Source code for shenfun.fourier.matrices

Module for handling Fourier diagonal matrices
from __future__ import division
import functools
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from shenfun.matrixbase import SpectralMatrix, SpectralMatDict
from shenfun import la
from . import bases

R2C = bases.R2C
C2C = bases.C2C

xp = sp.Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)

[docs] class Acos2mat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Stiffness matrix for :math:`A=(a_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: a_{kj}=(\exp(i k x), \cos^2(x) \exp(i l x)'') where test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test = self.testfunction k = test[0].wavenumbers(bcast=False, scaled=False, eliminate_highest_freq=False) N = test[0].N d = {0: -0.5*k**2, 2: -0.25*k[2:]**2, -2: -0.25*k[:-2]**2, N-2: -0.25*k[-2:]**2, -(N-2): -0.25*k[:2]**2} return d
[docs] class Acosmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Stiffness matrix for :math:`A=(a_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: a_{kj}=(\exp(i k x), \cos(x) \exp(i l x)'') where test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test = self.testfunction k = test[0].wavenumbers(bcast=False, scaled=False, eliminate_highest_freq=False) N = test[0].N d = {1: -0.5*k[1:]**2, -1: -0.5*k[:-1]**2, N-1: -0.5*k[-1]**2} return d
[docs] class Csinmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Derivative matrix for :math:`C=(c_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: c_{kj}=(\exp(i k x), \sin(x) \exp(i l x)') where test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test = self.testfunction k = test[0].wavenumbers(bcast=False, scaled=False, eliminate_highest_freq=False) N = test[0].N d = {1: -0.5*k[1:], -1: 0.5*k[:-1], N-1: -0.5} return d
[docs] class Csincosmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Derivative matrix for :math:`C=(c_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: c_{kj}=(\exp(i k x), \sin(2x)/2 \exp(i l x)') where test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test = self.testfunction k = test[0].wavenumbers(bcast=False, scaled=False, eliminate_highest_freq=False) N = test[0].N d = {2: -0.25*k[2:], -2: 0.25*k[:-2], N-2: 0.25*k[-2:], -(N-2): -0.25*k[:2]} return d
[docs] class Bcos2mat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Matrix for :math:`B=(b_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: b_{kj}=(\exp(i k x), \cos^2(x) \exp(i l x)) where test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test = self.testfunction N = test[0].N d = {0: 0.5, 2: 0.25, -2: 0.25, N-2: 0.25, -(N-2): 0.25} return d
[docs] class Bcosmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Matrix for :math:`B=(b_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: b_{kj}=(\exp(i k x), \cos(x) \exp(i l x)) where test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test = self.testfunction N = test[0].N d = {1: 0.5, -1: 0.5, N-1: 0.5, -(N-1): 0.5} return d
[docs] class FourierMatDict(SpectralMatDict): def __missing__(self, key): measure = 1 if len(key) == 2 else key[2] c = functools.partial(FourierMatrix, measure=measure) self[key] = c return c
[docs] class FourierMatrix(SpectralMatrix): def __init__(self, test, trial, scale=1, measure=1, assemble=None, kind=None, fixed_resolution=None): SpectralMatrix.__init__(self, test, trial, scale=scale, measure=measure, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution)
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test, trial = self.testfunction, self.trialfunction N = test[0].N d = {} if isinstance(self.measure, Number): k = test[0].wavenumbers(N, scaled=False) if isinstance(test[1], (int, np.integer)): k_test, k_trial = test[1], trial[1] elif isinstance(test[1], np.ndarray): assert len(test[1]) == 1 k_test = test[1][(0,)*np.ndim(test[1])] k_trial = trial[1][(0,)*np.ndim(trial[1])] else: raise RuntimeError if abs(k_trial) + abs(k_test) > 0: if N % 2 == 0 and (k_trial + k_test) % 2 == 1: pass #k[N//2] = 0 val = (1j*k)**(k_trial)*(-1j*k)**k_test if (k_trial + k_test) % 2 == 0: val = val.real d = {0: val*float(test[0].domain_factor())} else: d = {0: float(test[0].domain_factor())} else: d = None return d
[docs] def solve(self, b, u=None, axis=0, constraints=()): if self.measure == 1: N = self.shape[0] if u is None: u = b else: assert u.shape == b.shape with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): d = 1./self[0] if isinstance(d, np.ndarray): if np.isinf(d[0]): d[0] = 0 if np.isinf(d[N//2]): d[N//2] = 0 sl = [np.newaxis]*u.ndim sl[axis] = slice(None) u[:] = b*d[tuple(sl)] else: u[:] = b*d u /= self.scale return u return la.Solver(self)(b, u=u, axis=axis, constraints=constraints)
mat = FourierMatDict({ ((C2C, 0), (C2C, 2), sp.cos(xp)**2): Acos2mat, ((C2C, 0), (C2C, 2), sp.cos(xp)): Acosmat, ((C2C, 0), (C2C, 1), sp.sin(xp)): Csinmat, ((C2C, 0), (C2C, 1), sp.sin(2*xp)/2): Csincosmat, ((C2C, 0), (C2C, 1), sp.sin(xp)*sp.cos(xp)): Csincosmat, ((C2C, 0), (C2C, 0), sp.cos(xp)**2): Bcos2mat, ((C2C, 0), (C2C, 0), sp.cos(xp)): Bcosmat, }) #mat = FourierMatDict({})