Source code for shenfun.chebyshevu.matrices

This module contains specific inner product matrices for the different bases in
the Chebyshev family of the second kind.

A naming convention is used for the first capital letter for all matrices.
The first letter refers to type of matrix.

    - Mass matrices start with `B`
    - One derivative start with `C`
    - Two derivatives (Laplace) start with `A`
    - Four derivatives (Biharmonic) start with `S`

A matrix may consist of different types of test and trialfunctions as long as
they are all in the Chebyshev family, either first or second kind.
The next letters in the matrix name uses the 'short_name' for all these
different bases, see

All matrices in this module may be looked up using the 'mat' dictionary,
which takes test and trialfunctions along with the number of derivatives
to be applied to each. As such the mass matrix BTTmat may be looked up

>>> from shenfun.chebyshevu.matrices import mat
>>> from shenfun.chebyshevu.bases import Orthogonal as T
>>> B = mat[((T, 0), (T, 0))]

and an instance of the matrix can be created as

>>> B0 = T(10)
>>> BM = B((B0, 0), (B0, 0))
>>> import numpy as np
>>> d = {0: np.pi/2}
>>> [np.all(BM[k] == v) for k, v in d.items()]

However, this way of creating matrices is not reccommended use. It is far
more elegant to use the TrialFunction/TestFunction interface, and to
generate the matrix as an inner product:

>>> from shenfun import TrialFunction, TestFunction, inner
>>> u = TrialFunction(B0)
>>> v = TestFunction(B0)
>>> BM = inner(u, v)
>>> [np.all(BM[k] == v) for k, v in d.items()]

To see that this is in fact the BUUmat:

>>> print(BM.__class__)
<class 'shenfun.chebyshevu.matrices.BUUmat'>

#pylint: disable=bad-continuation, redefined-builtin

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from shenfun.matrixbase import SpectralMatrix, SparseMatrix, SpectralMatDict
from shenfun.spectralbase import get_norm_sq
from import TwoDMA
from shenfun.chebyshev import bases as chebbases
from . import bases

# Short names for instances of bases
U = bases.Orthogonal
P1 = bases.Phi1

SD = chebbases.ShenDirichlet
SN = chebbases.ShenNeumann

[docs] class BUUmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Mass matrix :math:`B=(b_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: b_{kj}=(U_j, U_k)_w, :math:`U_k \in` :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.Orthogonal` and test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test, trial = self.testfunction, self.trialfunction assert isinstance(test[0], U) assert isinstance(trial[0], U) return {0: get_norm_sq(test[0], trial[0], method)}
[docs] class BP1SDmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Mass matrix :math:`B=(b_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: b_{kj}=(\psi_j, \phi_k)_w, where the test function :math:`\phi_k \in` :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.Phi1`, the trial :math:`\psi_j \in` :class:`.chebyshev.bases.ShenDirichlet`, and test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test, trial = self.testfunction, self.trialfunction from shenfun.jacobi.recursions import Lmat, half, cn assert isinstance(test[0], P1) assert isinstance(trial[0], SD) assert test[0].quad == 'GU' N = test[0].N-2 K = trial[0].stencil_matrix() K.shape = (N, N+2) B2 = Lmat(2, 0, 2, N, N+2, -half, -half, cn) # B^{(2)_{(2)}} if not test[0].is_scaled(): k = np.arange(N+2) B2 = SparseMatrix({0: (k[:-2]+2)}, (N, N)).diags('csr')*B2 M = B2 * K.diags('csr').T K.shape = (N+2, N+2) d = {-2: M.diagonal(-2), 0: M.diagonal(0), 2: M.diagonal(2), 4: M.diagonal(4)} return d
[docs] class AP1SDmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Stiffness matrix :math:`A=(a_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: a_{kj}=(\psi''_j, \phi_k)_w, where the test function :math:`\phi_k \in` :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.Phi1`, the trial function :math:`\psi_j \in` :class:`.chebyshev.bases.ShenDirichlet`, and test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test, trial = self.testfunction, self.trialfunction assert isinstance(test[0], P1) assert isinstance(trial[0], SD) d = {0: -1, 2: 1} if not test[0].is_scaled(): k = np.arange(test[0].N-2) d = {0: -(k+2), 2: k[:-2]+2} return d
[docs] def get_solver(self): return TwoDMA
[docs] class BP1SNmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Mass matrix :math:`B=(b_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: b_{kj}=(\psi_j, \phi_k)_w, where the test function :math:`\phi_k \in` :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.Phi1`, the trial function :math:`\psi_j \in` :class:`.chebyshev.bases.ShenNeumann`, and test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): from shenfun.jacobi.recursions import Lmat, half, cn test, trial = self.testfunction, self.trialfunction assert isinstance(test[0], P1) assert isinstance(trial[0], SN) N = test[0].N-2 K = trial[0].stencil_matrix() K.shape = (N, N+2) B2 = Lmat(2, 0, 2, N, N+2, -half, -half, cn) # B^{(2)_{(2)}} if not test[0].is_scaled(): k = np.arange(test[0].N) B2 = SparseMatrix({0: (k[:-2]+2)}, (N, N)).diags('csr')*B2 M = B2 * K.diags('csr').T K.shape = (N+2, N+2) d = {-2: M.diagonal(-2), 0: M.diagonal(0), 2: M.diagonal(2), 4: M.diagonal(4)} return d
[docs] class AP1SNmat(SpectralMatrix): r"""Stiffness matrix :math:`A=(a_{kj}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}`, where .. math:: a_{kj}=(\psi''_j, \phi_k)_w, where the test function :math:`\phi_k \in` :class:`.chebyshevu.bases.Phi1`, the trial function :math:`\psi_j \in` :class:`.chebyshev.bases.ShenNeumann`, and test and trial spaces have dimensions of M and N, respectively. """
[docs] def assemble(self, method): test, trial = self.testfunction, self.trialfunction assert isinstance(test[0], P1) assert isinstance(trial[0], SN) k = np.arange(test[0].N-2) d = {0: -(k/(k+2))**2, 2: 1} if not test[0].is_scaled(): d = {0: -k**2/(k+2), 2: k[:-2]+2} return d
[docs] def get_solver(self): return TwoDMA
# Define dictionary to hold all predefined matrices # When looked up, missing matrices will be generated automatically mat = SpectralMatDict({ ((U, 0), (U, 0)): BUUmat, ((P1, 0), (SD, 0)): BP1SDmat, ((P1, 0), (SN, 0)): BP1SNmat, ((P1, 0), (SD, 2)): AP1SDmat, ((P1, 0), (SN, 2)): AP1SNmat, })