Source code for shenfun.hermite.bases

import functools
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import hermite
from scipy.special import eval_hermite, factorial
from mpi4py_fft import fftw
from shenfun.spectralbase import SpectralBase, Transform, islicedict, slicedict

#pylint: disable=method-hidden,no-else-return,not-callable,abstract-method,no-member,cyclic-import

bases = ['Orthogonal']
bcbases = []
testbases = []
__all__ = bases

[docs] class Orthogonal(SpectralBase): r"""Function space for Hermite functions The orthogonal basis is the Hermite function .. math:: \phi_k = H_k \frac{1}{\pi^{0.25} \sqrt{2^n n!}} \exp(-x^2/2), \quad k = 0, 1, \ldots, N-1, where :math:`\phi_k` and :math:`H_k` are the Hermite function and Hermite polynomials of order k, respectively. Parameters ---------- N : int, optional Number of quadrature points. Should be even for efficiency, but this is not required. padding_factor : float, optional Factor for padding backward transforms. padding_factor=1.5 corresponds to a 3/2-rule for dealiasing. dealias_direct : bool, optional True for dealiasing using 2/3-rule. Must be used with padding_factor = 1. dtype : data-type, optional Type of input data in real physical space. Will be overloaded when basis is part of a :class:`.TensorProductSpace`. coordinates: 2- or 3-tuple (coordinate, position vector (, sympy assumptions)), optional Map for curvilinear coordinatesystem, and parameters to :class:`~shenfun.coordinates.Coordinates` Note ---- We are using Hermite functions and not the regular Hermite polynomials as basis functions. """ def __init__(self, N, dtype=float, padding_factor=1, dealias_direct=False, coordinates=None, **kw): SpectralBase.__init__(self, N, quad="HG", domain=(-sp.S.Infinity, sp.S.Infinity), dtype=dtype, padding_factor=padding_factor, dealias_direct=dealias_direct, coordinates=coordinates) self.plan(int(N*padding_factor), 0, dtype, {})
[docs] @staticmethod def family(): return 'hermite'
[docs] def reference_domain(self): return (-sp.S.Infinity, sp.S.Infinity)
[docs] def domain_factor(self): return 1
[docs] @staticmethod def boundary_condition(): return 'Dirichlet'
[docs] @staticmethod def short_name(): return 'H'
[docs] def points_and_weights(self, N=None, map_true_domain=False, weighted=True, **kw): if N is None: N = self.shape(False) if self.quad == "HG": points, weights = hermite.hermgauss(N) if weighted: weights *= np.exp(points**2) else: raise NotImplementedError return points, weights
[docs] @staticmethod def factor(i): return 1./(np.pi**(0.25)*np.sqrt(2.**i)*np.sqrt(factorial(i)))
[docs] def vandermonde(self, x): V = hermite.hermvander(x, self.shape(False)-1) return V
[docs] def orthogonal_basis_function(self, i=0, x=sp.symbols('x')): return sp.hermite(i, x)*sp.exp(-x**2/2)*self.factor(i)
[docs] def L2_norm_sq(self, i): return 1
[docs] def l2_norm_sq(self, i=None): if i is None: return np.ones(self.N) return 1
[docs] def evaluate_basis(self, x, i=0, output_array=None): x = np.atleast_1d(x) if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(x.shape) output_array = eval_hermite(i, x, out=output_array) output_array *= np.exp(-x**2/2)*self.factor(i) return output_array
[docs] def evaluate_basis_derivative_all(self, x=None, k=0, argument=0): if x is None: x = self.mesh(False, False) V = self.vandermonde(x) M = V.shape[1] X = x[:, np.newaxis] if k == 1: D = np.zeros((M, M)) D[:-1, :] = hermite.hermder(np.eye(M), 1) W =, D) W -= V*X V = W*np.exp(-X**2/2) V *= self.factor(np.arange(M))[np.newaxis, :] elif k == 2: W = (X**2 - 1 - 2*np.arange(M)[np.newaxis, :])*V V = W*self.factor(np.arange(M))[np.newaxis, :]*np.exp(-X**2/2) #D = np.zeros((M, M)) #D[:-1, :] = hermite.hermder(np.eye(M), 1) #W =, D) #W = -2*X*W #D[-2:] = 0 #D[:-2, :] = hermite.hermder(np.eye(M), 2) #W +=, D) #W += (X**2-1)*V #W *= np.exp(-X**2/2)*self.factor(np.arange(M))[np.newaxis, :] #V[:] = W elif k == 0: V *= np.exp(-X**2/2)*self.factor(np.arange(M))[np.newaxis, :] else: raise NotImplementedError return V
[docs] def evaluate_basis_all(self, x=None, argument=0): if x is None: x = self.mesh(False, False) V = self.vandermonde(x) V *= self.factor(np.arange(V.shape[1]))[np.newaxis, :]*np.exp(-x**2/2)[:, np.newaxis] return V
[docs] def eval(self, x, u, output_array=None): x = np.atleast_1d(x) if output_array is None: output_array = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=self.dtype) w = u*self.factor(np.arange(self.N)) y = hermite.hermval(x, w) output_array[:] = y * np.exp(-x**2/2) return output_array
@property def is_orthogonal(self): return True
[docs] def get_orthogonal(self, **kwargs): d = dict(quad=self.quad, domain=self.domain, dtype=self.dtype, padding_factor=self.padding_factor, dealias_direct=self.dealias_direct, coordinates=self.coors.coordinates) d.update(kwargs) return Orthogonal(self.N, **d)