Installation ============ Shenfun has a few dependencies * `mpi4py`_ * `FFTW`_ * `mpi4py-fft`_ * `cython`_ * `numpy`_ * `sympy`_ * `scipy`_ * `h5py`_ * `pyyaml`_ that are mostly straight-forward to install, or already installed in most Python environments. The first two are usually most troublesome. Basically, for `mpi4py`_ you need to have a working MPI installation, whereas `FFTW`_ is available on most high performance computer systems. If you are using `conda`_, then all you need to install a fully functional shenfun, with all the above dependencies, is :: conda install -c conda-forge shenfun You probably want to install into a fresh environment, though, which can be achieved with :: conda create --name shenfun -c conda-forge shenfun conda activate shenfun Note that this gives you shenfun with default settings. This means that you will probably get the openmpi backend. To make sure that shenfun is is installed with mpich instead do :: conda create --name shenfun -c conda-forge shenfun mpich If you do not use `conda`_, then you need to make sure that MPI and FFTW are installed by some other means. You can then install any version of shenfun hosted on `pypi`_ using `pip`_ :: pip install shenfun whereas the following will install the latest version from github :: pip install git+ Note that a common approach is to install ``shenfun`` from ``conda-forge`` to get all the dependencies, and then build a local version by (after cloning or forking to a local folder) running from the top directory :: pip install . or :: python build_ext -i This is required to build all the Cython dependencies locally. Configuration ------------- Shenfun comes with a few configuration options that can be found in the ` `_ file. If you want to make your own modifications to this configuration, there are two options. Either create a file `shenfun.yaml` in the local directory where you run your shenfun solver, or put a `shenfun.yaml` file in the home directory `~/.shenfun/shenfun.yaml`. If a configuration file in found in either of these to locations, the settings there will overload the original. The local configuration file will be the last to be read. To generate a baseline configuration file you can run the `dumpconfig` function :: from shenfun.config import dumpconfig dumpconfig() This will place a configuration file by default here: `~/.shenfun/shenfun.yaml`, that you can then choose to modify. If you want a local file instead, then run `dumpconfig(path='.')`. The yaml file looks and works like a dictionary. At the time of writing the configuration looks like :: bases: jacobi: mode: numpy basisvectors: normal fftw: dct: planner_effort: FFTW_MEASURE threads: 1 dlt: planner_effort: FFTW_MEASURE threads: 1 dst: planner_effort: FFTW_MEASURE threads: 1 fft: planner_effort: FFTW_MEASURE threads: 1 ifft: planner_effort: FFTW_MEASURE threads: 1 irfft: planner_effort: FFTW_MEASURE threads: 1 rfft: planner_effort: FFTW_MEASURE threads: 1 matrix: block: assemble: csc permc_spec: COLAMD use_scipy: true sparse: diags: csc matvec: csr permc_spec: COLAMD solve: csc optimization: mode: cython verbose: false transforms: kind: chebyshev: fast chebyshevu: fast fourier: fast hermite: vandermonde jacobi: recursive laguerre: vandermonde legendre: recursive ultraspherical: recursive The `basisvectors` can be used to choose `covariant` instead of `normal` basis vectors. The matrix options decide which scipy sparse format to use for the sparse computations that make use of them. The `optimization` can be either `cython`_ or `numba`_, which is used to speed up some routines. The `fftw` setting allows to tweak the planning or the use of threads for FFTs. The `bases` configuration for jacobi can set `mode` to `mpmath` to enable the use of mpmath for some routines instead of numpy. Additional dependencies ----------------------- For storing and retrieving data you need either `HDF5`_ or `netCDF4`_, compiled with support for MPI (see :ref:`Postprocessing`). Both `HDF5`_ and `netCDF4`_ are already available with parallel support on `conda-forge`_, and, if they were not installed at the same time as shenfun, they can be installed as :: conda install -c conda-forge h5py=*=mpi* netcdf4=*=mpi* Note that parallel HDF5 and NetCDF4 often are available as modules on supercomputers. Otherwise, see the respective packages for how to install with support for MPI. Some of the plots in the Demos are created using the matplotlib_ library. Matplotlib is not a required dependency, but it may be easily installed from conda using :: conda install matplotlib Test installation ----------------- After installing (from source) it may be a good idea to run all the tests located in the `tests `_ folder. The tests are run with `pytest `_ from the main directory of the source code :: python -m pytest tests/ However, note that for conda you need to install pytest into the correct environment as well. A common mistake is to run a version of pytest that has already been installed in a different conda environment, perhaps using a different Python version. The tests are run automatically on every commit to github, see .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. _github: .. _mpi4py-fft: .. _mpi4py: .. _cython: .. _spectralDNS channel: .. _conda: .. _conda-forge: .. _FFTW: .. _pip: .. _HDF5: .. _netCDF4: .. _h5py: .. _matplotlib: .. _mpich: .. _openmpi: .. _numpy: .. _numba: .. _sympy: .. _scipy: .. _conda-build: .. _pypi: .. _pyyaml: