- mats : sequence sequence of instances of :class:`.TPMatrix` Note ---- If there are boundary matrices in the list of mats, then these matrices are used to modify the right hand side before solving. If this is not the desired behaviour, then use :func:`.extract_bc_matrices` on mats before using this class. """ def __init__(self, tpmats): Solver2D.__init__(self, tpmats)
[docs] class SolverGeneric1ND: """Generic solver for tensorproduct matrices consisting of non-diagonal matrices along only one axis and Fourier along the others. Parameters ---------- mats : sequence sequence of instances of :class:`.TPMatrix` Note ---- In addition to the one non-diagonal direction, the solver can also handle up to two diagonal (Fourier) directions. Also note that if there are boundary matrices in the list of mats, then these matrices are used to modify the right hand side before solving. If this is not the desired behaviour, then use :func:`.extract_bc_matrices` on mats before using this class. """ def __init__(self, mats): assert isinstance(mats, list) mats = get_simplified_tpmatrices(mats) assert len(mats[0].naxes) == 1 self.naxes = mats[0].naxes[0] bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([mats]) self.mats = mats self.testspace = mats[0].space self.trialspace = mats[0].trialspace self.bc_mats = bc_mats self.solvers1D = None self.assemble() self._lu = False self._data = None
[docs] def matvec(self, u, c): c.fill(0) w0 = np.zeros_like(c) for mat in self.mats: c += mat.matvec(u, w0) if len(self.bc_mats) > 0: u.set_boundary_dofs() for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: c += bc_mat.matvec(u, w0) return c
[docs] def assemble(self): ndim = self.mats[0].dimensions shape = self.mats[0].space.shape(True) self.solvers1D = [] if ndim == 2: zi = np.ndindex((1, shape[1])) if self.naxes == 0 else np.ndindex((shape[0], 1)) other_axis = (self.naxes+1) % 2 for i in zi: sol = None for mat in self.mats: sc = mat.scale[i] if mat.scale.shape[other_axis] > 1 else mat.scale[0, 0] if sol: sol += mat.mats[self.naxes]*sc else: sol = mat.mats[self.naxes]*sc self.solvers1D.append(Solver(sol)) elif ndim == 3: s = [0, 0, 0] n0, n1 = np.setxor1d((0, 1, 2), self.naxes) for i in range(shape[n0]): self.solvers1D.append([]) s[n0] = i for j in range(shape[n1]): sol = None s[n1] = j for mat in self.mats: sc = np.broadcast_to(mat.scale, shape)[tuple(s)] if sol: sol += mat.mats[self.naxes]*sc else: sol = mat.mats[self.naxes]*sc self.solvers1D[-1].append(Solver(sol))
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, b, constraints=()): #The SolverGeneric1ND solver can only constrain the first dofs of #the diagonal axes. For Fourier this is the zero dof with the #constant basis function exp(0). if constraints == (): return b ndim = self.mats[0].dimensions space = self.mats[0].space z0 = space.local_slice() paxes = np.setxor1d(range(ndim), self.naxes) s = [0]*ndim s[self.naxes] = slice(None) s = tuple(s) is_rank_zero = np.array([z0[i].start for i in paxes]).prod() sol = self.solvers1D[0] if ndim == 2 else self.solvers1D[0][0] if is_rank_zero != 0: return b sol.apply_constraints(b[s], constraints) return b
[docs] def perform_lu(self): if self._lu is True: return if isinstance(self.solvers1D[0], SparseMatrixSolver): for m in self.solvers1D: lu = m.perform_lu() else: for mi in self.solvers1D: for mij in mi: lu = mij.perform_lu() self._lu = True
[docs] def get_data(self, is_rank_zero): if not self._data is None: return self._data if self.mats[0].dimensions == 2: data = np.zeros((len(self.solvers1D),)+self.solvers1D[-1]._inner_arg.shape) for i, sol in enumerate(self.solvers1D): if i == 0 and is_rank_zero: continue else: data[i] = sol._inner_arg elif self.mats[0].dimensions == 3: data = np.zeros((len(self.solvers1D), len(self.solvers1D[0]))+self.solvers1D[-1][-1]._inner_arg.shape) for i, m in enumerate(self.solvers1D): for j, sol in enumerate(m): if i == 0 and j == 0 and is_rank_zero: continue else: data[i, j] = sol._inner_arg self._data = data return data
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def solve_data(u, data, sol, naxes, is_rank_zero): s = [0]*u.ndim s[naxes] = slice(None) paxes = np.setxor1d(range(u.ndim), naxes) if u.ndim == 2: for i in range(u.shape[paxes[0]]): if i == 0 and is_rank_zero: continue s[paxes[0]] = i s0 = tuple(s) sol(u[s0], data[i]) elif u.ndim == 3: for i in range(u.shape[paxes[0]]): s[paxes[0]] = i for j in range(u.shape[paxes[1]]): if i == 0 and j == 0 and is_rank_zero: continue s[paxes[1]] = j s0 = tuple(s) sol(u[s0], data[i, j]) return u
[docs] def fast_solve(self, u, b, solvers1D, naxes): if u is not b: s = tuple([slice(0, i) for i in u.shape]) u[s] = b[s] # Solve first for the possibly different Fourier wavenumber 0, or (0, 0) in 3D # All other wavenumbers we assume have the same solver sol0 = solvers1D[0] if u.ndim == 2 else solvers1D[0][0] sol1 = solvers1D[-1] if u.ndim == 2 else solvers1D[-1][-1] is_rank_zero = comm.Get_rank() == 0 if is_rank_zero: s = [0]*u.ndim s[naxes] = slice(None) s = tuple(s) sol0.inner_solve(u[s], sol0._inner_arg) data = self.get_data(is_rank_zero) sol = optimizer(sol1.inner_solve, False) u = self.solve_data(u, data, sol, naxes, is_rank_zero)
[docs] def solve(self, u, b, solvers1D, naxes): if u is not b: s = tuple([slice(0, i) for i in u.shape]) u[s] = b[s] s = [0]*u.ndim s[naxes] = slice(None) paxes = np.setxor1d(range(u.ndim), naxes) if u.ndim == 2: for i, sol in enumerate(solvers1D): s[paxes[0]] = i s0 = tuple(s) sol.inner_solve(u[s0], sol._inner_arg) elif u.ndim == 3: for i, m in enumerate(solvers1D): s[paxes[0]] = i for j, sol in enumerate(m): s[paxes[1]] = j s0 = tuple(s) sol.inner_solve(u[s0], sol._inner_arg)
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, constraints=(), fast=True): """Solve problem with one non-diagonal direction Parameters ---------- b : array, right hand side u : array, solution constraints : tuple of 2-tuples Each 2-tuple (row, value) is a constraint set for the non-periodic direction, for Fourier index 0 in 2D and (0, 0) in 3D fast : bool Use fast routine if possible. A fast routine is possible for any system of matrices with a tailored solver, like the TDMA, PDMA, FDMA and TwoDMA. """ if u is None: u = b else: pass #assert u.shape == b.shape if len(self.bc_mats) > 0: u.set_boundary_dofs() w0 = np.zeros_like(b) for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: b -= bc_mat.matvec(u, w0) b = self.apply_constraints(b, constraints) if not self._lu: self.perform_lu() sol1 = self.solvers1D[-1] if u.ndim == 2 else self.solvers1D[-1][-1] if isinstance(sol1._inner_arg, tuple): fast = False if not fast: self.solve(u, b, self.solvers1D, self.naxes) else: self.fast_solve(u, b, self.solvers1D, self.naxes) if hasattr(u, 'set_boundary_dofs'): u.set_boundary_dofs() return u
[docs] class BlockMatrixSolver: def __init__(self, mats): assert isinstance(mats, (BlockMatrix, list)) self.bc_mat = None self._lu = None if isinstance(mats, BlockMatrix): mats = mats.get_mats() bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([mats]) assert len(mats) > 0 self.mat = BlockMatrix(mats) if len(bc_mats) > 0: self.bc_mat = BlockMatrix(bc_mats)
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_constraint(A, b, offset, i, constraint): if constraint is None or comm.Get_rank() > 0: return A, b if isinstance(i, int): if i > 0: return A, b if isinstance(i, tuple): if np.sum(np.array(i)) > 0: return A, b row = offset + constraint[1] assert isinstance(constraint, tuple) assert len(constraint) == 3 val = constraint[2] b[row] = val if A is not None: A = A.tolil() r = A.getrow(row).nonzero() A[(row, r[1])] = 0 A[row, row] = 1 A = A.tocsc() return A, b
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, constraints=()): from .forms.arguments import Function import scipy.sparse as sp space = b.function_space() if u is None: u = Function(space) else: assert u.shape == b.shape if self.bc_mat: # Add contribution to right hand side due to inhomogeneous boundary conditions u.set_boundary_dofs() w0 = np.zeros_like(b) b -= self.bc_mat.matvec(u, w0) nvars = b.shape[0] if len(b.shape) > space.dimensions else 1 u = np.expand_dims(u, 0) if nvars == 1 else u b = np.expand_dims(b, 0) if nvars == 1 else b for con in constraints: assert len(con) == 3 assert isinstance(con[0], Integral) assert isinstance(con[1], Integral) assert isinstance(con[2], Number) self.mat.assemble() if self._lu is None: self._lu = {} daxes = space.get_diagonal_axes() if len(daxes) == space.dimensions: # Only Fourier spaces, all diagonal assert len(daxes) == space.dimensions Ai = self.mat._Ai[0] gi = b.flatten() if isinstance(self._lu, dict): for con in constraints: Ai, gi = self.apply_constraint(Ai, gi, int(np.sum(np.array(space.dims()[:con[0]]))), 0, con) else: for con in constraints: _, gi = self.apply_constraint(None, gi, int(np.sum(np.array(space.dims()[:con[0]]))), 0, con) lu = sp.linalg.splu(Ai, permc_spec=config['matrix']['block']['permc_spec']) self._lu = lu u[:] = lu.solve(gi).reshape(u.shape) else: sl, dims = space._get_ndiag_slices_and_dims() gi = np.zeros(dims[-1], dtype=b.dtype) for key, Ai in self.mat._Ai.items(): if len(daxes) > 0: sl.T[daxes+1] = key if isinstance(key, int) else np.array(key)[:, None] gi = b.copy_to_flattened(gi, key, dims, sl) if key in self._lu: lu = self._lu[key] for con in constraints: _, gi = self.apply_constraint(None, gi, dims[con[0]], key, con) else: for con in constraints: Ai, gi = self.apply_constraint(Ai, gi, dims[con[0]], key, con) lu = sp.linalg.splu(Ai, permc_spec=config['matrix']['block']['permc_spec']) self._lu[key] = lu if b.dtype.char in 'fdg' or lu.U.dtype.char in 'FDG': u = u.copy_from_flattened(lu.solve(gi), key, dims, sl) else: u.real = u.real.copy_from_flattened(lu.solve(gi.real), key, dims, sl) u.imag = u.imag.copy_from_flattened(lu.solve(gi.imag), key, dims, sl) u = u.reshape(u.shape[1:]) if nvars == 1 else u b = b.reshape(b.shape[1:]) if nvars == 1 else b return u