Source code for

#pylint: disable=line-too-long, missing-docstring

from copy import copy
import numpy as np
from shenfun.optimization import runtimeoptimizer
from import SparseMatrixSolver
from shenfun.matrixbase import TPMatrix, SpectralMatrix, extract_bc_matrices,\

[docs] class ADDSolver(SparseMatrixSolver): def __init__(self, mats): SparseMatrixSolver.__init__(self, mats) assert self.mat.__class__.__name__ == 'ASDSDmat' #assert self.bc_mats == []
[docs] def solve(self, b, u, axis, lu): if u is not b: u[:] = b self.Poisson_Solve_ADD(self.mat, b, u, axis=axis) return u
[docs] def perform_lu(self): return 1
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Poisson_Solve_ADD(A, b, u, axis=0): s = A.trialfunction[0].slice() if u is None: u = b else: assert u.shape == b.shape # Move axis to first if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) if u is not b: b = np.moveaxis(b, axis, 0) bs = b[s] us = u[s] if len(b.shape) == 1: se = 0.0 so = 0.0 else: se = np.zeros(us.shape[1:]) so = np.zeros(us.shape[1:]) d = A[0] d1 = A[2] M = us.shape us[-1] = bs[-1] / d[-1] us[-2] = bs[-2] / d[-2] for k in range(M[0]-3, -1, -1): if k%2 == 0: se += us[k+2] us[k] = bs[k] - d1[k]*se else: so += us[k+2] us[k] = bs[k] - d1[k]*so us[k] /= d[k] u /= A.scale if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis) if u is not b: b = np.moveaxis(b, 0, axis) u.set_boundary_dofs() return u
[docs] class ANNSolver(SparseMatrixSolver):
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, axis=0, constraints=((0, 0),)): A = self.mat assert A.shape[0] + 2 == b.shape[0] s = A.trialfunction[0].slice() if u is None: u = b # Boundary conditions b = self.apply_bcs(b, u, axis=axis) # Move axis to first if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) if u is not b: b = np.moveaxis(b, axis, 0) bs = b[s] us = u[s] j2 = np.arange(A.shape[0])**2 j2[0] = 1 j2 = 1./j2 if len(b.shape) == 1: se = 0.0 so = 0.0 else: se = np.zeros(u.shape[1:]) so = np.zeros(u.shape[1:]) j2.repeat([1:])).reshape(bs.shape) d = A[0]*j2 d1 = A[2]*j2[2:] M = us.shape us[-1] = bs[-1] / d[-1] us[-2] = bs[-2] / d[-2] for k in range(M[0]-3, 0, -1): if k%2 == 0: se += us[k+2] us[k] = bs[k] - d1[k]*se else: so += us[k+2] us[k] = bs[k] - d1[k]*so us[k] /= d[k] sl = [np.newaxis]*b.ndim sl[0] = slice(None) us *= j2[tuple(sl)] u /= A.scale for con in constraints: u[con[0]] = con[1] A.testfunction[0].bc.set_boundary_dofs(u, True) if axis > 0: u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis) if u is not b: b = np.moveaxis(b, 0, axis) return u
[docs] class Helmholtz: r"""Helmholtz solver .. math:: \alpha u'' + \beta u = b where :math:`u` is the solution, :math:`b` is the right hand side and :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` are scalars, or arrays of scalars for a multidimensional problem. The user must provide mass and stiffness matrices with scale arrays :math:`(\alpha/\beta)` to each matrix. The matrices and scales can be provided as instances of :class:`.TPMatrix`, or :class:`.SpectralMatrix`. Parameters ---------- A : :class:`.SpectralMatrix` or :class:`.TPMatrix` mass or stiffness matrix B : :class:`.SpectralMatrix` or :class:`.TPMatrix` mass or stiffness matrix scale_A : array, optional Scale array to stiffness matrix scale_B : array, optional Scale array to mass matrix The two matrices must be one stiffness and one mass matrix. Which is which will be found by inspection if only two arguments are provided. The scales :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` must then be available as A.scale and B.scale. If four arguments are provided they must be in the order - stiffness matrix, mass matrix, scale stiffness, scale mass The solver can be used along any axis of a multidimensional problem. For example, if the Chebyshev basis (Dirichlet or Neumann) is the last in a 3-dimensional TensorProductSpace, where the first two dimensions use Fourier, then the 1D Helmholtz equation arises when one is solving the 3D Poisson equation .. math:: \nabla^2 u = b With the spectral Galerkin method we multiply this equation with a test function (:math:`v`) and integrate (weighted inner product :math:`(\cdot, \cdot)_w`) over the domain .. math:: (v, \nabla^2 u)_w = (v, b)_w See :ref:`demo:poisson3d` for details, since it is actually quite involved. But basically, one obtains a linear algebra system to be solved along the :math:`z`-axis for all combinations of the two Fourier indices :math:`k` and :math:`l` .. math:: (A_{mj} - (k^2 + l^2) B_{mj}) \hat{u}[k, l, j] = (v, b)_w[k, l, m] Note that :math:`k` only varies along :math:`x`-direction, whereas :math:`l` varies along :math:`y`. To allow for Numpy broadcasting these two variables are stored as arrays of shape .. math:: k : (N, 1, 1) l : (1, M, 1) Here it is assumed that the solution array :math:`\hat{u}` has shape (N, M, P). Now, multiplying k array with :math:`\hat{u}` is achieved as an elementwise multiplication .. math:: k \cdot \hat{u} Numpy will then take care of broadcasting :math:`k` to an array of shape (N, M, P) before performing the elementwise multiplication. Likewise, the constant scale :math:`1` in front of the :math:`A_{mj}` matrix is stored with shape (1, 1, 1), and multiplying with :math:`\hat{u}` is performed as if it was a scalar (as it here happens to be). This is where the scale arrays come from. :math:`\alpha` is here :math:`1`, whereas :math:`\beta` is :math:`(k^2+l^2)`. Note that :math:`k+l` is an array of shape (N, M, 1). """ def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] self.bc_mats = [] if isinstance(args[-1], TPMatrix): args = get_simplified_tpmatrices(args) if isinstance(args[-1], (TPMatrix, SpectralMatrix)): bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([args]) self.tpmats = args self.bc_mats = bc_mats assert len(args) in (2, 4) A, B = args[:2] M = {d.get_key(): d for d in (A, B)} self.A = A = M.get('ASDSDmat', M.get('ASNSNmat')) self.B = B = M.get('BSDSDmat', M.get('BSNSNmat')) if len(args) == 2: self.alfa = self.A.scale self.beta = self.B.scale if isinstance(self.A, TPMatrix): self.A = self.A.pmat self.B = self.B.pmat self.alfa *= self.A.scale self.beta *= self.B.scale elif len(args) == 4: self.alfa = args[2] self.beta = args[3] A, B = self.A, self.B B[2] = np.broadcast_to(B[2], A[2].shape) B[-2] = np.broadcast_to(B[-2], A[2].shape) v = A.testfunction[0] neumann = self.neumann = v.boundary_condition() == 'Neumann' self.axis = A.axis shape = [1] T = self.T = A.tensorproductspace if T is not None: shape = list(T.shape(True)) shape[A.axis] = 1 self.alfa = np.atleast_1d(self.alfa).astype(float) self.beta = np.atleast_1d(self.beta).astype(float) if not self.alfa.shape == shape: self.alfa = np.broadcast_to(self.alfa, shape).copy() if not self.beta.shape == shape: self.beta = np.broadcast_to(self.beta, shape).copy() shape[self.axis] = A.shape[0] + 2 self.u0 = np.zeros(shape) # Diagonal entries of U self.u1 = np.zeros(shape) # Diagonal+2 entries of U self.u2 = np.zeros(shape) # Diagonal+4 entries of U self.L = np.zeros(shape) # The single nonzero row of L self.LU_Helmholtz(A, B, self.alfa, self.beta, neumann, self.u0, self.u1, self.u2, self.L, self.axis) @staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def LU_Helmholtz(A, B, As, Bs, neumann, u0, u1, u2, L, axis=0): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Solve_Helmholtz(b, u, neumann, u0, u1, u2, L, axis=0): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, constraints=()): """Solve matrix problem Parameters ---------- b : array Array of right hand side on entry and solution on exit unless u is provided. u : array Output array If b and u are multidimensional, then the axis over which to solve for is determined on creation of the class. """ if len(self.bc_mats) > 0: u.set_boundary_dofs() w0 = np.zeros_like(u) for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: b -= bc_mat.matvec(u, w0) self.Solve_Helmholtz(b, u, self.neumann, self.u0, self.u1, self.u2, self.L, self.axis) if constraints != (): z0 = self.T.local_slice() paxes = np.setxor1d(range(u.ndim), self.axis) is_rank_zero = np.array([z0[i].start for i in paxes]).prod() if is_rank_zero == 0: assert len(constraints) == 1 s = [0]*u.ndim u[tuple(s)] = constraints[0][1] return u
[docs] def matvec(self, v, c): """Matrix vector product c = dot(self, v) Parameters ---------- v : array c : array Returns ------- c : array """ c[:] = 0 if not self.neumann: self.Helmholtz_matvec(v, c, self.alfa, self.beta, self.A, self.B, self.axis) else: self.Helmholtz_Neumann_matvec(v, c, self.alfa, self.beta, self.A, self.B, self.axis) if len(self.bc_mats) > 0: v.set_boundary_dofs() w0 = np.zeros_like(v) for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: c += bc_mat.matvec(v, w0) return c
@staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Helmholtz_matvec(v, b, alfa, beta, A, B, axis=0): raise NotImplementedError("Use Cython or Numba") @staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Helmholtz_Neumann_matvec(v, b, alfa, beta, A, B, axis=0): raise NotImplementedError("Use Cython or Numba")
[docs] class Biharmonic: r"""Multidimensional Biharmonic solver for .. math:: a_0 u'''' + \alpha u'' + \beta u = b where :math:`u` is the solution, :math:`b` is the right hand side and :math:`a_0, \alpha` and :math:`\beta` are scalars, or arrays of scalars for a multidimensional problem. The user must provide mass, stiffness and biharmonic matrices with associated scale arrays :math:`(a_0/\alpha/\beta)`. The matrices and scales can be provided in any order Parameters ---------- S : :class:`.TPMatrix` or :class:`.SpectralMatrix` A : :class:`.TPMatrix` or :class:`.SpectralMatrix` B : :class:`.TPMatrix` or :class:`.SpectralMatrix` scale_S : array, optional scale_A : array, optional scale_B : array, optional If only three arguments are passed, then we decide which matrix is which through inspection. The three scale arrays must then be available as S.scale, A.scale, B.scale. If six arguments are provided they must be in order S, A, B, scale S, scale A, scale B. Variables are extracted from the matrices The solver can be used along any axis of a multidimensional problem. For example, if the Chebyshev basis (Biharmonic) is the last in a 3-dimensional TensorProductSpace, where the first two dimensions use Fourier, then the 1D equation listed above arises when one is solving the 3D biharmonic equation .. math:: \nabla^4 u = b With the spectral Galerkin method we multiply this equation with a test function (:math:`v`) and integrate (weighted inner product :math:`(\cdot, \cdot)_w`) over the domain .. math:: (v, \nabla^4 u)_w = (v, b)_w See `the Poisson problem <>`_ for details, since it is actually quite involved. But basically, one obtains a linear algebra system to be solved along the :math:`z`-axis for all combinations of the two Fourier indices :math:`k` and :math:`l` .. math:: (S_{mj} - 2(k^2 + l^2) A_{mj}) + (k^2 + l^2)^2 B_{mj}) \hat{u}[k, l, j] = (v, b)_w[k, l, m] Note that :math:`k` only varies along :math:`x`-direction, whereas :math:`l` varies along :math:`y`. To allow for Numpy broadcasting these two variables are stored as arrays of shape .. math:: k : (N, 1, 1) l : (1, M, 1) Here it is assumed that the solution array :math:`\hat{u}` has shape (N, M, P). Now, multiplying :math:`k` array with :math:`\hat{u}` is achieved as .. math:: k \cdot \hat{u} Numpy will then take care of broadcasting :math:`k` to an array of shape (N, M, P) before performing the elementwise multiplication. Likewise, the constant scale :math:`1` in front of the :math:`A_{mj}` matrix is stored with shape (1, 1, 1), and multiplying with :math:`\hat{u}` is performed as if it was a scalar (as it here happens to be). This is where the scale arrays in the signature to the Helmholt solver comes from. :math:`a_0` is here :math:`1`, whereas :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` are :math:`-2(k^2+l^2)` and :math:`(k^2+l^2)^2`, respectively. Note that :math:`k+l` is an array of shape (N, M, 1). """ def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] args = list(args) self.bc_mats = [] if isinstance(args[-1], TPMatrix): args = get_simplified_tpmatrices(args) if isinstance(args[-1], (TPMatrix, SpectralMatrix)): bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([args]) self.tpmats = args self.bc_mats = bc_mats assert len(args) in (3, 6) S, A, B = args[:3] M = {d.get_key(): d for d in (S, A, B)} self.S = M['SSBSBmat'] self.A = M['ASBSBmat'] self.B = M['BSBSBmat'] if len(args) == 3: self.a0 = a0 = np.atleast_1d(self.S.scale).item() self.alfa = alfa = self.A.scale self.beta = beta = self.B.scale if isinstance(self.S, TPMatrix): self.S = self.S.pmat self.A = self.A.pmat self.B = self.B.pmat self.alfa *= self.A.scale self.beta *= self.B.scale elif len(args) == 6: self.a0 = a0 = np.atleast_1d(args[3]).item() self.alfa = alfa = args[4] self.beta = beta = args[5] S, A, B = self.S, self.A, self.B self.axis = S.axis T = S.tensorproductspace if T is None: shape = [S[0].shape] else: shape = list(T.shape(True)) sii, siu, siuu = S[0], S[2], S[4] ail, aii, aiu = A[-2], A[0], A[2] bill, bil, bii, biu, biuu = B[-4], B[-2], B[0], B[2], B[4] M = sii[::2].shape[0] shape[S.axis] = M ss = copy(shape) ss.insert(0, 2) self.u0 = np.zeros(ss) self.u1 = np.zeros(ss) self.u2 = np.zeros(ss) self.l0 = np.zeros(ss) self.l1 = np.zeros(ss) self.ak = np.zeros(ss) self.bk = np.zeros(ss) self.LU_Biharmonic(a0, alfa, beta, sii, siu, siuu, ail, aii, aiu, bill, bil, bii, biu, biuu, self.u0, self.u1, self.u2, self.l0, self.l1, self.axis) self.Biharmonic_factor_pr(self.ak, self.bk, self.l0, self.l1, self.axis) @staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def LU_Biharmonic(a0, alfa, beta, sii, siu, siuu, ail, aii, aiu, bill, bil, bii, biu, biuu, u0, u1, u2, l0, l1, axis): raise NotImplementedError('Use Cython or Numba') @staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Biharmonic_factor_pr(ak, bk, l0, l1, axis): raise NotImplementedError('Use Cython or Numba') @staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Biharmonic_Solve(axis, b, u, u0, u1, u2, l0, l1, ak, bk, a0): raise NotImplementedError('Use Cython or Numba') @staticmethod @runtimeoptimizer def Biharmonic_matvec(v, b, a0, alfa, beta, sii, siu, siuu, ail, aii, aiu, bill, bil, bii, biu, biuu, axis=0): raise NotImplementedError('Use Cython or Numba')
[docs] def __call__(self, b, u=None, **kw): """Solve matrix problem Parameters ---------- b : array Array of right hand side on entry and solution on exit unless u is provided. u : array Output array If b and u are multidimensional, then the axis over which to solve for is determined on creation of the class. """ if len(self.bc_mats) > 0: u.set_boundary_dofs() w0 = np.zeros_like(u) for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: b -= bc_mat.matvec(u, w0) self.Biharmonic_Solve(b, u, self.u0, self.u1, self.u2, self.l0, self.l1, self.ak, self.bk, self.a0, self.axis) return u
[docs] def matvec(self, v, c): c[:] = 0 self.Biharmonic_matvec(v, c, self.a0, self.alfa, self.beta, self.S[0], self.S[2], self.S[4], self.A[-2], self.A[0], self.A[2], self.B[-4], self.B[-2], self.B[0], self.B[2], self.B[4], self.axis) return c