Source code for shenfun.matrixbase

This module contains classes for working with sparse matrices.

from __future__ import division
import functools
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from import Mapping, MutableMapping
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from scipy.sparse import bmat, spmatrix, dia_matrix, csr_matrix, kron, \
    diags as sp_diags
from scipy.integrate import quad
from mpi4py import MPI
from shenfun.config import config
from .utilities import integrate_sympy

__all__ = ['SparseMatrix', 'SpectralMatrix', 'extract_diagonal_matrix',
           'extract_bc_matrices', 'check_sanity', 'assemble_sympy',
           'TPMatrix', 'BlockMatrix', 'BlockMatrices', 'Identity',
           'get_simplified_tpmatrices', 'ScipyMatrix', 'SpectralMatDict']


[docs] class SparseMatrix(MutableMapping): r"""Base class for sparse matrices. The data is stored as a dictionary, where keys and values are, respectively, the offsets and values of the diagonals. In addition, each matrix is stored with a coefficient that is used as a scalar multiple of the matrix. Parameters ---------- d : dict Dictionary, where keys are the diagonal offsets and values the diagonals shape : two-tuple of ints scale : number, optional Scale matrix with this number Note ---- The matrix format and storage is similar to Scipy's `dia_matrix`. The format is chosen because spectral matrices often are computed by hand and presented in the literature as banded matrices. Note that a SparseMatrix can easily be transformed to any of Scipy's formats using the `diags` method. However, Scipy's matrices are not implemented to act along different axes of multidimensional arrays, which is required for tensor product matrices, see :class:`.TPMatrix`. Hence the need for this SparseMatrix class. Examples -------- A tridiagonal matrix of shape N x N could be created as >>> from shenfun import SparseMatrix >>> import numpy as np >>> N = 4 >>> d = {-1: 1, 0: -2, 1: 1} >>> S = SparseMatrix(d, (N, N)) >>> dict(S) {-1: 1, 0: -2, 1: 1} In case of variable values, store the entire diagonal. For an N x N matrix use >>> d = {-1: np.ones(N-1), ... 0: -2*np.ones(N), ... 1: np.ones(N-1)} >>> S = SparseMatrix(d, (N, N)) >>> dict(S) {-1: array([1., 1., 1.]), 0: array([-2., -2., -2., -2.]), 1: array([1., 1., 1.])} """ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, missing-docstring def __init__(self, d, shape, scale=1): # sort d before storing sorted_dict = sorted(d.items()) self._storage = {si[0]: si[1] for si in sorted_dict} self.shape = shape self._diags = dia_matrix((1, 1)) self.scale = scale self._matvec_methods = [] self.solver = None
[docs] def matvec(self, v, c, format=None, axis=0): """Matrix vector product Returns c = dot(self, v) Parameters ---------- v : array Numpy input array of ndim>=1 c : array Numpy output array of same shape as v format : str, optional Choice for computation - csr - Compressed sparse row format - dia - Sparse matrix with DIAgonal storage - python - Use numpy and vectorization - self - To be implemented in subclass - cython - Cython implementation that may be implemented in subclass - numba - Numba implementation that may be implemented in subclass Using ``config['matrix']['sparse']['matvec']`` setting if format is None axis : int, optional The axis over which to take the matrix vector product """ format = config['matrix']['sparse']['matvec'] if format is None else format N, M = self.shape c.fill(0) # Roll relevant axis to first if axis > 0: v = np.moveaxis(v, axis, 0) c = np.moveaxis(c, axis, 0) if format == 'python': for key, val in self.items(): if np.ndim(val) > 0: # broadcasting val = val[(slice(None), ) + (np.newaxis,)*(v.ndim-1)] if key < 0: c[-key:min(N, M-key)] += val*v[:min(M, N+key)] else: c[:min(N, M-key)] += val*v[key:min(M, N+key)] c *= self.scale else: diags = self.diags(format=format) P = int([1:])) y =[:M].reshape(M, P)).squeeze() d = tuple([slice(0, m) for m in y.shape]) c[d] = y.reshape(c[d].shape) if axis > 0: c = np.moveaxis(c, 0, axis) v = np.moveaxis(v, 0, axis) return c
[docs] def diags(self, format=None, scaled=True): """Return a regular sparse matrix of specified format Parameters ---------- format : str, optional Choice of matrix type (see scipy.sparse.diags) - dia - Sparse matrix with DIAgonal storage - csr - Compressed sparse row - csc - Compressed sparse column Using ``config['matrix']['sparse']['diags']`` setting if format is None scaled : bool, optional Return matrix scaled by the constant self.scale if True Note ---- This method returns the matrix scaled by self.scale if keyword scaled is True. """ format = config['matrix']['sparse']['diags'] if format is None else format self.sort() self._diags = sp_diags(list(self.values()), list(self.keys()), shape=self.shape, format=format) scale = self.scale if isinstance(scale, np.ndarray): scale = np.atleast_1d(scale).item() return self._diags*scale if scaled else self._diags
def sort(self): self._storage = {si[0]: si[1] for si in sorted(self.items())} def __getitem__(self, key): v = self._storage[key] if hasattr(v, '__call__'): return v(key) return v def __delitem__(self, key): del self._storage[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): self._storage[key] = val def __iter__(self): return iter(self._storage) def __len__(self): return len(self._storage) def __eq__(self, a): if self.shape != a.shape: return False if not self.same_keys(a): return False d0 = self.diags('csr', False).data a0 = a.diags('csr', False).data if d0.shape[0] != a0.shape[0]: return False if not np.linalg.norm(d0-a0) < 1e-8: return False return True def __neq__(self, a): return not self.__eq__(a) def __imul__(self, y): """self.__imul__(y) <==> self*=y""" assert isinstance(y, Number) self.scale *= y return self def __mul__(self, y): """Returns copy of self.__mul__(y) <==> self*y""" if isinstance(y, Number): c = self.copy() c.scale *= y return c elif isinstance(y, np.ndarray): c = np.empty_like(y) c = self.matvec(y, c) return c elif isinstance(y, SparseMatrix): return self.diags('csc')*y.diags('csc') raise RuntimeError def __rmul__(self, y): """Returns copy of self.__rmul__(y) <==> y*self""" return self.__mul__(y) def __div__(self, y): """Returns elementwise division if `y` is a Number, or a linear algebra solve if `y` is an array. Parameters ---------- y : Number or array """ if isinstance(y, Number): assert abs(y) > 1e-8 c = self.copy() c.scale /= y return c elif isinstance(y, np.ndarray): b = np.zeros_like(y) b = self.solve(y, b) return b else: raise NotImplementedError def __truediv__(self, y): """Returns copy self.__div__(y) <==> self/y""" return self.__div__(y) def __add__(self, d): """Return copy of self.__add__(y) <==> self+d""" if abs(self.scale) < 1e-15 and abs(d.scale) < 1e-15: f = SparseMatrix({0: 0}, self.shape) elif abs(self.scale) < 1e-15: f = SparseMatrix(deepcopy(dict(d)), d.shape, d.scale) elif abs(d.scale) < 1e-15: f = self.copy() else: assert isinstance(d, Mapping) f = SparseMatrix(deepcopy(dict(self)), self.shape, self.scale) f.incorporate_scale() d.incorporate_scale() for key, val in d.items(): if key in f: f[key] = f[key] + val else: f[key] = val return f def __iadd__(self, d): """self.__iadd__(d) <==> self += d""" assert isinstance(d, Mapping) assert d.shape == self.shape if abs(d.scale) < 1e-16: return self elif abs(self.scale) < 1e-16: self.clear() for key, val in d.items(): self[key] = val self.scale = d.scale return self self.incorporate_scale() d.incorporate_scale() for key, val in d.items(): if key in self: self[key] = self[key] + val else: self[key] = val return self def __sub__(self, d): """Return copy of self.__sub__(d) <==> self-d""" assert isinstance(d, Mapping) if abs(self.scale) < 1e-15 and abs(d.scale) < 1e-15: f = SparseMatrix({0: 0}, self.shape) elif abs(self.scale) < 1e-15: f = SparseMatrix(deepcopy(dict(d)), d.shape, -d.scale) elif abs(d.scale) < 1e-15: f = self.copy() else: f = SparseMatrix(deepcopy(dict(self)), self.shape, self.scale) f.incorporate_scale() d.incorporate_scale() for key, val in d.items(): if key in f: f[key] = f[key] - val else: f[key] = -val return f def __isub__(self, d): """self.__isub__(d) <==> self -= d""" assert isinstance(d, Mapping) assert d.shape == self.shape if abs(d.scale) < 1e-16: return self elif abs(self.scale) < 1e-16: self.clear() for key, val in d.items(): self[key] = val self.scale = -d.scale return self self.incorporate_scale() d.incorporate_scale() for key, val in d.items(): if key in self: self[key] = self[key] - val else: self[key] = -val return self
[docs] def copy(self): """Return SparseMatrix deep copy of self""" return self.__deepcopy__()
def __copy__(self): if self.__class__.__name__ == 'Identity': return self return SparseMatrix(copy(dict(self)), self.shape, self.scale) def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None, _nil=[]): if self.__class__.__name__ == 'Identity': return Identity(self.shape, self.scale) return SparseMatrix(deepcopy(dict(self)), self.shape, self.scale) def __neg__(self): """self.__neg__() <==> -self""" A = self.copy() A.scale = self.scale*-1 return A def __hash__(self): return hash(frozenset(self)) def get_key(self): return self.__hash__() def same_keys(self, a): return self.__hash__() == a.__hash__() def scale_array(self, c, sc): assert isinstance(sc, Number) if abs(sc-1) > 1e-8: c *= sc
[docs] def incorporate_scale(self): """Modifies matrix such that self.scale = 1""" if abs(self.scale-1) < 1e-8: return if hasattr(self, '_keyscale'): self._keyscale *= self.scale else: for key, val in self.items(): self[key] = val*self.scale self.scale = 1
def sorted_keys(self): return np.sort(np.array(list(self.keys())))
[docs] def solve(self, b, u=None, axis=0, constraints=()): """Solve matrix system Au = b where A is the current matrix (self) Parameters ---------- b : array Array of right hand side on entry and solution on exit unless u is provided. u : array, optional Output array axis : int, optional The axis over which to solve for if b and u are multi- dimensional constraints : tuple of 2-tuples The 2-tuples represent (row, val) The constraint indents the matrix row and sets b[row] = val Note ---- Vectors may be one- or multidimensional. """ if self.solver is None: self.solver = self.get_solver()(self) u = self.solver(b, u=u, axis=axis, constraints=constraints) return u
[docs] def get_solver(self): """Return appropriate solver for self Note ---- Fall back on generic Solve, which is using Scipy sparse matrices with splu/spsolve. This is still pretty fast. """ from .la import (Solve, TDMA, TDMA_O, FDMA, TwoDMA, ThreeDMA, PDMA, DiagMA, HeptaDMA) if len(self) == 1: if list(self.keys())[0] == 0: return DiagMA elif len(self) == 2: if np.all(self.sorted_keys() == (0, 2)): return TwoDMA elif len(self) == 3: if np.all(self.sorted_keys() == (-2, 0, 2)): return TDMA elif np.all(self.sorted_keys() == (-1, 0, 1)) and self.issymmetric: return TDMA_O elif np.all(self.sorted_keys() == (0, 2, 4)): return ThreeDMA elif len(self) == 4: if np.all(self.sorted_keys() == (-2, 0, 2, 4)): return FDMA elif len(self) == 5: if np.all(self.sorted_keys() == (-4, -2, 0, 2, 4)): return PDMA elif len(self) == 7: if np.all(self.sorted_keys() == (-4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8)): return HeptaDMA return Solve
def isdiagonal(self): if len(self) == 1: if 0 in self: return True return False def isidentity(self): if not len(self) == 1: return False if 0 not in self: return False d = self[0] if np.all(d == 1): return True return False @property def issymmetric(self): #M = self.diags() #return (abs(M-M.T) > 1e-8).nnz == 0 # too expensive if np.sum(np.array(list(self.keys()))) != 0: return False for key, val in self.items(): if key <= 0: continue if not np.all(abs(val-self[-key]) < 1e-16): return False return True def simplify_diagonal_matrices(self): if self.isdiagonal(): self.scale = self.scale*self[0] self[0] = 1
[docs] def clean_diagonals(self, reltol=1e-8): """Eliminate essentially zerovalued diagonals Parameters ---------- reltol : number Relative tolerance """ a = self * np.ones(self.shape[1]) relmax = abs(a).max() / self.shape[1] if relmax == 0: relmax = 1 list_keys = [] for key, val in self.items(): if abs(np.linalg.norm(val))/relmax < reltol: list_keys.append(key) for key in list_keys: del self[key] return self
def is_bc_matrix(self): return False
[docs] class SpectralMatrix(SparseMatrix): r"""Base class for inner product matrices. Parameters ---------- test : 2-tuple of (basis, int) The basis is an instance of a class for one of the bases in - :mod:`.legendre.bases` - :mod:`.chebyshev.bases` - :mod:`.chebyshevu.bases` - :mod:`.ultraspherical.bases` - :mod:`.fourier.bases` - :mod:`.laguerre.bases` - :mod:`.hermite.bases` - :mod:`.jacobi.bases` The int represents the number of times the test function should be differentiated. Representing matrix column. trial : 2-tuple of (basis, int) As test, but representing matrix column. scale : number, optional Scale matrix with this number measure : number or Sympy expression, optional A function of the reference coordinate. assemble : None or str, optional Determines how to perform the integration, - 'quadrature' (default) - 'exact' - 'adaptive' Exact and adaptive should result in the same matrix. Exact computes the integral using `Sympy integrate <>`_, whereas adaptive makes use of adaptive quadrature through `scipy <>`_. kind : None or str, optional Alternative kinds of methods. - 'implemented' - Hardcoded implementations - 'stencil' - Use orthogonal bases and stencil-matrices - 'vandermonde' - Use Vandermonde matrix The default is to first try to look for implemented kind, and if that fails try first 'stencil' and then finally fall back on vandermonde. Vandermonde creates a dense matrix of size NxN, so it should be avoided (e.g., by implementing the matrix) for large N. fixed_resolution : None or str, optional A fixed number of quadrature points used to compute the matrix. If 'fixed_resolution' is set, then assemble is set to 'quadrature' and kind is set to 'vandermonde'. Examples -------- Mass matrix for Chebyshev Dirichlet basis: .. math:: (\phi_k, \phi_j)_w = \int_{-1}^{1} \phi_k(x) \phi_j(x) w(x) dx Stiffness matrix for Chebyshev Dirichlet basis: .. math:: (\phi_k'', \phi_j)_w = \int_{-1}^{1} \phi_k''(x) \phi_j(x) w(x) dx The matrices can be automatically created using, e.g., for the mass matrix of the Dirichlet space:: >>> from shenfun import FunctionSpace, SpectralMatrix >>> SD = FunctionSpace(16, 'C', bc=(0, 0)) >>> M = SpectralMatrix((SD, 0), (SD, 0)) where the first (SD, 0) represents the test function and the second the trial function. The stiffness matrix can be obtained as:: >>> A = SpectralMatrix((SD, 0), (SD, 2)) where (SD, 2) signals that we use the second derivative of this trial function. A more natural way to do the same thing is to >>> from shenfun import TrialFunction, TestFunction, inner, Dx >>> u = TrialFunction(SD) >>> v = TestFunction(SD) >>> A = inner(v, Dx(u, 0, 2)) where :func:`Dx` is a partial (or ordinary) derivative. """ def __init__(self, test, trial, scale=1.0, measure=1, assemble=None, kind=None, fixed_resolution=None): assert isinstance(test[1], (int, np.integer)) assert isinstance(trial[1], (int, np.integer)) self.testfunction = test self.trialfunction = trial self.measure = measure shape = (test[0].dim(), trial[0].dim()) if isinstance(measure, Number): scale *= measure self.measure = measure = 1 if assemble is None or fixed_resolution is not None: assemble = 'quadrature' d = {} _assembly_method = assemble if assemble == 'exact': d = self.assemble(assemble) # Look for implemented exact matrix if d is None: d = _get_matrix(test, trial, measure, assemble=assemble) elif assemble == 'adaptive': d = _get_matrix(test, trial, measure, assemble=assemble) else: if fixed_resolution is not None: kind = 'vandermonde' if kind is None: # If nothing is specified then # 1. Check for specific implementation # 2. Try to use stencil-method. This may fail because it does not # cover all options, so # 3. Fall back on Vandermonde quadrature in case the above fails. d = self.assemble(assemble) if d is not None: _assembly_method += '_implemented' if d is None: if test[0].family() == 'fourier': kind = 'vandermonde' else: if test[0].family() != trial[0].family(): kind = 'vandermonde' elif test[0].short_name() in ('P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4'): try: d = assemble_phi(test, trial, measure) _assembly_method += '_phi' except AssertionError: kind = 'vandermonde' else: if test[0].is_jacobi and sp.sympify(measure).is_polynomial() and not (test[0].is_orthogonal and trial[0].is_orthogonal): d = assemble_stencil(test, trial, measure) _assembly_method += '_stencil' else: kind = 'vandermonde' if kind is not None: # Specified method of assembly, mainly for testing if kind == 'implemented': d = self.assemble(assemble) _assembly_method += '_implemented' elif kind == 'stencil': assert sp.sympify(measure).is_polynomial(), 'Cannot use `stencil` with non-polynomial coefficients' if test[0].short_name() in ('P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4') and test[0].N != trial[0].N: d = assemble_phi(test, trial, measure) _assembly_method += '_phi' else: d = assemble_stencil(test, trial, measure) _assembly_method += '_stencil' elif kind == 'vandermonde': d = _get_matrix(test, trial, measure, assemble='quadrature', fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution) _assembly_method += '_vandermonde' if test[0].domain_factor() != 1: scale *= float(test[0].domain_factor())**(test[1]+trial[1]-1) SparseMatrix.__init__(self, d, shape, scale) self._assembly_method = _assembly_method self.incorporate_scale()
[docs] def assemble(self, method): r"""Return diagonals of :class:`.SpectralMatrix` Parameters ---------- method : str Type of integration - 'exact' - 'quadrature' Note ---- Subclass :class:`.SpectralMatrix` and overload this method in order to provide a fast and accurate implementation of the matrix representing an inner product. See the `matrix` modules in either one of - :mod:`.legendre.matrix` - :mod:`.chebyshev.matrix` - :mod:`.chebyshevu.matrix` - :mod:`.ultraspherical.matrix` - :mod:`.fourier.matrix` - :mod:`.laguerre.matrix` - :mod:`.hermite.matrix` - :mod:`.jacobi.matrix` Example ------- The mass matrix for Chebyshev polynomials is .. math:: (T_j, T_i)_{\omega} = \frac{c_i \pi}{2}\delta_{ij}, where :math:`c_0=2` and :math:`c_i=1` for integer :math:`i>0`. We can implement this as >>> from shenfun import SpectralMatrix >>> class Bmat(SpectralMatrix): ... def assemble(self, method): ... test, trial = self.testfunction, self.trialfunction ... ci = np.ones(test[0].N) ... ci[0] = 2 ... if test[0].quad == 'GL' and method != 'exact': ... # Gauss-Lobatto quadrature inexact at highest polynomial order ... ci[-1] = 2 ... return {0: ci*np.pi/2} Here `{0: ci*np.pi/2}` is the 0'th diagonal of the matrix. Note that `test` and `trial` are two-tuples of `(instance of :class:`.SpectralBase`, number)`, where the number represents the number of derivatives. For the mass matrix the number will be 0. Also note that the length of the diagonal must be correct. """ return None
[docs] def matvec(self, v, c, format=None, axis=0): u = self.trialfunction[0] ss = [slice(None)]*len(v.shape) ss[axis] = u.slice() c = super(SpectralMatrix, self).matvec(v[tuple(ss)], c, format=format, axis=axis) return c
@property def tensorproductspace(self): """Return the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` this matrix has been computed for""" return self.testfunction[0].tensorproductspace @property def axis(self): """Return the axis of the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` this matrix is created for""" return self.testfunction[0].axis def __hash__(self): return hash(((self.testfunction[0].__class__, self.testfunction[1]), (self.trialfunction[0].__class__, self.trialfunction[1]))) def get_key(self): if self.__class__.__name__.endswith('mat'): return self.__class__.__name__ return self.__hash__() def __eq__(self, a): if isinstance(a, Number): return False if not isinstance(a, SparseMatrix): return False if self.shape != a.shape: return False if self.get_key() != a.get_key(): return False d0 = self.diags('csr', False).data a0 = a.diags('csr', False).data if d0.shape[0] != a0.shape[0]: return False if not np.linalg.norm(d0-a0) < 1e-8: return False return True def is_bc_matrix(self): return self.trialfunction[0].boundary_condition() == 'Apply'
[docs] class Identity(SparseMatrix): """The identity matrix in :class:`.SparseMatrix` form Parameters ---------- shape : 2-tuple of ints The shape of the matrix scale : number, optional Scalar multiple of the matrix, defaults to unity """ def __init__(self, shape, scale=1): SparseMatrix.__init__(self, {0: 1}, shape, scale) self.measure = 1
[docs] def solve(self, b, u=None, axis=0, constraints=()): if u is None: u = b else: assert u.shape == b.shape u[:] = b u *= (1/self.scale) return u
[docs] class ScipyMatrix(csr_matrix): def __init__(self, mats): assert isinstance(mats, (SparseMatrix, list)) self.bc_mats = [] if isinstance(mats, list): bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([mats]) mats = sum(mats[1:], mats[0]) self.bc_mats = bc_mats csr_matrix.__init__(self, mats.diags('csr'))
[docs] def matvec(self, v, c, axis=0): """Matrix vector product Returns c = dot(self, v) Parameters ---------- v : array Numpy input array of ndim>=1 c : array Numpy output array of same shape as v axis : int, optional The axis over which to take the matrix vector product """ M = self.shape[1] c.fill(0) # Roll relevant axis to first if axis > 0: v = np.moveaxis(v, axis, 0) c = np.moveaxis(c, axis, 0) P = int([1:])) y =[:M].reshape(M, P)).squeeze() d = tuple([slice(0, m) for m in y.shape]) c[d] = y.reshape(c[d].shape) if self.bc_mats: w0 = np.zeros_like(c) for bc_mat in self.bc_mats: c += bc_mat.matvec(v, w0, axis=0) if axis > 0: c = np.moveaxis(c, 0, axis) v = np.moveaxis(v, 0, axis) return c
[docs] def BlockMatrices(tpmats): """Return two instances of the :class:`.BlockMatrix` class. Parameters ---------- tpmats : sequence of :class:`.TPMatrix`'es or single :class:`.BlockMatrix` There can be both boundary matrices from inhomogeneous Dirichlet or Neumann conditions, as well as regular matrices. Note ---- Use :class:`.BlockMatrix` directly if you do not have any inhomogeneous boundary conditions. """ if isinstance(tpmats, BlockMatrix): tpmats = tpmats.get_mats() bc_mats = extract_bc_matrices([tpmats]) assert len(bc_mats) > 0, 'No boundary matrices - use BlockMatrix' return BlockMatrix(tpmats), BlockMatrix(bc_mats)
[docs] class BlockMatrix: r"""A class for block matrices Parameters ---------- tpmats : sequence of :class:`.TPMatrix` or :class:`.SparseMatrix` The individual blocks for the matrix Note ---- The tensor product matrices may be either boundary matrices, regular matrices, or a mixture of both. Example ------- Stokes equations, periodic in x and y-directions .. math:: -\nabla^2 u - \nabla p &= 0 \\ \nabla \cdot u &= 0 \\ u(x, y, z=\pm 1) &= 0 We use for the z-direction a Dirichlet basis (SD) and a regular basis with no boundary conditions (ST). This is combined with Fourier in the x- and y-directions (K0, K1), such that we get two TensorProductSpaces (TD, TT) that are tensor products of these bases .. math:: TD &= K0 \otimes K1 \otimes SD \\ TT &= K0 \otimes K1 \otimes ST We choose trialfunctions :math:`u \in [TD]^3` and :math:`p \in TT`, and then solve the weak problem .. math:: \left( \nabla v, \nabla u\right) + \left(\nabla \cdot v, p \right) = 0\\ \left( q, \nabla \cdot u\right) = 0 for all :math:`v \in [TD]^3` and :math:`q \in TT`. To solve the problem we need to assemble a block matrix .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \left( \nabla v, \nabla u\right) & \left(\nabla \cdot v, p \right) \\ \left( q, \nabla \cdot u\right) & 0 \end{bmatrix} This matrix is assembled below >>> from shenfun import * >>> from mpi4py import MPI >>> comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD >>> N = (24, 24, 24) >>> K0 = FunctionSpace(N[0], 'Fourier', dtype='d') >>> K1 = FunctionSpace(N[1], 'Fourier', dtype='D') >>> SD = FunctionSpace(N[2], 'Legendre', bc=(0, 0)) >>> ST = FunctionSpace(N[2], 'Legendre') >>> TD = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, SD), axes=(2, 1, 0)) >>> TT = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, ST), axes=(2, 1, 0)) >>> VT = VectorSpace(TD) >>> Q = CompositeSpace([VT, TD]) >>> up = TrialFunction(Q) >>> vq = TestFunction(Q) >>> u, p = up >>> v, q = vq >>> A00 = inner(grad(v), grad(u)) >>> A01 = inner(div(v), p) >>> A10 = inner(q, div(u)) >>> M = BlockMatrix(A00+A01+A10) """ def __init__(self, tpmats): assert isinstance(tpmats, (list, tuple)) if isinstance(tpmats[0], TPMatrix): if len(tpmats[0].naxes) > 0: tpmats = get_simplified_tpmatrices(tpmats) tpmats = [tpmats] if not isinstance(tpmats[0], (list, tuple)) else tpmats self.testbase = testbase = tpmats[0][0].testbase self.trialbase = trialbase = tpmats[0][0].trialbase self.dims = dims = (testbase.num_components(), trialbase.num_components()) self.mats = np.zeros(dims, dtype=int).tolist() self._Ai = None self.solver = None self += tpmats def __add__(self, a): """Return copy of self.__add__(a) <==> self+a""" return BlockMatrix(self.get_mats()+a.get_mats()) def __iadd__(self, a): """self.__iadd__(a) <==> self += a Parameters ---------- a : :class:`.BlockMatrix` or list of :class:`.TPMatrix` instances """ if isinstance(a, BlockMatrix): tpmats = a.get_mats() elif isinstance(a, (list, tuple)): tpmats = a for mat in tpmats: if not isinstance(mat, list): mat = [mat] for m in mat: assert isinstance(m, (TPMatrix, SparseMatrix)) i, j = m.global_index m0 = self.mats[i][j] if isinstance(m0, int): self.mats[i][j] = [m] else: found = False for n in m0: if m == n: n += m found = True continue if not found: self.mats[i][j].append(m)
[docs] def get_mats(self, return_first=False): """Return flattened list of matrices in self Parameters ---------- return_first : bool, optional Return just the first matrix in the loop if True """ tpmats = [] for mi in self.mats: for mij in mi: if isinstance(mij, (list, tuple)): for m in mij: if isinstance(m, (TPMatrix, SparseMatrix)): if return_first: return m else: tpmats.append(m) return tpmats
[docs] def matvec(self, v, c, format=None, use_scipy=None): """Compute matrix vector product .. math:: c = A v where :math:`A` is the self block matrix and :math:`v,c` are flattened instances of the class :class:`.Function`. Parameters ---------- v : :class:`.Function` c : :class:`.Function` format : str, optional The format of the matrices used for the matvec. See `Scipy sparse matrices <>`_ use_scipy : boolean, optional Whether to assemble and use scipy's bmat for the matvec, or to use the matvec methods of this BlockMatrix's TPMatrices. Using ``config['matrix']['block']['use_scipy']`` if use_scipy is None Returns ------- c : :class:`.Function` """ assert v.function_space() == self.trialbase assert c.function_space() == self.testbase nvars = c.function_space().num_components() c = np.expand_dims(c, 0) if nvars == 1 else c v = np.expand_dims(v, 0) if nvars == 1 else v c.v.fill(0) use_scipy = config['matrix']['block']['use_scipy'] if use_scipy is None else use_scipy if self.contains_bc_matrix(): use_scipy = False if use_scipy: self.assemble(format) daxes = self.testbase.get_diagonal_axes() if len(daxes) == self.testbase.dimensions: # Only Fourier assert isinstance(self._Ai, spmatrix) c.flatten()[:] = self._Ai * v.flatten() else: if len(daxes) > 0: daxes += 1 sl1, dims1 = self.trialbase._get_ndiag_slices_and_dims() sl2, dims2 = self.testbase._get_ndiag_slices_and_dims() gi = np.zeros(dims1[-1], dtype=v.dtype) go = np.zeros(dims2[-1], dtype=v.dtype) for key, val in self._Ai.items(): key = np.atleast_1d(key) if len(daxes) > 0: sl1.T[daxes] = np.array(key)[:, None] sl2.T[daxes] = np.array(key)[:, None] gi = v.copy_to_flattened(gi, key, dims1, sl1) go[:] = val * gi c = c.copy_from_flattened(go, key, dims2, sl2) else: z = np.zeros_like(c.v[0]) for i, mi in enumerate(self.mats): for j, mij in enumerate(mi): if isinstance(mij, Number): if abs(mij) > 1e-8: c.v[i] += mij*v.v[j] else: for m in mij: z.fill(0) z = m.matvec(v.v[j], z, format=format) c.v[i] += z c = c.reshape(c.shape[1:]) if nvars == 1 else c v = v.reshape(v.shape[1:]) if nvars == 1 else v return c
def __getitem__(self, ij): return self.mats[ij[0]][ij[1]] def contains_bc_matrix(self): for mi in self.mats: for mij in mi: if isinstance(mij, (list, tuple)): for m in mij: if m.is_bc_matrix() is True: return True return False def contains_regular_matrix(self): for mi in self.mats: for mij in mi: if isinstance(mij, (list, tuple)): for m in mij: if m.is_bc_matrix() is False: return True return False
[docs] def assemble(self, format=None): """Assemble matrices in scipy sparse format Parameters ---------- format : str or None, optional The format of the sparse scipy matrix. Using ``config['matrix']['block']['assemble']`` if None. """ if self._Ai is not None: return self._Ai = {} N = self.testbase.forward.output_array.shape dimensions = self.testbase.dimensions daxes = self.get_diagonal_axes() ndindices = [(0,)] if (len(daxes) == 0 or len(daxes) == dimensions) else np.ndindex(tuple(np.array(N)[daxes])) format = config['matrix']['block']['assemble'] if format is None else format for i in ndindices: i = i[0] if len(i) == 1 else i if format == 'csc': Ai = self.diags(i, format='csr').tocsc() # because of bug in scipy else: Ai = self.diags(i, format=format) self._Ai[i] = Ai
def get_diagonal_axes(self): if self.testbase.dimensions == 1: return np.array([]) tpmat = self.get_mats(True) return np.setxor1d(tpmat.naxes, range(tpmat.dimensions)).astype(int)
[docs] def diags(self, it=None, format=None): """Return global block matrix in scipy sparse format For multidimensional forms the returned matrix is constructed for given indices in the periodic directions. Parameters ---------- it : n-tuple of ints or None, optional where n is dimensions-1. These are the indices into the diagonal axes, or the axes with Fourier bases. format : str or None, optional The format of the returned matrix. See `Scipy sparse matrices <>`_ If None, then use default for :class:`.TPMatrix`. """ from .spectralbase import MixedFunctionSpace if self.contains_bc_matrix() and self.contains_regular_matrix(): raise RuntimeError('diags only works for pure boundary or pure regular matrices. Consider splitting this BlockMatrix using :func:`.BlockMatrices`') bm = [] for mi in self.mats: bm.append([]) for mij in mi: if isinstance(mij, Number): bm[-1].append(None) else: m = mij[0] if isinstance(self.testbase, MixedFunctionSpace) or len(m.naxes) == len(m.mats) or len(m.naxes) == 0: d = m.diags(format) for mj in mij[1:]: d = d + mj.diags(format) elif len(m.naxes) == 2: # 2 non-periodic directions iit = np.where(np.array(m.scale.shape) == 1, 0, it) # if shape is 1 use index 0, else use given index (shape=1 means the scale is constant in that direction) d = m.scale[tuple(iit)]*kron(m.mats[m.naxes[0]].diags(format=format), m.mats[m.naxes[1]].diags(format=format)) for mj in mij[1:]: iit = np.where(np.array(mj.scale.shape) == 1, 0, it) sc = mj.scale[tuple(iit)] d = d + sc*kron(mj.mats[mj.naxes[0]].diags(format=format), mj.mats[mj.naxes[1]].diags(format=format)) else: assert len(m.naxes) == 1 iit = np.zeros(m.dimensions, dtype=int) diagonal_axes = self.get_diagonal_axes() assert len(diagonal_axes) + len(m.naxes) == m.dimensions iit[diagonal_axes] = it ij = np.where(np.array(m.scale.shape) == 1, 0, iit) # if shape is 1 use index 0, else use given index (shape=1 means the scale is constant in that direction) sc = m.scale[tuple(ij)] d = sc*m.mats[m.naxes[0]].diags(format) for mj in mij[1:]: ij = np.where(np.array(mj.scale.shape) == 1, 0, iit) sc = mj.scale[tuple(ij)] d = d + sc*mj.mats[mj.naxes[0]].diags(format) bm[-1].append(d) return bmat(bm, format=format)
[docs] def solve(self, b, u=None, constraints=()): r""" Solve matrix system Au = b where A is the current :class:`.BlockMatrix` (self) Parameters ---------- b : array Array of right hand side u : array, optional Output array constraints : sequence of 3-tuples of (int, int, number) Any 3-tuple describe a dof to be constrained. The first int represents the block number of the function to be constrained. The second int gives which degree of freedom to constrain and the number gives the value it should obtain. For example, for the global restriction that .. math:: \frac{1}{V}\int p dx = number where we have .. math:: p = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} \hat{p}_k \phi_k it is sufficient to fix the first dof of p, \hat{p}_0, since the bases are created such that all basis functions except the first integrates to zero. So in this case the 3-tuple can be (2, 0, 0) if p is found in block 2 of the mixed basis. The constraint can only be applied to bases with no given explicit boundary condition, like the pure Chebyshev or Legendre bases. """ from .la import BlockMatrixSolver sol = self.solver if self.solver is None: sol = BlockMatrixSolver(self) self.solver = sol u = sol(b, u, constraints) return u
[docs] class TPMatrix: """Tensor product matrix A :class:`.TensorProductSpace` is the tensor product of ``D`` univariate function spaces. A normal matrix (a second order tensor) is assembled from bilinear forms (i.e., forms containing both test and trial functions) on one univariate function space. A bilinear form on a tensor product space will assemble to ``D`` outer products of such univariate matrices. That is, for a two-dimensional tensor product you get fourth order tensors (outer product of two matrices), and three-dimensional tensor product spaces leads to a sixth order tensor (outer product of three matrices). This class contains ``D`` second order matrices. The complete matrix is as such the outer product of these ``D`` matrices. Note that the outer product of two matrices often is called the Kronecker product. Parameters ---------- mats : sequence, or sequence of sequence of matrices Instances of :class:`.SpectralMatrix` or :class:`.SparseMatrix` The length of ``mats`` is the number of dimensions of the :class:`.TensorProductSpace` testspace : Function space The test :class:`.TensorProductSpace` trialspace : Function space The trial :class:`.TensorProductSpace` scale : array, optional Scalar multiple of matrices. Must have ndim equal to the number of dimensions in the :class:`.TensorProductSpace`, and the shape must be 1 along any directions with a nondiagonal matrix. global_index : 2-tuple, optional Indices (test, trial) into mixed space :class:`.CompositeSpace`. testbase : :class:`.CompositeSpace`, optional Instance of the base test space trialbase : :class:`.CompositeSpace`, optional Instance of the base trial space """ def __init__(self, mats, testspace, trialspace, scale=1.0, global_index=None, testbase=None, trialbase=None): assert isinstance(mats, (list, tuple)) assert len(mats) == len(testspace) self.mats = mats = testspace self.trialspace = trialspace self.scale = scale self.pmat = 1 self.naxes = testspace.get_nondiagonal_axes() self.global_index = global_index self.testbase = testbase self.trialbase = trialbase self._issimplified = False def get_simplified(self): diagonal_axes = np.setxor1d(self.naxes, range( if len(diagonal_axes) == 0 or self._issimplified: return self mats = [] scale = copy(self.scale) for axis in range(self.dimensions): mat = self.mats[axis] if axis in diagonal_axes: d = mat[0] if np.ndim(d): d =[axis].broadcast_to_ndims(d*mat.scale) scale = scale*d mat = Identity(mat.shape) mats.append(mat) tpmat = TPMatrix(mats,, self.trialspace, scale=scale, global_index=self.global_index, testbase=self.testbase, trialbase=self.trialbase) # Decomposition if len( > 1: s = tpmat.scale.shape ss = [slice(None)]* ls = for axis, shape in enumerate(s): if shape > 1: ss[axis] = ls[axis] tpmat.scale = (tpmat.scale[tuple(ss)]).copy() # If only one non-diagonal matrix, then make a simple link to # this matrix. if len(tpmat.naxes) == 1: tpmat.pmat = tpmat.mats[tpmat.naxes[0]] elif len(tpmat.naxes) == 2: # 2 nondiagonal tpmat.pmat = tpmat.mats tpmat._issimplified = True return tpmat def simplify_diagonal_matrices(self): if self._issimplified: return diagonal_axes = np.setxor1d(self.naxes, range( if len(diagonal_axes) == 0: return for axis in diagonal_axes: mat = self.mats[axis] if self.dimensions == 1: # Don't bother with the 1D case continue else: d = mat[0] # get diagonal if np.ndim(d): d =[axis].broadcast_to_ndims(d*mat.scale) self.scale = self.scale*d self.mats[axis] = Identity(mat.shape) # Decomposition if len( > 1: s = self.scale.shape ss = [slice(None)]* ls = for axis, shape in enumerate(s): if shape > 1: ss[axis] = ls[axis] self.scale = (self.scale[tuple(ss)]).copy() # If only one non-diagonal matrix, then make a simple link to # this matrix. if len(self.naxes) == 1: self.pmat = self.mats[self.naxes[0]] elif len(self.naxes) == 2: # 2 nondiagonal self.pmat = self.mats self._issimplified = True def solve(self, b, u=None, constraints=()): if u is None: u = b else: assert u.shape == b.shape u[:] = b tpmat = self.get_simplified() if len(tpmat.naxes) == 0: if np.all([isinstance(m, Identity) for m in tpmat.mats]) and isinstance(tpmat.scale, Number): if abs(tpmat.scale-1) < 1e-8: return u sl = tuple([s.slice() for s in tpmat.trialspace.bases]) d = tpmat.scale with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): d = 1./tpmat.scale if constraints: assert constraints[0] == (0, 0) # Constraint is enforced automatically d = np.where(np.isfinite(d), d, 0) u[sl] = b[sl] * d[sl] elif len(tpmat.naxes) == 1: from import SolverGeneric1ND H = SolverGeneric1ND([tpmat]) u = H(b, u, constraints=constraints) elif len(tpmat.naxes) == 2: from import SolverGeneric2ND H = SolverGeneric2ND([tpmat]) u = H(b, u, constraints=constraints) return u def matvec(self, v, c, format=None): tpmat = self.get_simplified() c.fill(0) if len(tpmat.naxes) == 0: c[:] = tpmat.scale*v elif len(tpmat.naxes) == 1: axis = tpmat.naxes[0] rank = v.rank if hasattr(v, 'rank') else 0 if rank == 0: c = tpmat.pmat.matvec(v, c, format=format, axis=axis) else: c = tpmat.pmat.matvec(v[tpmat.global_index[1]], c, format=format, axis=axis) c[:] = c*tpmat.scale elif len(tpmat.naxes) == 2: # 2 non-periodic directions (may be non-aligned in second axis, hence transfers) npaxes = deepcopy(list(tpmat.naxes)) space = newspace = False if space.forward.input_array.shape != space.forward.output_array.shape: space = space.get_unplanned(True) # in case is padded newspace = True pencilA = space.forward.output_pencil subcomms = [s.Get_size() for s in pencilA.subcomm] axis = pencilA.axis assert subcomms[axis] == 1 npaxes.remove(axis) second_axis = npaxes[0] pencilB = pencilA.pencil(second_axis) transAB = pencilA.transfer(pencilB, c.dtype.char) cB = np.zeros(transAB.subshapeB, dtype=c.dtype) cC = np.zeros(transAB.subshapeB, dtype=c.dtype) bb = tpmat.mats[axis] c = bb.matvec(v, c, format=format, axis=axis) # align in second non-periodic axis transAB.forward(c, cB) bb = tpmat.mats[second_axis] cC = bb.matvec(cB, cC, format=format, axis=second_axis) transAB.backward(cC, c) c *= tpmat.scale if newspace: space.destroy() return c def get_key(self): naxis = assert len(naxis) == 1 return self.mats[naxis[0]].get_key() def isidentity(self): return np.all([m.isidentity() for m in self.mats]) def isdiagonal(self): return np.all([m.isdiagonal() for m in self.mats]) def is_bc_matrix(self): for m in self.mats: if m.is_bc_matrix(): return True return False @property def dimensions(self): """Return dimension of TPMatrix""" return len(self.mats) def __mul__(self, a): """Returns copy of self.__mul__(a) <==> self*a""" if isinstance(a, Number): return TPMatrix(self.mats,, self.trialspace, self.scale*a, self.global_index, self.testbase, self.trialbase) assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray) c = np.empty_like(a) c = self.matvec(a, c) return c def __rmul__(self, a): """Returns copy of self.__rmul__(a) <==> a*self""" if isinstance(a, Number): return self.__mul__(a) else: raise NotImplementedError def __imul__(self, a): """Returns self.__imul__(a) <==> self*=a""" if isinstance(a, Number): self.scale *= a elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray): self.scale = self.scale*a return self def __div__(self, a): """Returns copy self.__div__(a) <==> self/a""" if isinstance(a, Number): return TPMatrix(self.mats,, self.trialspace, self.scale/a, self.global_index, self.testbase, self.trialbase) elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray): b = np.zeros_like(a) b = self.solve(a, b) return b else: raise NotImplementedError def __neg__(self): """self.__neg__() <==> -self""" A = self.copy() A.scale = self.scale*-1 return A def __eq__(self, a): """Check if matrices and global_index are the same. Note ---- The attribute scale may still be different """ assert isinstance(a, TPMatrix) if not self.global_index == a.global_index: return False for m0, m1 in zip(self.mats, a.mats): if not m0.get_key() == m1.get_key(): return False if not m0 == m1: return False return True def __ne__(self, a): return not self.__eq__(a) def __add__(self, a): """Return copy of self.__add__(a) <==> self+a""" assert isinstance(a, TPMatrix) assert self == a return TPMatrix(self.mats,, self.trialspace, self.scale+a.scale, self.global_index, self.testbase, self.trialbase) def __iadd__(self, a): """self.__iadd__(a) <==> self += a""" assert isinstance(a, TPMatrix) assert self == a self.scale = self.scale + a.scale return self def __sub__(self, a): """Return copy of self.__sub__(a) <==> self-a""" assert isinstance(a, TPMatrix) assert self == a return TPMatrix(self.mats,, self.trialspace, self.scale-a.scale, self.global_index, self.testbase, self.trialbase) def __isub__(self, a): """self.__isub__(a) <==> self -= a""" assert isinstance(a, TPMatrix) assert self == a self.scale = self.scale - a.scale return self
[docs] def copy(self): """Return TPMatrix deep copy of self""" return self.__deepcopy__()
def __copy__(self): mats = [] for mat in self.mats: mats.append(mat.__copy__()) return TPMatrix(mats,, self.trialspace, self.scale, self.global_index, self.testbase, self.trialbase) def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None, _nil=[]): mats = [] for mat in self.mats: mats.append(mat.__deepcopy__()) return TPMatrix(mats,, self.trialspace, self.scale, self.global_index, self.testbase, self.trialbase) def diags(self, format=None): assert self._issimplified is False if self.dimensions == 2: mat = kron(self.mats[0].diags(format=format), self.mats[1].diags(format=format), format=format) elif self.dimensions == 3: mat = kron(self.mats[0].diags(format=format), kron(self.mats[1].diags(format=format), self.mats[2].diags(format=format), format=format), format=format) elif self.dimensions == 4: mat = kron(self.mats[0].diags(format=format), kron(self.mats[1].diags(format=format), kron(self.mats[2].diags(format=format), self.mats[3].diags(format=format), format=format), format=format), format=format) elif self.dimensions == 5: mat = kron(self.mats[0].diags(format=format), kron(self.mats[1].diags(format=format), kron(self.mats[2].diags(format=format), kron(self.mats[3].diags(format=format), self.mats[4].diags(format=format), format=format), format=format), format=format), format=format) return mat*np.atleast_1d(self.scale).item()
[docs] def get_simplified_tpmatrices(tpmats): """Return copy of tpmats list, where diagonal matrices have been simplified and placed in scale arrays. Parameters ---------- tpmats Instances of :class:`.TPMatrix` Returns ------- List[TPMatrix] List of :class:`.TPMatrix`'es, that have been simplified """ A = [] for tpmat in tpmats: A.append(tpmat.get_simplified()) # Add equal matrices B = [A[0]] for a in A[1:]: found = False for b in B: if a == b: b += a found = True if not found: B.append(a) return B
[docs] def check_sanity(A, test, trial, measure=1, assemble='quadrature', kind='vandermonde', fixed_resolution=None): """Sanity check for matrix. Test that created matrix agrees with quadrature computed using a memory-consuming Vandermonde implementation. Parameters ---------- A : matrix test : 2-tuple of (basis, int) The basis is an instance of a class for one of the bases in - :mod:`.legendre.bases` - :mod:`.chebyshev.bases` - :mod:`.chebyshevu.bases` - :mod:`.ultraspherical.bases` - :mod:`.fourier.bases` - :mod:`.laguerre.bases` - :mod:`.hermite.bases` - :mod:`.jacobi.bases` The int represents the number of times the test function should be differentiated. Representing matrix row. trial : 2-tuple of (basis, int) As test, but representing matrix column. measure : sympy function of coordinate, optional Function in the physical coordinate. Gets mapped to reference domain. assemble : str, optional Determines how to perform the integration we compare with - 'exact' - 'adaptive' - 'quadrature' kind : str, optional The type of quadrature to compare with. - 'vandermonde' - 'stencil' fixed_resolution : None or str, optional A fixed number of quadrature points used to compute the matrix. If 'fixed_resolution' is set, then assemble is set to 'quadrature' and kind is set to 'vandermonde'. """ if fixed_resolution is not None: kind = 'vandermonde' if len(sp.sympify(measure).free_symbols) == 1: if test[0].domain != test[0].reference_domain(): x0 = measure.free_symbols.pop() xm = test[0].map_true_domain(x0) measure = measure.replace(x0, xm) Dsp = SpectralMatrix(test, trial, measure=measure, assemble=assemble, kind=kind, fixed_resolution=fixed_resolution) for key, val in A.items(): assert np.allclose(val*A.scale, Dsp[key])
[docs] def extract_diagonal_matrix(M, lowerband=None, upperband=None, abstol=1e-10, reltol=1e-10): """Return SparseMatrix version of dense matrix ``M`` Parameters ---------- M : Numpy array of ndim=2 or sparse scipy matrix lowerband : int or None Assumed lower bandwidth of M upperband : int or None Assumed upper bandwidth of M abstol : float Tolerance. Only diagonals with max(:math:`|d|`) < tol are kept in the returned SparseMatrix, where :math:`d` is the diagonal reltol : float Relative tolerance. Only diagonals with max(:math:`|d|`)/max(:math:`|M|`) > reltol are kept in the returned SparseMatrix """ d = {} if isinstance(M, spmatrix): M = M.tocsr() relmax = abs(M).max() dtype = float if M.dtype == 'O' else M.dtype # For mpf object upperband = M.shape[1] if upperband is None else min(upperband+1, M.shape[1]) lowerband = M.shape[0]-1 if lowerband is None else min(lowerband, M.shape[0]-1) for i in range(-lowerband, upperband): u = M.diagonal(i).copy() if abs(u).max() > abstol and abs(u).max()/relmax > reltol: d[i] = np.array(u, dtype=dtype) return SparseMatrix(d, M.shape)
[docs] def extract_bc_matrices(mats): """Extract boundary matrices from list of ``mats`` Parameters ---------- mats : list of list of instances of :class:`.TPMatrix` or :class:`.SparseMatrix` Returns ------- list list of boundary matrices. Note ---- The ``mats`` list is modified in place since boundary matrices are extracted. """ bc_mats = [] for a in mats: for b in a.copy(): if b.is_bc_matrix(): bc_mats.append(b) a.remove(b) return bc_mats
def _get_matrix(test, trial, measure=1, assemble=None, fixed_resolution=None): """Return assembled matrix This internal function is used by :class:`.SpectralMatrix` Parameters ---------- test : 2-tuple of (basis, int) The basis is an instance of a class for one of the bases in - :mod:`.legendre.bases` - :mod:`.chebyshev.bases` - :mod:`.chebyshevu.bases` - :mod:`.ultraspherical.bases` - :mod:`.fourier.bases` - :mod:`.laguerre.bases` - :mod:`.hermite.bases` - :mod:`.jacobi.bases` The int represents the number of times the test function should be differentiated. Representing matrix row. trial : 2-tuple of (basis, int) As test, but representing matrix column. measure : Sympy expression of coordinate, or number, optional Additional weight to integral. For example, in cylindrical coordinates an additional measure is the radius `r`. assemble : None or str, optional Determines how to perform the integration - 'quadrature' (default) - 'exact' - 'adaptive' fixed_resolution : None or str, optional A fixed number of quadrature points used to compute the inner product. If 'fixed_resolution' is set, then assemble is set to 'quadrature'. Note ---- The computed matrix is not compensated for a non-standard domain size. This is because all pre-computed matrices use the reference domain, and compensate for the domain size later. This function is a drop-in for all pre-computed matrices, and thus needs to assume a standard reference domain. To create a true matrix with this function, do not use it directly, but wrapped in the SpectralMatrix class, like >>> from shenfun import inner, TestFunction, TrialFunction, FunctionSpace >>> L = FunctionSpace(4, 'L', domain=(-2, 2)) >>> u = TrialFunction(L) >>> v = TestFunction(L) >>> D = inner(u, v, assemble='exact') >>> dict(D) {0: array([4. , 1.33333333, 0.8 , 0.57142857])} """ K0 = test[0].slice().stop - test[0].slice().start K1 = trial[0].slice().stop - trial[0].slice().start if assemble == 'quadrature': if fixed_resolution is not None: test2 = test[0].get_refined(fixed_resolution) N = test2.N x = test2.points_and_weights(N, map_true_domain=False)[0] ws = test2.get_measured_weights(N, measure, map_true_domain=False) else: N = test[0].N x = test[0].points_and_weights(N, map_true_domain=False)[0] ws = test[0].get_measured_weights(N, measure, map_true_domain=False) u = trial[0].evaluate_basis_derivative_all(x=x, k=trial[1])[:, :K1] if trial[0].boundary_condition() == 'Apply': if np.linalg.norm(u) < 1e-14: return {} v = test[0].evaluate_basis_derivative_all(x=x, k=test[1])[:, :K0] V =*ws[np.newaxis, :], u) else: # exact or adaptive x = sp.Symbol('x', real=True) # Exact integration is much more expensive than quadrature and # as such we use quadrature first simply to get the sparsity pattern. try: R = _get_matrix(test, trial, measure=measure, assemble='quadrature') except: R = {k: None for k in np.arange(-test[0].dim(), test[0].dim()+1)} V = np.zeros((K0, K1), dtype=test[0].forward.output_array.dtype) if test[0].family() == 'chebyshev' and assemble == 'exact': # Transform integral using x=cos(theta) if not measure == 1: if isinstance(measure, sp.Expr): s = measure.free_symbols assert len(s) == 1 x = s.pop() xm = test[0].map_true_domain(x) measure = measure.subs(x, sp.cos(xm)) else: assert isinstance(measure, Number) assert test[1] == 0 S0 = test[0].stencil_matrix().diags('csr') S1 = trial[0].stencil_matrix().diags('csr') for i in range(test[0].slice().start, test[0].slice().stop): M0 = S0.getrow(i) pi = sp.S(0) for ind, d in zip(M0.indices, pi += d*sp.cos(ind*x) for jq in R.keys(): j = i+jq if j < 0 or j >= K1: continue M1 = S1.getrow(j) pj = sp.S(0) for ind, d in zip(M1.indices, pj += d*sp.cos(ind*x) # df(theta)/dx = df/dtheta*dtheta/dx - apply recursively for _ in range(trial[1]): pj = -pj.diff(x, 1)/sp.sin(x) V[i, j] = sp.integrate(measure*pi*pj, (x, 0, sp.pi)) else: if not measure == 1: if isinstance(measure, sp.Expr): s = measure.free_symbols assert len(s) == 1 x = s.pop() xm = test[0].map_true_domain(x) measure = measure.subs(x, xm) else: assert isinstance(measure, Number) cheb = test[0].family() == 'chebyshev' if cheb: # use adaptive quadrature with weight incorporated w = {'weight': 'alg', 'wvar': (-0.5, -0.5)} else: w = {} measure *= test[0].weight() # Weight of weighted space (in reference domain) domain = test[0].reference_domain() for i in range(test[0].slice().start, test[0].slice().stop): pi = np.conj(test[0].basis_function(i, x=x)) for jq in R.keys(): j = i+jq if j < 0 or j >= K1: continue pj = trial[0].basis_function(j, x=x) integrand = measure*pi.diff(x, test[1])*pj.diff(x, trial[1]) if assemble == 'exact': V[i, j] = integrate_sympy(integrand, (x, domain[0], domain[1])) elif assemble == 'adaptive': if isinstance(integrand, Number): if cheb: V[i, j] = integrand*np.pi else: V[i, j] = integrand*float(domain[1]-domain[0]) else: V[i, j] = quad(sp.lambdify(x, integrand), float(domain[0]), float(domain[1]), **w)[0] if V.dtype.char in 'FDG': ni = np.linalg.norm(V.imag) if ni == 0: V = V.real.copy() elif np.linalg.norm(V.real) / ni > 1e14: V = V.real.copy() return extract_diagonal_matrix(V) def assemble_stencil(test, trial, measure=1): if trial[0].is_boundary_basis: return _assemble_stencil_bc(test, trial, measure) return _assemble_stencil(test, trial, measure) def _assemble_stencil_bc(test, trial, measure=1): from shenfun.spectralbase import inner_product Tv = test[0].get_orthogonal(domain=(-1, 1)) Tu = trial[0].get_orthogonal(domain=(-1, 1)) B = inner_product((Tv, test[1]), (Tu, trial[1])) if len(B) == 0: return {} K = test[0].stencil_matrix() q = K.shape = (test[0].dim(), test[0].N) S = extract_diagonal_matrix(trial[0].stencil_matrix().T).diags('csr') if measure != 1: from shenfun.jacobi.recursions import pmat, a from shenfun.utilities import split assert sp.sympify(measure).is_polynomial() A = sp.S(0) for dv in split(measure, expand=True): alpha = test[0].alpha beta = test[0].beta gn = test[0].gn sc = dv['coeff'] msi = dv['x'] qi = Ax = pmat(a, qi, alpha, beta, test[0].N, test[0].N, gn) A = A + sc*Ax.diags('csr') A = K.diags('csr') * A.T * B.diags('csr') * S else: A = K.diags('csr') * B.diags('csr') * S M = B.shape[1] K.shape = (test[0].N, test[0].N) d = extract_diagonal_matrix(A, lowerband=M+q, upperband=M) d = d._storage return d def _assemble_stencil(test, trial, measure=1): from shenfun.spectralbase import inner_product Tv = test[0].get_orthogonal(domain=(-1, 1)) Tu = trial[0].get_orthogonal(domain=(-1, 1)) alpha = test[0].alpha beta = test[0].beta gn = test[0].gn # This needs to be either implemented or quadrature: B = inner_product((Tv, test[1]), (Tu, trial[1])) K = test[0].stencil_matrix() q = K.shape = (test[0].dim(), test[0].N) S = trial[0].stencil_matrix() S.shape = (trial[0].dim(), trial[0].N) if measure != 1: from shenfun.jacobi.recursions import pmat, a from shenfun.utilities import split assert sp.sympify(measure).is_polynomial() A = sp.S(0) for dv in split(measure, expand=True): sc = dv['coeff'] msi = dv['x'] qi = Ax = pmat(a, qi, alpha, beta, test[0].N, test[0].N, gn) A = A + sc*Ax.diags('csr') A = K.diags('csr') * A.T * B.diags('csr') * S.diags('csr').T else: A = K.diags('csr') * B.diags('csr') * S.diags('csr').T K.shape = (test[0].N, test[0].N) S.shape = (trial[0].N, trial[0].N) if test[1]+trial[1] == 0 and test[0].family() == trial[0].family(): keysK = np.sort(np.array(list(K.keys()))) keysS = np.sort(np.array(list(S.keys()))) lb = -keysK[0]+keysS[-1]+q ub = keysK[-1]-keysS[0]+q d = extract_diagonal_matrix(A, lowerband=lb, upperband=ub) else: # compute the sparsity pattern Ac = A.tocsc() ub = Ac.getrow(0).indices ub2 = Ac.getrow(1).indices if len(ub) == 0 and len(ub2) == 0: ub = 0 else: ub = trial[0].dim() if len(ub) == 0 else ub.max() ub2 = trial[0].dim() if len(ub2) == 0 else ub2.max()-1 ub = max(ub, ub2) lb = Ac.getcol(0).indices lb2 = Ac.getcol(1).indices if len(lb) == 0 and len(lb2) == 0: lb = 0 else: lb = test[0].dim() if len(lb) == 0 else lb.max() lb2 = test[0].dim() if len(lb2) == 0 else lb2.max()-1 lb = max(lb, lb2) d = extract_diagonal_matrix(A, lowerband=lb, upperband=ub) d = d._storage return d def assemble_phi(test, trial, measure=1): assert test[0].short_name() in ('P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4') if trial[0].is_boundary_basis: return _assemble_phi_bc(test, trial, measure) return _assemble_phi(test, trial, measure) def _assemble_phi(test, trial, measure=1): from shenfun.jacobi.recursions import Lmat from shenfun.utilities import split assert test[0].quad != 'GL' alpha = test[0].alpha beta = test[0].beta gn = test[0].gn q = k = (test[0].N-test[0].dim())//2 l = k-trial[1] assert l >= 0 D = sp.S(0) for dv in split(measure, expand=True): sc = dv['coeff'] msi = dv['x'] assert sp.sympify(msi).is_polynomial() qi = Ax = Lmat(k, qi, l, test[0].dim(), trial[0].N, alpha, beta, gn) D = D + sc*Ax if trial[0].is_orthogonal: d = extract_diagonal_matrix(D, lowerband=q-k+l, upperband=q+k+l) else: K = trial[0].stencil_matrix() K.shape = (trial[0].dim(), trial[0].N) keys = np.sort(np.array(list(K.keys()))) lb, ub = -keys[0], keys[-1] d = extract_diagonal_matrix(D*K.diags('csr').T, lowerband=q-k+l+ub, upperband=q+k+l+lb) K.shape = (trial[0].N, trial[0].N) d = d._storage return d def _assemble_phi_bc(test, trial, measure=1): assert trial[0].short_name() == 'BG' from shenfun.jacobi.recursions import Lmat from shenfun.utilities import split alpha = test[0].alpha beta = test[0].beta gn = test[0].gn M = test[0].dim() N = trial[0].dim_ortho q = k = (test[0].N-test[0].dim())//2 l = k-trial[1] assert l >= 0 D = sp.S(0) if k <= N: for dv in split(measure, expand=True): sc = dv['coeff'] msi = dv['x'] assert sp.sympify(msi).is_polynomial() qi = Ax = Lmat(k, qi, l, M, N, alpha, beta, gn) D = D + sc*Ax if D is sp.S.Zero: d = {0: 1} else: K = trial[0].stencil_matrix() d = extract_diagonal_matrix(D*extract_diagonal_matrix(K).diags('csr').T, lowerband=N+q, upperband=N) d = d._storage return d
[docs] def assemble_sympy(test, trial, measure=1, implicit=True, assemble='exact'): """Return sympy representation of mass matrix Parameters ---------- test : :class:`.TestFunction` or 2-tuple of :class:`.SpectralBase`, int If 2-tuple, then the integer represents the number of derivatives, which should be zero for this function trial : Like test but representing trial function measure : Number or Sympy function Function of coordinate implicit : bool, optional Whether to use unevaluated Sympy functions instead of the actual values of the diagonals. assemble : str, optional - 'exact' - 'quadrature' Example ------- >>> from shenfun import assemble_sympy, TrialFunction, TestFunction >>> N = 8 >>> D = FunctionSpace(N, 'C', bc=(0, 0)) >>> v = TestFunction(D) >>> u = TrialFunction(D) >>> assemble_sympy(v, u) (KroneckerDelta(i, j) - KroneckerDelta(i, j + 2))*h(i) - (KroneckerDelta(j, i + 2) - KroneckerDelta(i + 2, j + 2))*h(i + 2) Note that when implicit is True, then h(i) represents the l2-norm, or the L2-norm (if exact) of the orthogonal basis. >>> D = FunctionSpace(N, 'C', bc={'left': {'N': 0}, 'right': {'N': 0}}) >>> u = TrialFunction(D) >>> v = TestFunction(D) >>> assemble_sympy(v, u, implicit=True) (KroneckerDelta(i, j) + KroneckerDelta(i, j + 2)*s2(j))*h(i) + (KroneckerDelta(j, i + 2) + KroneckerDelta(i + 2, j + 2)*s2(j))*h(i + 2)*k2(i) >>> assemble_sympy(v, u, implicit=False) -i**2*(-j**2*KroneckerDelta(i + 2, j + 2)/(j + 2)**2 + KroneckerDelta(j, i + 2))*h(i + 2)/(i + 2)**2 + (-j**2*KroneckerDelta(i, j + 2)/(j + 2)**2 + KroneckerDelta(i, j))*h(i) Here the implicit version uses 'k' for the diagonals of the test function, and 's' for the trial function. The number represents the location of the diagonal, so 's2' is the second upper diagonal of the stencil matrix of the trial function. You can get the diagonals like this: >>> import sympy as sp >>> i, j = sp.symbols('i,j', integer=True) >>> M = assemble_sympy(v, u, implicit=False) >>> M.subs(j, i) # main diagonal pi*i**4/(2*(i + 2)**4) + pi/2 >>> M.subs(j, i+2) # second upper diagonal -pi*i**2/(2*(i + 2)**2) >>> M.subs(j, i-2) # second lower diagonal -pi*(i - 2)**2/(2*i**2) i is the row number, so the last one starts for i=2. """ if isinstance(test, tuple) and isinstance(trial, tuple): assert len(test) == 2 and len(trial) == 2 assert test[1]+trial[1] == 0, 'Only implemented for mass matrix, because need B to be diagonal.' test = test[0] trial = trial[0] else: from shenfun.forms import TestFunction, TrialFunction assert isinstance(test, TestFunction) and isinstance(trial, TrialFunction) test = test.function_space() trial = trial.function_space() alpha = test.alpha beta = test.beta gn = Tv = test.get_orthogonal(domain=(-1, 1)) i, j, k, l, m = sp.symbols('i,j,k,l,m', integer=True) K = test.sympy_stencil(i, k, implicit='k' if implicit is True else False) q = if measure != 1: from shenfun.jacobi.recursions import a, matpow from shenfun.utilities import split assert sp.sympify(measure).is_polynomial() A = sp.S(0) for dv in split(measure, expand=True): sc = dv['coeff'] msi = dv['x'] qi = A = A + sc*matpow(a, qi, alpha, beta, l, k, gn) if assemble == 'exact': B = Tv.sympy_L2_norm_sq(l)*sp.KroneckerDelta(l, m) else: B = Tv.sympy_l2_norm_sq(l)*sp.KroneckerDelta(l, m) S = trial[0].sympy_stencil(j, m, implicit='s' if implicit is True else False) A = K * A * B * S M = sp.S(0) nd = test.N-test.dim() for kk in range(-nd, nd+1): M1 = A.subs(k, i + kk) for ll in range(-q, q+1): M2 = M1.subs(l, i + kk + ll) for mm in range(-nd, nd+1): M3 = M2.subs(m, i + kk + ll + mm) M += M3 else: if assemble == 'exact': B = Tv.sympy_L2_norm_sq(k)*sp.KroneckerDelta(k, l) else: B = Tv.sympy_l2_norm_sq(k)*sp.KroneckerDelta(k, l) S = trial.sympy_stencil(j, l, implicit='s' if implicit is True else False) A = K * B * S M = sp.S(0) nd = test[0].N-test[0].dim() for kk in range(-nd, nd+1): M1 = A.subs(k, i + kk) for ll in range(-nd, nd+1): M2 = M1.subs(l, i + kk + ll) M += M2 return M
def sympy2SparseMatrix(sympymat, shape): i, j = sp.symbols('i,j', integer=True) d = {} M, N = shape numzerorow = 0 for k in range(N): val = sp.simplify(sympymat.subs(j, i+k)) if val == 0: numzerorow += 1 if numzerorow >=2: break continue d[k] = np.array([val.subs(i, l) for l in np.arange(min(M, N-k))]).astype(float) if k > 0: d[-k] = d[k].copy() numzerorow = 0 return SparseMatrix(d, shape)
[docs] class SpectralMatDict(dict): """Dictionary for inner product matrices Matrices are looked up with keys that are one of:: ((test, k), (trial, l)) ((test, k), (trial, l), measure) where test and trial are classes subclassed from SpectralBase and k and l are integers >= 0 that determines how many times the test or trial functions should be differentiated. The measure is optional. """ def __missing__(self, key): measure = 1 if len(key) == 2 else key[2] c = functools.partial(SpectralMatrix, measure=measure) self[key] = c return c def __getitem__(self, key): if len(key) == 3: matrix = functools.partial(dict.__getitem__(self, key), measure=key[2]) else: matrix = dict.__getitem__(self, key) return matrix