Source code for shenfun.forms.inner

from numbers import Number
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from shenfun.spectralbase import inner_product, SpectralBase, MixedFunctionSpace
from shenfun.matrixbase import TPMatrix
from shenfun.tensorproductspace import TensorProductSpace, CompositeSpace
from shenfun.utilities import dx, split, scalar_product, CachedArrayDict
from shenfun.config import config
from .arguments import Expr, Function, BasisFunction, Array, TestFunction

__all__ = ('inner', 'Inner')

#pylint: disable=line-too-long,inconsistent-return-statements,too-many-return-statements

[docs] def inner(expr0, expr1, output_array=None, assemble=None, kind=None, fixed_resolution=None, return_matrices=False): r""" Return (weighted or unweighted) discrete inner product .. math:: (f, g)_w^N = \sum_{i\in\mathcal{I}}f(x_i) \overline{g}(x_i) w_i \approx \int_{\Omega} f\, \overline{g}\, w\, dx where :math:`\mathcal{I}=0, 1, \ldots, N-1, N \in \mathbb{Z}^+`, :math:`f` is a number or an expression linear in a :class:`.TestFunction`, and :math:`g` is an expression that is linear in :class:`.TrialFunction` or :class:`.Function`, or it is simply an :class:`.Array` (a solution interpolated on the quadrature mesh in physical space). :math:`w` is a weight associated with chosen basis, and :math:`w_i` are quadrature weights. Note ---- If :math:`f` is a number (typically one) and :math:`g` an :class:`.Array`, then `inner` represents an unweighted, regular integral over the domain. If the expressions are created in a multidimensional :class:`.TensorProductSpace`, then the sum above is over all dimensions. In 2D it becomes: .. math:: (f, g)_w^N = \sum_{i\in\mathcal{I}}\sum_{j\in\mathcal{J}} f(x_i, y_j) \overline{g}(x_i, y_j) w_j w_i where :math:`\mathcal{J}=0, 1, \ldots, M, M \in \mathbb{Z}^+`. Parameters ---------- expr0, expr1 : :class:`.Expr`, :class:`.BasisFunction`, :class:`.Array`, number Either one can be an expression involving a BasisFunction (:class:`.TestFunction`, :class:`.TrialFunction` or :class:`.Function`) an Array or a number. With expressions (Expr) on a BasisFunction we typically mean terms like div(u) or grad(u), where u is any one of the different types of BasisFunction. If one of ``expr0``/``expr1`` involves a TestFunction and the other one involves a TrialFunction, then a tensor product matrix (or a list of tensor product matrices) is returned. If one of ``expr0``/``expr1`` involves a TestFunction and the other one involves a Function, or a plain Array, then a linear form is assembled and a Function is returned. If one of ``expr0``/``expr1`` is a number (typically 1), or a tuple of numbers for a vector, then the inner product represents a non-weighted integral over the domain. If a single number, then the other expression must be a scalar Array or a Function. If a tuple of numbers, then the Array/Function must be a vector. output_array : Function Optional return array for linear form. assemble : None or str, optional Determines how to perform the integration - 'quadrature' (default) - 'exact' - 'adaptive' Exact and adaptive should result in the same matrix. Exact computes the integral using `Sympy integrate <>`_, whereas adaptive makes use of adaptive quadrature through `scipy <>`_. For most bilinear forms quadrature will also return the same matrix as exact. With non-constant measures (like for curvilinear coordinates) there is more likely to be differences. kind : None, str or dict, optional Alternative methods. For bilinear forms (matrices) kind is a string: - 'implemented' - Hardcoded implementations - 'stencil' - Use orthogonal bases and stencil-matrices - 'vandermonde' - Use Vandermonde matrix The default (for kind=None) is to first try to look for implemented kind, and if that fails try first 'stencil' and then finally fall back on vandermonde. Vandermonde creates a dense matrix of size NxN, so it should be avoided (e.g., by implementing the matrix) for large N. For linear forms (vectors) the kind keyword can be used to overload the default methods for transforms set in config['transforms']['kind']. Hence, kind is a dictionary with family as key and values either one of the possible methods - 'fast' - Use FFT (only Fourier and Chebyshev first and second kind) - 'recursive' - Low-memory implementation (only for Jacobi polynomials) - 'vandermonde' - Use Vandermonde matrix E.g., kind={'chebyshev': 'recursive'}. Note that for one-dimensional problems it is enough to use just the value of the dictionary. fixed_resolution : Number or sequence of integers, optional A fixed number of quadrature points used to compute the inner product along each dimension of the domain. If 'fixed_resolution' is set, then assemble is set to 'quadrature' and kind is set to 'vandermonde'. fixed_resolution is argument to :meth:`.TensorProductSpace.get_refined`. return_matrices : bool, optional For linear forms, whether to simply return the matrices that are used to compute the result with matrix-vector products. Note ---- For most matrices all methods will lead to the same result. For bilinear forms with polynomial coefficients regular quadrature will become inaccurate and a 'fixed_resolution' higher than the regular number of quadrature points should be considered. Returns ------- Depending on dimensionality and the arguments to the forms :class:`.Function` for linear forms. :class:`.SparseMatrix` for bilinear 1D forms. :class:`.TPMatrix` or list of :class:`.TPMatrix` for bilinear multidimensional forms. Number, for non-weighted integral where either one of the arguments is a number. See Also -------- :func:`.project` Example ------- Compute mass matrix of Shen's Chebyshev Dirichlet basis: >>> from shenfun import FunctionSpace, TensorProductSpace >>> from shenfun import TestFunction, TrialFunction, Array >>> SD = FunctionSpace(6, 'Chebyshev', bc=(0, 0)) >>> u = TrialFunction(SD) >>> v = TestFunction(SD) >>> B = inner(v, u) >>> d = {-2: np.array([-np.pi/2]), ... 0: np.array([ 1.5*np.pi, np.pi, np.pi, np.pi]), ... 2: np.array([-np.pi/2])} >>> [np.all(abs(B[k]-v) < 1e-7) for k, v in d.items()] [True, True, True] # Compute unweighted integral >>> F = FunctionSpace(10, 'F', domain=(0, 2*np.pi)) >>> T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (SD, F)) >>> area = inner(1, Array(T, val=1)) >>> print('Area of domain =', area) Area of domain = 12.56637061435917 """ # Wrap a pure numpy array in Array if isinstance(expr0, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(expr0, (Array, Function)): assert isinstance(expr1, (Expr, BasisFunction)) if not expr0.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: expr0 = expr0.copy() expr0 = Array(expr1.function_space(), buffer=expr0) if isinstance(expr1, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(expr1, (Array, Function)): assert isinstance(expr0, (Expr, BasisFunction)) if not expr1.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: expr1 = expr1.copy() expr1 = Array(expr0.function_space(), buffer=expr1) if isinstance(expr0, Number): if isinstance(expr1, TestFunction): expr0 = sp.sympify(expr0) else: assert isinstance(expr1, (Array, Function)) space = expr1.function_space() if isinstance(space, (TensorProductSpace, CompositeSpace)): df =[float(base.domain_factor()) for base in space.bases])) elif isinstance(space, SpectralBase): df = float(space.domain_factor()) if isinstance(expr1, Function): #return (expr0/df)*dx(expr1.backward()) expr1 = expr1.backward() if hasattr(space, 'hi'): if != 1: expr1 = space.get_measured_array(expr1.copy()) return (expr0/df)*dx(expr1) if isinstance(expr1, Number): if isinstance(expr0, TestFunction): expr1 = sp.sympify(expr1) else: assert isinstance(expr0, (Array, Function)) space = expr0.function_space() if isinstance(space, (TensorProductSpace, CompositeSpace)): df =[float(base.domain_factor()) for base in space.bases])) elif isinstance(space, SpectralBase): df = float(space.domain_factor()) if isinstance(expr0, Function): #return (expr1/df)*dx(expr0.backward()) expr0 = expr0.backward() if hasattr(space, 'hi'): if != 1: expr0 = space.get_measured_array(expr0.copy()) return (expr1/df)*dx(expr0) if isinstance(expr0, tuple): assert isinstance(expr1, (Array, Function)) space = expr1.function_space() assert isinstance(space, CompositeSpace) assert len(expr0) == len(space) result = 0.0 for e0i, e1i in zip(expr0, expr1): result += inner(e0i, e1i) return result if isinstance(expr1, tuple): assert isinstance(expr0, (Array, Function)) space = expr0.function_space() assert isinstance(space, CompositeSpace) assert len(expr1) == len(space) result = 0.0 for e0i, e1i in zip(expr0, expr1): result += inner(e0i, e1i) return result if isinstance(expr0, sp.Expr) or isinstance(expr1, sp.Expr): # Special linear form using sympy expression expr_is_test = False if isinstance(expr0, sp.Expr): if isinstance(expr1, TestFunction): expr_is_test = True test = expr1 trial = expr0 else: if isinstance(expr0, TestFunction): expr_is_test = True test = expr0 trial = expr1 if expr_is_test: if output_array is None: output_array = Function(test.function_space()) if assemble in ('exact', 'adaptive'): output_array = scalar_product(test, trial, output_array, assemble=assemble) else: # quadrature if fixed_resolution is not None: from shenfun import comm assert comm.Get_size() == 1 M = fixed_resolution testM = test.function_space().get_refined(M) outM = testM.scalar_product(Array(testM, buffer=trial), kind=kind) output_array[test.function_space().slice()] = outM[test.function_space().slice()] else: output_array = test.function_space().scalar_product(Array(test.function_space(), buffer=trial), output_array, kind=kind) return output_array else: expr0 = test expr1 = Function(test.function_space(), buffer=trial) assert np.all([hasattr(e, 'argument') for e in (expr0, expr1)]) t0 = expr0.argument t1 = expr1.argument if t0 == 0: assert t1 in (1, 2) test = expr0 trial = expr1 elif t0 in (1, 2): assert t1 == 0 test = expr1 trial = expr0 else: raise RuntimeError recursive = test.function_space().is_composite_space if isinstance(trial, Array): assert Expr(trial).expr_rank() == test.expr_rank() elif isinstance(trial, BasisFunction): recursive *= (trial.expr_rank() > 0) if test.expr_rank() == 0: recursive = False if recursive: # Use recursive algorithm for vector expressions of expr_rank > 0, e.g., inner(v, grad(u)) gij = test.function_space().coors.get_metric_tensor(config['basisvectors']) if trial.argument == 2 and not return_matrices: # linear form if output_array is None: output_array = Function(test.function_space()) w0 = np.zeros(test.function_space().flatten()[0].shape(), dtype=output_array.dtype) if test.tensor_rank == 2: for i, (tei, xi) in enumerate(zip(test, output_array)): for j, (teij, xij) in enumerate(zip(tei, xi)): for k, trk in enumerate(trial): if gij[i, k] == 0: continue for l, trkl in enumerate(trk): if gij[j, l] == 0: continue w0.fill(0) xij += inner(teij*gij[i, k]*gij[j, l], trkl, output_array=w0, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution, return_matrices=return_matrices) elif test.tensor_rank == 1: for i, (te, x) in enumerate(zip(test, output_array)): for j, tr in enumerate(trial): if gij[i, j] == 0: continue w0.fill(0) x += inner(te*gij[i, j], tr, output_array=w0, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution, return_matrices=return_matrices) return output_array result = [] if test.tensor_rank == 2: for i, tei in enumerate(test): for j, teij in enumerate(tei): for k, trk in enumerate(trial): if gij[i, k] == 0: continue for l, trkl in enumerate(trk): if gij[j, l] == 0: continue p = inner(teij*gij[i, k]*gij[j, l], trkl, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution, return_matrices=return_matrices) result += p if isinstance(p, list) else [p] elif test.tensor_rank == 1: for i, te in enumerate(test): for j, tr in enumerate(trial): if gij[i, j] == 0: continue l = inner(te, tr*gij[i, j], assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution, return_matrices=return_matrices) result += l if isinstance(l, list) else [l] return result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result if output_array is None and trial.argument == 2: output_array = Function(test.function_space()) if trial.argument > 1: # Linear form assert isinstance(test, (Expr, BasisFunction)) assert test.argument == 0 space = test.function_space() if isinstance(trial, Array): if trial.tensor_rank == 0 and isinstance(test, BasisFunction): output_array = space.scalar_product(trial, output_array, kind=kind) return output_array # project to orthogonal. Cannot use trial space, because the Array trial # may not fit with the boundary conditions of the trialspace orthogonal = trial.function_space().get_orthogonal() trial = Array(orthogonal, buffer=trial) trial = trial.forward() assert isinstance(trial, (Expr, BasisFunction)) assert isinstance(test, (Expr, BasisFunction)) if isinstance(trial, BasisFunction): trial = Expr(trial) if isinstance(test, BasisFunction): test = Expr(test) assert test.expr_rank() == trial.expr_rank() testspace = test.base.function_space() trialspace = trial.base.function_space() test_scale = test.scales() trial_scale = trial.scales() uh = None if trial.argument == 2: uh = trial.base gij = testspace.coors.get_metric_tensor(config['basisvectors']) A = [] for vec_i, (base_test, test_ind) in enumerate(zip(test.terms(), test.indices())): # vector/scalar for vec_j, (base_trial, trial_ind) in enumerate(zip(trial.terms(), trial.indices())): g = 1 if len(test.terms()) == 1 else gij[vec_i, vec_j] if g == 0: continue for test_j, b0 in enumerate(base_test): # second index test for trial_j, b1 in enumerate(base_trial): # second index trial dV = sp.simplify(test_scale[vec_i][test_j]*trial_scale[vec_j][trial_j]**g, measure=testspace.coors._measure) dV = testspace.coors.refine(dV) assert len(b0) == len(b1) trial_sp = trialspace if isinstance(trialspace, (CompositeSpace, MixedFunctionSpace)): # could operate on a vector, e.g., div(u), where u is vector trial_sp = trialspace.flatten()[trial_ind[trial_j]] test_sp = testspace if isinstance(testspace, (CompositeSpace, MixedFunctionSpace)): test_sp = testspace.flatten()[test_ind[test_j]] has_bcs = False # Check if scale is zero if dV == 0: continue for dv in split(dV): sc = dv['coeff'] M = [] DM = [] for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(b0, b1)): # Third index, one inner for each dimension ts = trial_sp[i] tt = test_sp[i] msx = 'xyzrs'[i] msi = dv[msx] # assemble inner product AA = inner_product((tt, a), (ts, b), msi, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution) if len(AA) == 0: sc = 0 continue #if not abs(AA.scale-1.) < 1e-8: # AA.incorporate_scale() M.append(AA) if ts.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs: tsc = ts.get_bc_space() BB = inner_product((tt, a), (tsc, b), msi, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution) #if not abs(BB.scale-1.) < 1e-8: # BB.incorporate_scale() #if BB.diags('csr').nnz > 0: if len(BB) > 0: DM.append(BB) has_bcs = True else: DM.append(0) else: DM.append(AA) if sc == 0: continue sc = tt.broadcast_to_ndims(np.array([sc])) if len(M) == 1: # 1D case M[0].global_index = (test_ind[test_j], trial_ind[trial_j]) M[0].scale = sc[0] M[0].testbase = testspace M[0].trialbase = trialspace M[0].incorporate_scale() A.append(M[0]) else: A.append(TPMatrix(M, test_sp, trial_sp, sc, (test_ind[test_j], trial_ind[trial_j]), testspace, trialspace)) if has_bcs: if len(DM) == 1: # 1D case DM[0].global_index = (test_ind[test_j], trial_ind[trial_j]) DM[0].scale = sc DM[0].testbase = testspace DM[0].trialbase = testspace A.append(DM[0]) else: if len(trial_sp.get_nonhomogeneous_axes()) == 1: A.append(TPMatrix(DM, test_sp, trial_sp, sc, (test_ind[test_j], trial_ind[trial_j]), testspace, trialspace)) elif len(trial_sp.get_nonhomogeneous_axes()) == 2: if DM[1] != 0: A.append(TPMatrix([M[0], DM[1]], test_sp, trial_sp, sc, (test_ind[test_j], trial_ind[trial_j]), testspace, trialspace)) if DM[0] != 0: A.append(TPMatrix([DM[0], M[1]], test_sp, trial_sp, sc, (test_ind[test_j], trial_ind[trial_j]), testspace, trialspace)) if DM[0] != 0 and DM[1] != 0: A.append(TPMatrix(DM, test_sp, trial_sp, sc, (test_ind[test_j], trial_ind[trial_j]), testspace, trialspace)) # At this point A contains all matrices of the form. The length of A is # the number of inner products. For each index into A there are ndim 1D # inner products along, e.g., x, y and z-directions, or just x, y for 2D. # The outer product of these matrices is a tensorproduct matrix, and we # store the matrices using the TPMatrix class. # # There are now two possibilities, either a linear or a bilinear form. # A linear form has trial.argument == 2, whereas a bilinear form has # trial.argument == 1. A linear form should assemble to an array and # return this array. A bilinear form, on the other hand, should return # matrices. Which matrices, and how many, will of course depend on the # form and the number of terms. # Bilinear form, return matrices if trial.argument == 1: return A[0] if len(A) == 1 else A if return_matrices: return A # Linear form, return output_array wh = np.zeros_like(output_array) for b in A: if uh.function_space().is_composite_space and wh.ndim == b.dimensions: wh = b.matvec(uh.v[b.global_index[1]], wh) elif uh.function_space().is_composite_space and wh.ndim > b.dimensions: wh[b.global_index[0]] = b.matvec(uh.v[b.global_index[1]], wh[b.global_index[0]]) else: wh = b.matvec(uh, wh) output_array += wh wh.fill(0) return output_array
work = CachedArrayDict()
[docs] class Inner: """Return an instance of a class that can perform the inner product of the linear form efficiently through a matrix-vector product Parameters ---------- v : :class:`.TestFunction` uh : Instance of either one of - :class:`.Expr` - :class:`.BasisFunction` Note ---- This is an optimization only for linear forms, not bilinear. There is no need to use this class for regular scalar products, where `uh` is simply an Array. """ def __init__(self, v, uh): from shenfun.matrixbase import get_simplified_tpmatrices assert isinstance(uh, (Expr, BasisFunction, Array)) assert isinstance(v, TestFunction) assert uh.argument == 2 self.uh = [uh] A = inner(v, uh, return_matrices=True) if isinstance(A[0], TPMatrix): A = get_simplified_tpmatrices(A) elif isinstance(A, Function): A = [A] self.A = [A] self.output_array = Function(v.function_space()) def __call__(self): wh = work[(self.output_array, 0, True)] self.output_array.fill(0) for uh, A in zip(self.uh, self.A): uh = uh.base if uh.base is not None else uh for b in A: if isinstance(b, Function) and isinstance(uh, Array): V = b.function_space() wh = V.scalar_product(uh, wh) self.output_array += wh elif uh.function_space().is_composite_space and wh.ndim == b.dimensions: wh = b.matvec(uh.v[b.global_index[1]], wh) self.output_array += wh elif uh.function_space().is_composite_space and wh.ndim > b.dimensions: wh[b.global_index[0]] = b.matvec(uh.v[b.global_index[1]], wh[b.global_index[0]]) self.output_array.v[b.global_index[0]] += wh[b.global_index[0]] else: wh = b.matvec(uh, wh) self.output_array += wh wh.fill(0) return self.output_array def __add__(self, c): assert isinstance(c, Inner) assert c.output_array.function_space() == self.output_array.function_space() self.A += c.A self.uh += c.uh return self